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Everything posted by DarkCabaret

  1. This made me laugh....I do know a couple of flamboyant gay men, but most gay people I know are 'normal' people and one of them I would never have guessed was gay! That was a real shock!! (I have no gay-dar so...) LOL. Myth: Bisexual women are more than likely full on lesbians. Fact: Okay this isn't true LOL. A friend of mine said this to me once and my only comment was "No, sorry it's not true." Most bi-sexual people enjoy both genders. There is no particular preference. They enjoy the best of both worlds
  2. Pirates!! Nothing is better than a scruffy mangy pirate Arrrrrrrgh!
  3. Who doesn't love the forum? This place is like an internet home lol
  4. My whole life both of my parents worked, and I was loved and taken care of. My sister was lucky to find a man who not only treats her good but loves her children! She loves working, she had surgery back in April and one day she called me and said "I love my children but get them the HELL away from me before I go insane!" I laughed and asked her what was wrong, she only reminded me that her time at work was time she had away from them, which is a good thing. Children don't need to be coddled. I mean attention and caring is perfect but not to the extent that you give up your life for them. As I look back I'm glad both of my parents worked, and didn't hover over me. I feel they made me a better person, then again that is only ME! I don't know how others feel so I can't comment on that. My parents loved me even though the both worked all the time. Also once I got to be about thirteen I was glad they worked because I hit the stage where I didn't want them home lol
  5. Happy Birthday!! (I've still got about two weeks) Hope it's a goooood one!
  6. LOL! I have to say this is a great thing. I know people who will edit two words and then it would bump. Besides if you wanted true whoredom why not just post all of your work on a signature here *points to siggy* SEE?! That's the way you get people to acknowledge your work! LOL
  7. I voted they *Work outside the home* there is NO reason (my sister being proof) that a mother can't work! My sister has two kids (13 and 5) her husband is the stay-at-home dad. I think it's sweet! She works a day shift so of course she's home in the evening with her boys. Women should be given a choice! I know when I decide to have kids ... I'll keep working! I'd get bored just sitting at home. It drives me nuts when I'm off my three days a week, and I don't have kids!
  8. LOL Well when you're sitting there staring at the view you don't really notice much and they just flew in my face! Don't make fun of me! LOL
  9. I remember when I hit 500!! Congrats Yo!
  10. Okay so my first attempt at doing some sort of fic on my obsession with Lucius, I think it's okay. A couple of people who got the sneak peek liked it so I'm hoping it goes over well. Link is in my signature.
  11. Haha StoryJunkie, it wasn't really a park. When we got there it was kind of a secluded area that had an amazing view of the city. We sat there for almost an hour saying nothing, just enjoying the view and the fact there was a breeze (it's been horribly hot here) and it was nice. So anyways, no problems! I'm so happy he didn't ditch me or anything. We talked for an hour about everything and it's all good Not to mention the MILE hike I had to take just to get to this place! I was so mad I couldn't just drive my car up the trail, freaking butterflies decided to scare me, so all in all it was fun.
  12. LOL I know for a fact he's not gay. I'm supposed to be meeting up with him at a park so I'll make sure to tell ya'll how it goes. Oh and maybe I'll do as Trae suggested and take a wiffleball bat with me!
  13. LOL as much as I looove that idea Trae, I finally talked it out with him and when I ask him the same damn thing he won't answer me, says we have to be face-to-face! I think he's trying to thwart my attempts at wooing him! Wow I made myself confused....anyways it's all worked out, as confused as I still am.
  14. Date: Billy Boyd ... he seems like the kind of guy you just date for some reason. Marry: Dominic Monaghan, he looks cuddly, and I'm a cuddler!! Dump: Elijah Wood -- I'm not into him ... he's freaky lookin. Guys: Jason Issacs Jason Lee Jason Briggs Girls: Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Lopez Jessica Alba
  15. Okay has anyone on here ever had a guy ask you why you're attracted to him? I keep telling this guy it's difficult to explain and he keeps asking .... any advice?
  16. Best thing for hot flashes and other menopause things Black Cohosh, can be bought at wal-mart but talk to your doc first in case your on any other meds. My mom takes it and it helps her.
  17. Eve: I have a fic that is clearly posted as one-shot and someone said "Can't wait to see what happens next" Forgot where it was posted lol but my only reply was "Well it's a one-shot fic. I don't really plan on adding more chapters to it, however a sequel is in the works"
  18. Oh. My. God. That. Is. Brilliant. EDIT:
  19. LOL At least pixel the crack ... no one wants to see that. Wish I was brave enough to tat my butt cheek it's big enough LMAO!
  20. LMAO!!!! That was my dad's favorite!!! It's mine also, "Do you smell barbecue?"
  21. Mad, did you notice her bunny that is hiding behind her leg? That's my favorite part .... not all bunnies were skull masks!!
  22. I think what you said is fine! I mean unless she's got fics posted then she has no right to try to force you to update. The only way I'd ever FORCE an update is if I got HUNDREDS of those. I finally couldn't handle all the fics I had so the majority was deleted. Some people just don't understand that writing takes time.
  23. I used to belong to DeadJournal mostly a bunch of emo's and posers.....
  24. Thank you madlodger! (Sucks a five year old is the only one I can trust) I seemed to have developed something new, I hate my kitchen, it's so dirty all the damn time! The idea of putting my hands into a sink of dirty dishes makes me cringe. I have a dishwasher but loading it requires splashing icky stuff. I am so anal about making everyone in my house rinse their dishes before they go in the sink and when my thirteen year old nephew doesn't do it...it's gross! I swear I yell at him every single time he's here! So I guess if maybe people would start rinsing their dishes before putting them in the sink, I wouldn't be so horrible about it!
  25. I'm just clinically depressed, and my doctor (knowing I'm a suicidal thinker) decided to take me off my meds so every four to five weeks I end up calling into work because I'm having an emotional day and feel like things are crushing down on me. I used to have slight dyscalculia, so my math skills were shot. I had a great teacher who actually helped me and I got over it. Even though I do still count with my fingers now and then .... To explain: Dyscalculia is of a number of different types, each involving a specific type of problem in solving mathematical tasks. It corresponds in mathematics performance to dyslexia in the area of reading. The majority of children and adults with dyscalculia have it in a pure form in which both the ability to read and the ability to understand what is read are unaffected, although about 20–30 % with dyscalculia have a mixed form of it characterized by having difficulties both with reading and with math Their often requiring a long time to carry out even simple arithmetic tasks. They count on their fingers until far into the upper grades. Difficulties of this sort are termed automatization difficulties. I try to think like Daz and that everyone is a lil bit crazy but sometimes it doesn't work.
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