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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. No Worries. ^^ Walter Kronkite
  2. More or less, America sucks on it's immigration policy and the general snotty attitude held towards the concept. We all came from the same place, whether you believe in the Bible and it was Israel or Evolutionary theory and we evolved from apes in Africa, we are all the same. Race, religion, color, language are just ways in which we distinguish ourselves and express our individuality, for pride, not superiority. Let people live where they want to live: The economy will be fine. If we can't speak thier language, so what? There are 300 MILLION Americans, find someone who does. If one of them "Took your job!".. get a new one. America for Americans.. All men are created equal.
  3. My thoughts are simple. No person has any right to determine the fate of any other person unless terminally ill and incapable of the mental activity necessary to stimulate bodily functions needed for survival. i.e. breathing, heartbeat, etc. To my knowledge, this is only possible in someone in a persistent vegetative state, usually due to an an aneursym or other brain hemorrhaging. Given this state, I bilieve the decision comes down to the next of kin, no doctors. The scenario I describe does not occur often enough to raise a federal case over. Oh and one last thing. Never should there be an age limit at which people are put down to save them from suffering. Any day we get on this earth is a blessing and should be treated as such and spent with the ones we love; because whether it's a doctor who pulls your plug or some gangbanger who pulls his trigger, life ends. Enjoy yours and let others live without fear of another thing cutting theirs short.
  4. (have to have first letter of first name in following post be same as the first letter in the last name of this post.) Ex. Franklin Delano Roosevelt then Ryan Seacrest then Stephen King That being said. Henry Ford.
  5. Not Guilty! G/NG Have had dirty thoughts about a family member. (oh yes! He went there!)
  6. Shirotaka

    Five words

    made her feel sick. So..
  7. Because God is crying. Can Jesus microwave a burrito so hot he himself cannot eat it?
  8. Pocket
  9. Happy Birthday! Welcome to your mid-twenties. ^^
  10. 9416
  11. Glass
  12. Calendar
  13. I am glad Thanksgiving will be the year's first sub 70* day.
  14. Ben Affleck
  15. Not Guilty! G/NG Born in the USA
  16. Spasm
  17. Seriously.. you have been working like a dog just to keep peons like me happy and make sure we feel like our opinions matter. Not to mention all the new little tweaks to the forums to make them less of an eye sore. Good form. If you don't take this day to enjoy yourself I personally am going to ask you to do so again and again until it gets really annoying and you get off the computer just to get rid of me.. Happy B-Day DemonGoddess! Hope you have a good one!
  18. Well, this place is rapidly looking more and more respectable and questions are getting answered left and right by all the staff members. I didn't think things would look this good for a long long time after the more recent goings on of the last two months. I am in awe. Thank you.
  19. o.O Is it just me or is that like everything people have asked for in the last 2 weeks? ... Go Tech Team!
  20. 9414
  21. Sagittarius
  22. ^ hits her head on a counter as she laughs as is rendered unconscious.
  23. Just What I Needed - The Cars
  24. Shirotaka

    I Am...

    I am sick of cops in general.. Always trying to keep the working man down or something.. I am trying so hard to not scratch my athlete's foot forearm.
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