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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. When it does that, yes, you have to type it in from the beginning, even though it would be backwards. So the first part would be 48464
  2. This one I haven't heard.
  3. Modifications updated/re-added. Skin imports in progress. DO NOT use any of the old skins. I have removed them from the drop down, and reset all users to the default IPB skin for now.
  4. Yep! It sure never hurts to check anyway though. I'd rather we were told, checked and found nothing; than not told and there was plagiarism of someone else's work not removed from the site.
  5. After some research, one of the staff members found where this is the same user.
  6. Just about done running the rebuilds. Necessary after major upgrade. Next is updating/re-adding hooks and mods, and final will be cosmetics.

  7. Hi there Hex, As this particular author has written under many pen names, I'm going to see what else I can find out. It's likely that the old profile is, in fact hers as well. However, if it's NOT her profile, you can be sure that we will take care of this accordingly.
  8. As you can all see, the upgrade is complete. What I'm going to do now is update all the mods and whatnot. So, until they are, expect them to not work quite right, or at all.
  9. We are back in the upgrade queue. If you prefer your profile picture to your avatar, you need to change your avatar. Profile pictures are the same as the avatars in this new version.
  10. That's exactly why I suggested Open Office and Libre Office as alternatives. Works is end of life and not supported by Microsoft, hasn't been for some time. OO and LO are open source software, work very well, are FREE and import just about everything, as well as being able to be added to ANY RTE on any site, with no difficulties.
  11. This is the one feature in the archive which is truly anonymous. I have no way of tracking who does what with it, other than to note when someone gets ratebombed. It does happen, unfortunately.
  12. The author was underage at time of sign up and posting. Because of that, anything this author posted before 5/27/08 had to go, as he/she was not 18 before that date. The story you're referencing was deleted from this archive last part of June this year.
  13. If you remember, for the LONGEST time, there was the issue of spambombers in the review boards. So, at that point it was always told to people to prevent that, you have to disallow anon reviews. When recaptcha was added to the archive, this became a non-issue, for the most part, because the spambombers HAVE to enter the text for each and every review left. As it changes with each review to be left, these spam scripts can't quite manage it, LOL. If I remember right, disallowing anon reviews is the default setting, so when you add the story, you have to check the box saying it will be allowed.
  14. here ya go... space oddity (archive) and forum
  15. Not really. However, some people feel they don't have to abide by anything like the TOS or guidelines, and etc. No big deal, and it will be handled.
  16. An archive profile, is a profile in the main part of the site where the stories are. So what is your exact purpose for joining the forum? To post requests? To respond to things? That's what I'm after.
  17. That would be because you have no archive profile. Without one, you have to contact us, following the instructions in the registration page, saying exactly WHY you want a forum membership without an archive profile.
  18. Considering you're saying it was gone on the day you posted, chances are great you posted to the wrong subdomain. Those are deleted on sight.
  19. from sainmoth14 (in the bleach archive) Without seeing the "hate speech" reviews, I'm loathe to say whether or not they're simply harsh concrit, or truly a flame. Often, what some consider a nasty gram is simply a blunt and rather harsh concrit. Let's face it, if a writer ASKS for concrit, they're not always going to get glowing reviews. That is, after all, the goal of constructive criticism, to point out where things can be improved. Aside from that, if you read in the post above, there is a new thing, the Reviewers' Association. I suggest you get in touch with one of those members to help give other writers a boost!
  20. Prompt: kings Please remember the rules as posted here. Have fun!
  21. The first two I'm fairly certain were written by Agni. She announced a couple years ago that she was pulling them all to rewrite.
  22. for placement sake (since I move stuff from misc categories once sort is completed in a subdomain), which world is this taking place in? Jackie Chan Adventures, or Inspector Gadget?
  23. Yes, that is against ToS. Specifically, because they're adding teaser/previews. It constitutes unauthorized advertising. Thanks for informing us.
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