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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Because someone drew it out. Why?
  2. Nimrod
  3. Not at all. Does an endless night give you more time for love making?
  4. David Bowie
  5. I haven't - unless you count a mock prostitution sting. I have never found it hard to talk with all those "thee's" and "thou's"
  6. ^ should at least try < tries often, but still falls short V Has an answer to this question.
  7. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Do you think it would be okay if I stripped down, covered myself in butter and streaked through the center of town? Only if you want to hug the porcine throne.
  8. It's Tricky - Bloodhound Gang
  9. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd make so many mistakes I would change the entire theme of the movie. If I were a celebrity...
  10. I am no longer allowed to put the Bleach soundtrack on repeat all day long.
  11. selling maps to the pot o' gold. Once there you can expect to find....
  12. I've gotten completely over my Snape obsession.
  13. Well - let's put it this way... If the whole shooting match has to come out (and I'm talking everything) then I'll see about hormones, but if I can talk them into leaving the ovaries I won't even bother. But it's still a wait and see thing on if I even have to go through with it. I would much rather not have to deal with a pill or a patch on a daily or weekly basis thank you very much. My memory can be a bit flighty as it is - I would hate to be reminded to take pill with the comment "Geeze! You're such a bitch! What's wrong, did you forget to take your happy pill this morning?"
  14. 8662
  15. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Ring My Bells - (Song Enrique Iglesias)
  16. Spiteful
  17. Perfect. Trae?
  18. Because it's easier to find. Why?
  19. Named
  20. As I was about 11 I slept, played with my friends and watched a lot of scary movies. Do you think that's why I'm as messed up as I am?
  21. Houki Boshi - Younha
  22. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that an early night would be a good thing. I am not looking forward to work tomorrow only because it means I have to get out of bed at an ungodly hour. I am saying that other than that - I'm very happy.
  23. 8660
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