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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Analysing characters from these short profiles really is fraught with difficulty, since you don't have the story around the characters, and that really makes a big difference. It can be very easy to get the wrong idea about the characters from these. What looks crap in a profile like this might work great in the story; alternatively, what looks great here could be rubbish in the story. It all comes down to how the author is able to tell the story and flesh out the character. And I'm also a believer of the story dictating the character to a large degree, rather than the other way around. That being said, the one problem I have with Samantha is her description: "She is startlingly attractive, yet not overly beautiful". That to me is a real contradiction. If she's startling attractive then she IS overly beautiful. Attractive and beautiful are essentially different ways to describe the same thing. If you're dead set on keeping that description then you'll really need to be extremely good with your explanation in the story for it to make sense. With Cameron... he's described as "overbearing and pushy" as well as "easy-going". To me, they clash somewhat. If he initially comes across as easy-going but then his overbearing personality makes itself known, then fair enough. But it sounds like he's still coming across as easy-going after the other characters have gotten to know him, yet also overbearing and pushy. So again, you'd really need to explain that extremely well in the story for it to work. Also, this: "While most people give in easily to his good looks and smooth speech..." I assume you primarily mean women? Because his good looks wouldn't make most straight men give in. You mention later that men initially hate his good looks, so I'm assuming that does refer to women. If you wanted men to give in then you'd need more than smooth speech; you'd need him to be charming on some level, otherwise his overbearing and pushy nature would quickly push guys away. As I said, it really depends on how you write these characters with a fully fleshed-out story around them. Good luck with it.
  2. 7601 I like nice round things as well.
  3. Well now that you put it into that context, I think the character should work fine. It really goes to show how a bare-bones character profile only tells a very small part of the character, and is probably rather unfair to him/her/it by doing that. So you should write the story with the character how you wish, and make adjustments as the story goes along, if needed.
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