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Everything posted by DarkCabaret

  1. Garfield! What's better than a fat cat who likes lasagna????
  2. ^ Points Out When Someone Knows The Obvious
  3. The Snorks are AWESOME!!! I watch them on Boomerang! They play all the old school stuff.... Snorks, Smurfs, Hong Kong Phooey, Flintstones, Jetsons, all kinds of oldies!!
  4. I agree MAJOR brain fart! But it made me laugh watching her stutter over her own words.
  5. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing. I mean if you didn't think of someone else once in awhile (in my opinion) things would get boring. Just as long as you don't scream their name....you're good. I haven't but I know a couple people who do.
  6. My new avatar is Ayumi Hamsaki, I love her music and she's beautiful. Plus it describes me...alone lol
  7. So does that mean you want 1,987 spanks? LOL
  8. It's all good lol I kinda like it....
  9. I was born on a Sunday .... the very last day of August, so when people tell me there isn't 31 days in August I can disagree and be correct!! (And yes people have told me there are only 30 days in August)
  10. LOL I don't think so ... I only edited my post because right after I posted I noticed the darn thing had been changed.
  11. Boy am I glad people don't fuss with my title LMAO! EDIT: Nevermind I think someone did change it
  12. DarkCabaret


    I am right there with ya Leon! That guy is frackin HOT!!!!!!!!!!! And I don't usually like blonde's with muscles lol.
  13. Right now I am only reading fan fictions, I finished the HP series and now have no other books to read ... except maybe "Hot House: Life at Leavenworth Penitentiary" Since I am an LV resident its been interesting to read about the pen that is only blocks away from my house.
  14. I put Mayo on like everything!! Also for some reason I won't eat bananas unless it's in pudding. (Got drunk on 99 bananas and won't touch them now!!)
  15. I'm a summer baby!!! (August 31) I've got exactly one week till my birthday lol! I'm gonna be 21! Wo0t!
  16. Eve: That's what makes it funny lol
  17. PWNING The No0bs! - I found this on Albino Black Sheep and almost couldn't stop laughing. It's pretty funny (Other than the Llama song which I love!!!!)
  18. The Alltell has caught my attention. Their commercials are funny. I love the one with the hamster. "Ack she's eating my Adam's apple!!"
  19. LJ has officially disappointed me. I'm done with them lol. I filed one of their abuse reports, I made it as if I stumbled across the white supremacy community they have....link was gotten from HERE, and I made quite the report: The reply I got was less than what I expected... It's so great to see that LJ will allow racism. So, yeah I'm finished with them and will stick to MySpace.
  20. Yeah I often find myself checking your posts to see if you've updated. It's so cool you keep your signature up to date with the story. Oh and I found another favorite of mine, Lucius' Bookshelves.
  21. I definitely encourage fan fiction. I mean if someone is inspired enough by something I wrote then I'd have no problem and like everyone else as long as no money was being made from it. Everyone's got to start somewhere!
  22. My favs right now are not originals, except for my own poetry. I mostly HP stuff like Wicked Games, The Senior Project, and Mary-Sue Virus (Daz has me hooked dern it!)
  23. LOL Well nothings funnier then when my BOSS asked me about my day I off I told her I went to the park, smiled, and clocked in for my shift. She looked at me and said "Uh-huh someone's been tumbling round in the grass...." I know my face turned red, but my boss is cool so I'm not mad she said something like that to me.
  24. Ninjas have ............. turtles?
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