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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Unfortunately, if you want the admin that does that sort of thing to move it then you'll likely have to wait a very long time, since she's VERY busy for a number of reasons at the moment. To be quite honest, it really would be better for you if you'd simply reupload it to the correct category and then delete it from the old one. And it is important that you delete it from the old category, since we don't allow the same story to be uploaded to several sections. So it's up to you if you're willing to wait a LONG time or just upload it again.
  2. 7545 And yes, this IS a monumental waste of time. It won't stop me doing it though.
  3. Looks like someone already zapped it... without leaving documentation on who did it... again.
  4. I think that's an excellent point that you use words that the CHARACTERS would use, and you're totally right in that some people would use words like "manhood" while others might use "shlong" or "slug", etc. In fact, I know for a fact that people do in real life. Because that's what stories are meant to be trying to sound like: real life. I think writers are always going to get criticisms for words that writers use in their stories, no matter what is used. Some people criticise "cock" or "dick", some criticise "penis", some criticise "manhood", and on and on. It's utterly impossible to please everyone, so like the song says, "you can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself". Oh and apart from the line that Keith pointed out, I'm afraid the "tiny love button" line made me giggle. Just goes to show, you can't please everyone. Write for the audience you want to attract to your story.
  5. That email isn't registered with either this forum or the archive, so I doubt there's much we can do. I also tried some variations of the email username but still nothing. Disabling anonymous reviews is your best bet, as you've already done. Leave it there for now though, until another mod confirms what I've said or comes up with another idea.
  6. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am mildly disappointed to find that no one has asked me to show them how well built I am.
  7. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am guilty of having my bluff called. I am thinking you should prove the "well built" statement. I am thinking I'm not very good at sexual harassment.
  8. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am hoping you're a female so I can make some kind of sexually inappropriate remark regarding you being relatively well built. lol
  9. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am replying that starting out with a bad back + bending over = bad things.
  10. Seems to have been killed already.
  11. Seems to have been killed already.
  12. Seems to have been killed already.
  13. Seems to have been killed already.
  14. Seems to have been killed already.
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