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Everything posted by Shirotaka

  1. I personally feel it is the greatest honor an author can get to have this kind of thing happen to them.. I wish I wrote well enoguh for people to beg for more.. Hell I wish I could do anything well enoguh for anyone to ask for more.. Sheesh even tolerate more.. ^^
  2. Comics are Aimless Babble anyways lol Kidding, they are a fine way to spend any day. ^^
  3. Keep it! Might even be fun to post the password randomly in a post or three see if people catch on. ^^
  4. Yeah, it's kinda funny thinking about all the work done to get in here to see the massive disappointment. ^^ Keep it locked!
  5. O: Ostraconophobia - Fear of shellfish
  6. 9426
  7. Because you are an animal too, duh! Why wouldn't I ask the fox?
  8. Shirotaka

    I Am...

    I am hoping SFC gets better soon. I am off to grab some food.
  9. ^ is sick but will get better.
  10. I am no longer allowed to stab myself in the hand with tools.
  11. Thanks! Saves me a trip! * pokes the next person with a roll of paper towels *
  12. ^ will get better soon. < is very sad for SFC. V will bring the right medicine.
  13. Ambulance.
  14. * takes it in the face * * hucks back a bottle of vinegar *
  15. Finnish Oranges Rot Under Much Green Atrophy Manifested Extra Slowly A D U L T F A N F I C T I O N
  16. Neither have I, but my frist showed it to me live in streaming video, so does that count? I have never been a woman.
  17. Shirotaka

    Bible Porn

    Ya know.. I never even thought about the possibility of Bible based pornography.. As a former Christian turned.. anything but Christian, I only say, be careful. Some Christians will chase you down and beat you with a chair for even cussing, this might get a hit put out on you. ^^ Or worse, get AFF in trouble. So let's keep Aff out of harm's way lol. I like it here. ^^ But as far as giving it a try, I admire the courage and wish you luck. ^^
  18. A review is a review, good or bad, you put your story up there to be seen and then people give their opinion. Unfortunately, we cannot predict or shape the way people react to our writing, this actually causes a lot of unneccessary agression and sometimes starts flame wars. I do understand the frustration of people just "being cowardly" and rating you low just because they don't like you, but whether we like it or not, there are children running around and being immature all over this site, some of which are over the age of 18. Someday, hopefully, people will become more mature as a whole, but for now we have to just take these things in stride and look to the majority of our feedback for the *real* opinions of our literature.
  19. The penis enlargement paraphanalia is everywhere, I have brand new email accounts getting 10-20 spams a day. all saying smething to the effect of "Wanna be huge? Take this pill. It's all natural! She'll love you for your huge schlong!" I mean, I can take a hint, but enough is enough. ^^ I won't even go into how often I run into them when surfing the web, doesn't even have to be an adult-oriented site.. I was on gamefaqs.com last night looking for help on how to beat Uuber Prinny Baal on Disgaea: Hour of Darkness and all of the sudden I am flashed with this huge ad that encompasses the whole screen advertising Cialis. I am starting to think these things will end up on sites like Toys'R'Us. Where does it end?
  20. M: Muriphobia - Fear of mice.
  21. 22 today. Congratulations! ^^
  22. K: Koniophobia : Fear of dust
  23. American holidays lead to American guts. I am sporting pants one size larger than last week and I'm sure by December 26th I will have gone up another couple.. ^^ I can't help it that turkey and egg nog are so damn delicious.. Oh and pumpkin pie. And Sweet Potatoes! I could eat those by the kilogram. Small and sweet is the way to go, even if you can't stand your relatives, sometimes they suprise you and everything is peaceful.
  24. I: Iatrophobia : Fear of doctors or going to the doctor's office.
  25. Next time.. Battle Royale! Actually probably not the best idea.. that kind of thing just makes me sad.. Sad people sink so low as to do things like that, and sad people like the gaurd enable them. Sometimes I just don't think there is any justice left in the justice system anymore. Mind games and bribery seem to have replaced rightness and integrity. So.. Sad.
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