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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. Mmmmm delicious giant poultry.. Tasty. ^^
  2. Acrobatic Little Leaguers Instigate Toxic Exotic Random Animal Trading Incorporations Over Nigeria PIE
  3. I have, it's a real head trip, you can see the ocean gradually turn darker below you, in parts it looks like staring into space. I have never been in a play.
  4. * deflects th mouse with a trash can lid * * retaliates with said trash can lid *
  5. Happy friggin Birthday!
  6. 19 today. Congratulations!
  7. Best birthday wishes on your 23rd.
  8. ^ proved < wrong < is deeply sorry V forgives < for his mistake
  9. Bad Interns Teaching Cows How Swamps Love Action Pictures ONOMATOPOEIA
  10. Ow my nose! * pokes with a ketchup bottle *
  11. Have a great 23 year anniversary of your birth.
  12. Ow. My Spleen! * pokes with a fire poker *
  13. * catches it in his mouth * Yum! * chucks an apple *
  14. American Flag Looks Amazingly Cool MUSTARD
  15. ^ should watch out for that table behind her < can hold his alcohol quite well V isn't quite as fortunate
  16. Neither have I. I have never.. lost a fight.
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