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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. 8682
  2. Stiff and sore - but I'm here. Daz?
  3. I don't know. Can you give me a hint?
  4. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Flesh & Blood Sacrifice - Song
  5. Gay - Stephen Lynch
  6. Because they feel that not sharing would be wrong. Why?
  7. ^ Is a fan of Margaritas < Is a fan of Tarantula Blue Margaritas (Yummy!) V Isn't into Margaritas
  8. You know - out of the two I prefer pirates as stated before - but above them all - I'll take a Death God ... erm .... Shinigami ... or however you spell it. (Can you tell I've been watching too much Bleach?)
  9. Marc Singer
  10. Drainer
  11. Blues
  12. 8680
  13. Yuppers! I'm right here! Trae?
  14. Preferably right up the middle. Oh wait! Were we still talking about questions?
  15. I have to say that I have someone in my family that thinks all of these myths are true, and quite a few more as well. Her favorite ones... Myth: All homosexual people are pedophiles. Truth: Just because you like the same sex does not mean you are more predisposed to this. If anything, there might be a few less - I don't know as I haven't really done a lot of research on it. Myth: All homosexuals are just "mixed" up and need someone to show them the right way to act. Truth: There is no right or wrong way to act or be when it comes to sexuality as long as your partner is of age and you're not hurting anyone. Myth: Homosexuality is a disease that can be cured. Truth: Give me a fucking break! Even if down the road we find out that it's a genetic disposition it's not a disease. It's how you feel, what you believe to be right, what you prefer, and above all how you are. There is no cure because there's nothing wrong with it. And my favorite one of all (which she throws at me all the time)- Myth: If you can write M/M or F/F relations then you must have dabbled in it at some point. Truth: Just because I've done my research, talk to people, and write about M/M or F/F doesn't mean I've dallied. I'm female - and I love cock. That's not to say I'm not curious about the opposite side of the coin, it just means that I haven't found anyone I found to be attractive to try it out with.
  16. I haven't either - it comes with being a mom. I have never had sex with someone of my sex.
  17. Squall Leonhart
  18. Dear
  19. Melody
  20. 8678
  21. I voted Pirates - but honestly? I prefer Spartans myself.
  22. Have a wonderful birthday!
  23. What if I ask pretty please with a cherry on top?
  24. How could I have been so neglectful! Thank you so much DA, Trae and Lang (welcome to the family btw).
  25. I've never had a stay at home mom or dad. I wouldn't know what to do with a parent that showed love in a touchy feely kinda way (and I don't mean sexual folks). I love my children, I care for them, I work 50-60 hours in a week every week, I tend to their wounds and prideful hurts, I make damn sure that they have clothes on their backs and food in their bellies even when I have to go without (which is more often than I care to admit). I spend as much time as I can with them making sure I know where they are, who they're hanging out with, and what they're up to. I also let them make any mistakes that won't bring physical harm to them. What I don't do is coddle them, hug them more than once or twice a day (well - when they were younger I did, but now that they're almost teenagers they don't need it as much), I kiss them good night, ask them how their day went, and if their homework was done. I say I would love to stay at home with them, but I know that I would eventually have to find a part time job or at least make "me" time. I'm not horrid, I'm not a bad mom, and I love kids... but here's my little problem. I hate - and I mean hate - being leaned on, strangled, hung on, touched constantly, and I can't stand someone in my lap that weighs more than say 25 pounds. I used to love it when they were little, having a little one on my hip or in my arms - now it makes me very uncomfortable. I can't remember the last time my own mother or father hugged me, kissed me, told me they were proud of me... I wanted to be so much different than that, and I think I've done it as I never let a day go by without telling my girls how much they mean to me - that they are the reason I'm still on this earth and not 6 feet under it. My children know I love them without the physical side of it. Even if a mom or dad is in the workforce there is a way of bonding with your kids and showing them how much they mean to you. You don't have to spend all the time in the world with them - just make sure that the time you do spend with them is quality time.
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