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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. A big hello and welcome to all the new people that have decided to join us! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. lol I agree with almost everything you said! Except for tentacles. It doesn't bother me, it just doesn't do anything for me. And I TOTALLY agree with you regarding Mpreg. Oh and scat. But everything is just fine and dandy with me. I'm quite happy with being a pervert, because I'm a harmless pervert, like yourself. I thoroughly enjoy exploring perversions in my mind, and sometimes in story format, and am only too happy for them to stay there. For me, the more taboo something it is, the more it appeals to me, probably because it IS taboo, and it's something I'd never want to do in real life.
  3. Also, a quick check of that email address showed profiles elsewhere which listed the person's age as 17, so firstly, they wouldn't be allowed to join officially anyway; and secondly, any sex advice from a 17 year old is likely to be of limited value!
  4. You wouldn't be sticking one in my computer! lol Those things are a terrific way of spreading viruses from one computer to another, since they enjoy hitching a ride on them.
  5. Or better yet, ban her from laying her hands on the tiller at all in the future. She obviously doesn't think before she acts.
  6. It could easily be the case where she sounds quite unpleasant in a short bio like that, but come across much better in a fully fleshed out story. You can really only tell so much with these little bio's - that's one reason why I don't really like them, because they can give wrong impressions. The only way anyone can really tell what the character is like is to read the finished product. Ultimately, the person you should be trying to please most is yourself, so if you're happy with it then you should go with it as is. But just keep in mind that a character with no redeeming features will appeal to no one, unless, perhaps, they're the villain. So if they're not a villain then you need to give the reader a reason to care about them. Good luck with it!
  7. My only real concern is that she comes across as a rather unpleasant person, one that I think I would find hard to have any real sympathy or empathy for, so you'd need to watch how that develops, I would think. Because if the reader has little empathy with the character then they're less likely to care what happens to her - and, consequently, with the story. But if you can pull it off then it should make for quite an interesting read.
  8. Does the person have a fairly unique sounding username or pen name? If it's not something really common, like "Horseshoe", then you could try doing a search on the name and see if the person has posted elsewhere, because maybe they might have included an email address there that isn't hidden.
  9. 7612 lol Thank you very much.
  10. I'm reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley for the first time. I'm only 50-odd pages into it, but already it's virtually nothing like any movie ever been made based on the book.
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