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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Hallelujah on that! That's why we changed it, because we were all fed up with the "I'll hold my breath until I get my way" attitude when it came to writing and reviews. Anyway, that's my mini rant.
  2. Hiya, to give yourself a better chance at getting a beta, you probably should include what type of stories you write, as in slash, straight, rape, tentacles, small pieces of cheese, etc. This link here will give you a good idea what to include. Good luck.
  3. The link works okay for me. Try it again.
  4. Melrick

    Seto/Jou Story

    So in short, before you, Puppys_seahorse, or anyone else accuses AFF of the disgusting charge of condoning plagiarism, try getting your damn facts right, just for once.
  5. I've never promoted a story on here before so I thought I'd give it a go with this one-shot horror story. Title: Ripples Author: Melrick Rating: Mature; horror; no sex Summary: Erik confronts memories from his childhood. But is he prepared for the shocking memories that return? Feedback: But of course. URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600100884 Thanks! Melrick
  6. Okay, what you need to do is to send an email to this address: TOS_team@adult-fanfiction.org Make sure you give them any detail relevant to make it easy for them to find your profile and any other information. Too much information is better than not enough, I say.
  7. I'm looking into this one for you, as to the appropriate person to contact.
  8. The reason why nobody took what you said to be nothing more than satire is because satire invariably requires visual indicators to let the audience know that it is, in fact, satire. The written media, on the other hand, is not a visual media. It requires some skill for an author to effectively carry off satire. And, more often than not, the reader approaches the work knowing in advance that they're going to be reading satire. Another reason why most took you seriously is because many writers out there have that self-deprecating attitude, and most of us are fed up with it. If you, the author, thinks your own work is garbage then why on earth would we want to read it? If the author is a new-comer to story writing, and they genuinely want to learn the skills of writing, then there are other ways to approach it than by pointing out up-front and in your face how rubbish you are. And I'm saying "you" as in these authors in general, not a particular person. Anyway, let's not allow this topic to get hijacked by discussing the merits of satire and move quietly back to the pet peeves topic.
  9. Well if you keep removing it and they keep putting it back then I do see that as more troll like than not. Behaviour like that is generally done only to annoy, not to educate the author.
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