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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Tooth
  2. 8702
  3. Hmph - I think I'll keep my Shinigami.... I suppose those would be ninja like - shame I can't change my vote.
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am saying I haven't had anyone change my title since the purple Hippo. I am thinking I need to change mine - I just don't know what to change it to. I am trying to write, but I'm not doing to well. I am thinking it has something to do with the fact that I always seem to hesitate while writing a het sex scene (I don't know why either as that's the only sex I've ever had).
  5. Edited
  6. not this time. Daz?
  7. Leonhart29


    I've gotten that one before - and I sent to every single man I knew... a few of them aren't talking to me anymore. I still love it though.
  8. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that I'll be making this an early night. I am happy because I'm IMing one of my best friends.
  9. I have - but not so drunk I was ill. I have never been so drunk I couldn't remember what I had done.
  10. Bake
  11. Delayed
  12. I Touch Myself - Devynils
  13. 8699
  14. 2 cookies no matter what size they are... unless they're huge - then about a quarter of it. Do you believe that I have excellent will power?
  15. Because they are more like humans than we thought. Why?
  16. I've been taking a queue from Redsliver lately. When I'm working on one of my Final Fantasy stories I've been listening to the OST from the game (all 4 *choke* disks of it), but if I'm working on my original piece I've been listening to Enigma. It fits really - and I mean really fits. I know that once I start writing full time on my Murphy stories I'll be listening to all kinds of things - from Fucking Death Metal (yeah - that's what it's called) to Vivaldi's The Four Seasons. It depends on the mood of the chapter I suppose.
  17. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am stating that I've added a lot of friends to my LJ account. I am off to find Big Sam. I am happy and at the same time at my moving adventure. I am wondering if I'll be moved in before the girls have to start school a week from now.
  18. Strangely - I haven't either. I have never failed to enjoy watching children play.
  19. Guilty - my one and only marriage was a continuous boxing match. G/NG - has been disappointed this week-end.
  20. 8695
  21. Killer in the Home - Adam Ant
  22. Demeaned
  23. Steak
  24. Sounds like you'll be getting fat off of snickerdoodles. Or would you just stockpile them for future use?
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