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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. I think many people post stories for the soul purpose of getting pats on the back; they're just not interested in criticisms, because they take that as a personal attack rather than a critique of the story. Also, the really rubbish stories often, I think, get reviewed by the "author's" friends, who feel obligated to just say nice things to save trouble. If the story is that badly written, other people would likely quickly see how bad it is, cringe, and simply move onto another story. I leave negative reviews, but only if the author has made it very clear that they really do want a proper critique. Those sort of people are here to actually try and improve their writing, and therefore are happy when people point out mistakes their making. I always try to do it in a positive, encouraging way. Sadly, though, a great many people are only interested in hearing how great they are.
  2. You've already said some are reading it only for the expected sex, so you won't be able to push those people very far before they give up and stop reading. The ones that are there for the story will be happy to go along with it, assuming they're enjoying it. But if you've already done 14 chapters without full-on smut then I would think it's fair to say the people still reading would be there for the story. Although, if you have promised smutty goodness, and you keep failing to deliver, then that would undoubtedly annoy some people and cause them to stop reading. I guess it really all depends on just why people are reading your story. For me personally, teasing stops being fun and starts being frustrating and annoying when the promised pay-off never seems to arrive.
  3. Extortion? That sort of thing is usually described as "protection money". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protection_money See if that's what you're looking for.
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