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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. If it's an anonymous review then there's little that can be done. If that happens, and continues to happen, then you can change the setting so that you don't allow anonymous reviews.
  2. Because it's NOT a simple little thing. There is one person only doing everything technical with the site, and she does that after working loooong, awkward hours, doing things with her family, living a life (sort of) and battling to not fall asleep. I know enough to know that the archive software is old and complicated, which makes it a nightmare to do much beyond simple things with it - and even then it's still time consuming - which means a new software needs to be written from the ground up (and no, existing software just doesn't cut it with the size and workload that would be required of it). And that would come down to that one person again. Most of what she's doing is behind the scenes stuff so people don't get to see it, but it would be really nice if she got an occasional thank you for expending SO much effort and energy for no reward whatsoever and almost constant abuse.
  3. Boy, you could give all kinds of interesting replies to that one. lol
  4. Firstly, I'll explain a "flame". Let's say I'm a juvenile arsehole with an attitude and too much time on my hands. I read your story (or pretend to) and the leave a review that says something like: "you'er storey SUX! my gmother could rite better than that and shes ded!" Note the poor spelling, as most of these morons border on illiterate. That's a flame, where they simply rip into you or your story with little reason other than to annoy and/or offend, usually trying to bait you into retaliating so they can start a massive argument (a flame war). There's no constructive criticim, simply abuse. We don't tolerate that. On the other hand, some people take any kind of criticism as a flame, no matter how nice and constructive they are about it. That's not a flame, simply constructive criticism. Now, where to report it. If you go to the archive, down the very bottom of each page is a link that says this: "Report Abuse or TOS-breakers on the Site." (TOS stands Terms Of Service, in case you weren't sure). That link lets you send an email, where you state the problem and provide links to your profile and where the problem is, such as the page where the abusive review is. The mods will then take care of it for you.
  5. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am wishing I hadn't got involved in a murder investigation.
  6. Speaking of abusive reviews, one thing everyone should keep in mind is if someone leaves you flame "reviews" for one of your stories on our archive then please report it, because they're not tolerated here and will be dealt with. Make sure you don't delete the flame first, though; leave it there for the mod's to see and archive.
  7. Oh alright, you talked me into it. Mind you, I've already got so many friends I can't count! Wait, yes I can. 4. Hmm... btw, you'll get a request from a handsome devil by the name of Shane. That's me.
  8. If it's a multi-chaptered story then I'll usually review at the end of each chapter. But if I'm not enjoying it too much then I'll usually not bother reviewing. Too many people out there don't like anything other than a hearty praise and a pat on the back.
  9. Man, I had no idea what you lot were talking about with "data keys". lol
  10. A person directly across the road from me was stabbed to death while I was home, I had to provide an official statement to the detectives and now I'm dreading the idea of having to go to court to testify. Other than that, not much.
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