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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Not so much so - no. Trae?
  2. Because of the depleted ozone layer. Why?
  3. ^ is quite right < Loves the way caffeine makes < feel until it wears off or the withdrawals set in. V Has gone through caffeine withdrawals
  4. Squall Leonhart (I'm in a rut)
  5. Liberi Fatali - FF VIII OST
  6. Have a very wonderful birthday FotL!
  7. Just another reason for me to perform self-censorship on a daily basis. I'm a natural born citizen, but something tells me that looking at your family tree to find foreign blood ancestors isn't that far off the mark. I can see it now "You had an ancestor from (insert country here) back in 1764, you are now classified as a terrorist threat due to your foreign blood." Which is silly because almost everyone in the US has foreign blood somewhere in their back ground. Ah! The joys of living under a totalitarian government regime.
  8. The whole thing is getting out of hand. My Ginny-Ma always told me that by the year 2020 we'd all have our SSN's tattooed on out asses. She's not far from it is she?
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about to pull out moving crates and start packing. I am very thankful that I only have two rooms to move. I am now a member of LJ - and I'm hoping it wasn't a mistake. I am thinking that it won't be as long as I behave myself.
  10. I have - but at the moment The Great Battle is on the back burner. I have never completely given up on a story.
  11. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    So how did you end your constipation? 15 crates and a pile of sheets.
  12. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be sentimental and make you cry. If I were an empty moving crate....
  13. Dill
  14. Licking
  15. 8685
  16. Is the cost monetary or physical?
  17. Not at the moment. Daz?
  18. Because they believe that the more information you have the better your choices. Why?
  19. ^ Blushes very nicely < Thinks ^^ was talking about a drink AND something else. V Is looking for something to do
  20. Guilty - but only my own little world. I've been plotting to take that back forever. Now when I'm writing - ha! I already rule my worlds with an iron fist! G/NG - as more clothes in their closet than they can ever wear.
  21. Michael Weatherly
  22. Welcome aboard all new Formites!
  23. Who does? Oh wait - there was that guy in Little Shop of Horrors. I have never had a car accident that was my fault.
  24. Detainer
  25. Yellows
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