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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I don't know. Isn't that why I asked the question?
  2. I was watching Oprah (yeah I watch it) and today they had the debate about working moms vs. stay at home moms. I actually had to take a step back and a couple of deep breaths with some of the comments made (most of them made by men). One person said that women have no lot in this life but to raise kids and had no place in the work force. They were put on this earth for one reason and one reason only, to keep a family (husbands included). When I was married I was expected to keep the house, raise the kids, be there for my husband when he needed something, and bring in the majority of the money. It's harder than hell to work and be a mother, and it's just as hard to be a stay at home mom. My question for y'all (and I'm hoping for a debate not a fight here people) is this... which one would be your choice? I personally would love to stay at home with my two children, but that is an impossibility. The one thing that the show didn't touch upon was single moms. I'm very proud of the fact that I have two beautiful, well adjusted girls and I work a full time job. It's very hard when you don't have someone to take control and let you have just five minutes of alone time. It's harder I think when you have another adult in the household that refuses to help. So which one do you think would be best? If you had the choice (and guys I want your opinion too) which would you chose? One last little word - Please remember the TOS - no attacking anyone for their opinions or ideals. A debate is wonderful - as long as it's respectful to everyone.
  3. Guilty - I see them every time I look in the mirror. G/NG thinks that living in the country automatically means livestock and fields filled with crops.
  4. I never minded homework as I usually got it done without too much work. (And what's wrong with the country!? I'm moving this Friday and that's where I'll end up.) I have never liked close neighbors.
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about to start cooking once again. I am wondering why I'm allowed near kitchen knives. I am thinking it has something to do with the other adults being very lazy.
  6. I feel very lucky indeed. I have written just one HP fic, and so far *knocks on wood* she hasn't found me.
  7. I think this is a wonderful addition. Now I don't feel guilty about fixing a few mistakes I make every once in a while.
  8. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am off to work. I am stating that my Blood Sugar is now at a normal level. I am hoping to get off of work on time. I am wondering why my sister's MySpace can make me cry? I am coming to the realization that I miss her and my family in Germany and not just because she's the only one who can force me to go out and have fun.
  9. Did I hear my name being chanted? Daz?
  10. Seifer Almasy
  11. 8673
  12. Drama
  13. Family Time
  14. Please. Should I just bite the bullet and come up with a schedule for which story to write when?
  15. Congratulations! Now... only 9,500 (give or take) to catch up! No seriously - Wonderful job (it's a great feeling isn't it?)
  16. 8670
  17. Bash you over the head with said pot for suggesting they give up their pot o' gold. You can always___________
  18. Not Guilty - I prefer the fare south of the border - and that's what I cook when I get the chance. G/NG Thinks Taco Bell is the epitome of Mexican food.
  19. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am having to agree with Big Sam on his last comment. I am thinking that cooking while your blood sugar is sitting steady at 28 because the other adults in the house are getting ready for a night out is not the smartest thing I've ever done. I am trying to type without using my left index finger because I tried to put it in the beans and franks I'm making. I am glad it's not too bad of a cut. I am thinking I just need to eat something and pray my blood sugar goes up to about 85 or so.
  20. Sounds like the perfect birthday present to me.
  21. Hey Trae! That's like one of us girl's answering that question with "Because you've got a dick!"
  22. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Should I keep teasing the python with this dead mouse? mmmm - Chocolate.
  23. Open - Smokey Robinson
  24. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd tell every rattlesnake on my property to eat only mice leaving my children alone. If I were a blank piece of paper...
  25. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wondering why I have a very large dead tarantula and what amounts to a very hungry scorpion in my bathtub. I am also wondering if I should let the little shit have his last dinner before I kill him too.
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