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  1. Alrighty then…

    I watched Episode 5 of the Rings of Power.  

    There is so much wrong in this episode I don’t even know where to start!

    1.  Mithril is not a melted Silmaril.  The Silmarilli cannot be destroyed.  
    2. Galadriel is wearing the sigil for the House of Feanor.  She is not of that house.  She is of the House of Finarfin.
    3. Tar-Miriel never went to Middle Earth.  In fact, when Ar-Pharazon goes to Middle Earth, by this time, he has forced Tar-Miriel into marriage and usurped the throne of Numenor.  She is supposed to be Queen Regnant, not Queen Regent.

    I could go on further, but this episode has me even more furious at how they have destroyed the legendarium.

    1. InvidiaRed


      Elrond stealing the table is the best part.

    2. WillowDarkling


      I’ll admit, I haven’t yet read the Silmarillion, but how the fuck can you fuck up a legendarium with such abundant source material?!! Like, Tolkien quite literally left us the equivalent of a guidebook… 

    3. InvidiaRed


      @WillowDarklingSheer Unbridled Hubris.

      Hollywood writers seem to think they can be Tolkien but fail. It’s a a bad fanfiction based on something they don’t even have the rights to but think they can anyway.

      They’ll say things that come off fantasy-ish to a normal viewer but to the rest of us the character seems a bit stunted? Episode 5 pretty much cements galadriel knows she’s evil like a rabid dog chasing a car. And despite that the Harfoots are worse than orcs. Which makes it seem like Sauron is the one protecting the demonic critters personally.

      @DemonGoddesshit the nail on the head. Durin and company are unironically the best part of the show.  The sole flickering light of it even.

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