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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I am no longer allowed to put off going to the bathroom until my bladder hurts (and I'm sure you didn't want to hear that).
  2. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Everyday Sunshine - (song - Fishbone)
  3. Tonight Tonight Tonight - Beat Crusaders
  4. A correct scale.
  5. 8666 (okay - I just got the shivers)
  6. Satiated
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am stating I never really had a Weasley aversion. I am wondering if I can have a decent dinner tonight that doesn't involve fried noodles or pinto beans.
  8. Absolutely. Daz?
  9. Because they wanted company. Why?
  10. Nulled
  11. Absolutely. I wonder if I would get more writing done?
  12. Hank Snow
  13. I haven't either - much to the chagrin of my high school class mates. I have never regretted graduating HS.
  14. ^ Is a bit forgetful. < Is thinking that a question would be great if < could think of one. V Has a burning question
  15. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Are you going to eat that entire triple layer cake? Only if I want to gain a hundred pounds.
  16. (I just) Died in Your Arms - Cutting Crew
  17. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd make sure I skewered a fawn at least daily. If I were a basilisk....
  18. I am no longer allowed to look at chocolate chip cookies and think "Mmmmm - dinner"
  19. I'm dropping the MSV for something more interesting.
  20. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Little Fury Bugs - (song - Death Cab for Cuties)
  21. All Eyes on Me - Goo Goo Dolls
  22. My children.
  23. 8664
  24. Purr
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