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Everything posted by DarkCabaret

  1. My sig is mostly, shameless self promotions! I have three fics up right now and figured I'd put them on my siggy. Considered a picture but thought against it. THEN there is a spot that says more important stuff because well I will 21 in August and figured I'd announce it to the world!!
  2. Why do you keep covering yourself in cheese? Maybe you should take a bite out of it.
  3. I don't remember how I voted but right now I have a total of five fics. Two of them are un-published because well, they aren't done but the other three are posted and will soon be updated (except for my one-shot)! I have sooo many ideas for fics but never put them to use!
  4. I feel bad, took the time and did the test then LOST my id number!!!
  5. Gah I have: Base Game Nightlife University Pets Seasons Family Fun Stuff Open For Business Only three more to get and I'll have them all! LOL I'm such a nerd. I've even learned how to make sims of other people, and I've gotten pretty good at it!
  6. I am addicted to this game right now, I have all but three Expansion and Stuff packs. Does anyone else around here share my love of the sims?!
  7. LOL I would prefer not to know when people I talk to are "Rubbing one out"
  8. Ahoy, a happy father's day to all the daddies.
  9. Ew recyclable?! That's kinda icky!! (forgive me five year old words) Then again it would be interesting to have a recycle bin where people could throw used ones and they can be washed and sterilized and made into new ones! Wait how did I think of that off the top of my head? God I'm sick....lol
  10. Banged Up [dot] Com is my FAVORITE site! I love the Big Board, it has tons of funny stuff along with some gruesome things (dead bodies etc.) but it's generally made up of porn and celebrity jokes LOL
  11. Almost makes me happy to know that I won't get pregnant easily ... but then again I'm a safety person! I don't care what they say about condoms .... no glove no love!
  12. I should have known you would reply Red. Unfortunately I don't smoke chronic so that's out of the question! And I'm ignoring the other part of that ..... perv! LOL
  13. That is a good question, I mean I know if someone were to walk into an adult novelty shop and said "Well I'm emancipated" it wouldn't hold, the laws are in place for a reason! Then again when you go on yahoo.com or Google.com or whatever site allows a search you could EASILY go to an image search enter a FAKE birth date and get all the naught pictures you wanted. It's nearly impossible to keep every single under 18 year old person away from pornography whether it be photos or text.
  14. Have as anyone else besides me reached the point of ultimate boredom? I'm sitting here trying to watch Elizabethtown and I'm thinking to myself, I've reached ultimate boredom. I don't feel like writing or reading or anything, and I know if I decide to try to take a nap, I'll just sleep the day away. Anyone have a cure for ultimate boredom? Or is there no cure? Gah, I hate being bored!
  15. That fly is not clickable. Shame that.... EDIT: I figured it out! You have to go onto the UK version of the site ... aka click where it has England's flag and it will bring up the deal. Then click the eraser and then the fly, it turns into a key
  16. Hmm... don't know about all of you but my paddles are good old fashioned studded leather! Also who the hell wrote that?! I found numerous spelling errors, usually on site as 'professional' as that ... they at least run spell check! *thank god for my SP on Firefox!*
  17. I chose Nervous Breakdown! I'd die without being able to do both! I love reading but writing is awesome too..... just thinking about it gives me a headache!
  18. ...500+ posts and I still found time to work on one fic, get four chapters of it up AND start another one. Wow, it's been fun!
  19. Says someone with over 7,000 posts
  20. Hahahaha!!!! Big Sam that was funny!!! I loooooved that!! Lazy Town is another guilty obsession. It's sooo funny. Backyardigans .vs. Fergilicious! This is my favorite ....
  21. Ooo I don't know. It's going to take a lot of random posting lol. I only got this far thanks to the forum games! If it weren't for those, I'd never catch up to anyone
  22. Okay I'm 20 years old, almost 21 and I looooove the Backyardigans! I know it's odd for someone my age to love this kind of stuff but .... they are adorable to watch! I love their little songs too, like Scurvy Pirate - Pirate Treasure What do you do with a scurvy pirate? Raid their ship and then hot wire it. What do you with a scurvy pirate? Make them walk the plank!!! Arrr! Arrr! What do you do with a scurvy pirate? Load the cannon up and fire it. What do you do with a scurvy pirate? Make them walk the plank!!! We’ll raid their scurvy pirate ship and make them walk the plank. Grab up all their treasure . . . And put it in the bank!!! What to do with a scurvy pirate? Load the cannon up and fire it. What do you do with a scurvy pirate? Make them walk the plank!!! Isn't that just soooo cute?!
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