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Everything posted by Deadman

  1. So, I’ve been working on a story involving two characters falling in love, although one of the characters appears to be gaslighting the main character. There’s a series of events where the main character and their love interest agree on something, but then the love interest breaks the promise to the main character. It’s two female characters. I’m working on the first love scene between them and I’m trying to figure out how to show something is wrong during the love scene. Something the love interest can do, not necessarily to make them stop in the middle or not go through with it. However, something that will make the main character think about in hindsight.
  2. Funny enough, I did just notice this history just now as I checked again on my profile:
  3. I tried that when I initially reported the issue. I disabled all my adblockers and it still didn’t seem to help. I even tried another browser and I still don’t see that option available.
  4. I disable cookies by default and my browsing history and cache are deleted every time I close my browser. So I have doubts that this is the problem. I also don’t stay logged in, like I don’t allow my browser to save my passwords and usernames and stuff, for anything. Unless there are somehow cookies that get stored which I’m not aware of.
  5. Yeah, I don’t see anything like that on my profile.
  6. So, I just wanted to mention that I still don’t seem to have this feature available to me. Not a serious concern for me obviously, I can live without it, no rush. But just FYI.
  7. Red Moon Chapter 2 of the story is up. Summary: Buffy decides that after her experience with Spike and Harmony, she might want to explore things further. So when Willow is home alone and depressed, she invites Spike over for a little fun
  8. Red Moon Chapter 2 of the story is up. Summary: Buffy decides that after her experience with Spike and Harmony, she might want to explore things further. So when Willow is home alone and depressed, she invites Spike over for a little fun.
  9. Yeah, I wasn’t necessarily saying you shouldn’t. Just putting forward my view of the issue. For me, I write a lot in the Buffy fandom. It wouldn’t make sense to have the main character be a male character. I wasn’t necessarily thinking of the gender bending as a plot point where a character was one gender and become another as part of the story. Mainly introducing a character from canon as a different gender.
  10. I would say so personally. I mean, most characters are the gender they are for a reason. Particularly if the character has appeared on screen, like most of mine have. So I prefer to create an OC rather than gender bend a character. Or I just shift the sexuality of the character. More than a few of the female characters I write about have intense relationships with other women. Though most of them aren’t explicitly lesbians. So occasionally I just give them a broader sexuality, usually bisexual.
  11. Okay, I guess the thing is that there’s a supernatural situation and the character is motionless for a while, then something magical happened, and they get up. I can see people thinking that would be interpreted as dying, but that’s not how I wrote it. Maybe I should rewrite it so it’s more clear?
  12. Okay, new but related question on this same topic. Since asking about this, I wrote the ending to a completely different story. However, after finishing it, I realized that someone could take it to mean a character had died. Although that’s not the intention, I could see someone taking it that way. Curious if I should put a tag on that?
  13. New chapter is up featuring Willow titled “Covenant”. https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092228&chapter=14 Only 2 chapters left after this.
  14. Covenant Chapter 14 is up Summary: Willow is doing her best to recover from her magic addiction and all the terrible things she did in Sunnydale because of it. She is encouraged to join the rest of the Devon Coven in a particularly difficult test of her control of her magic. Things escalate from there.
  15. I totally get that sentiment. As a general rule, I’m not a fan of Spike as a character. If you notice from Scooby Gang Time, he only appears once in the Anya chapter and it’s not even him. It’s a projection of him. He’s mentioned once another time in another chapter. He’s also not mentioned in Waking Up at Dawn. Technically, I wouldn’t have gotten Scooby Gang Time done beyond the first 3 chapters if not for Spiked though. I had mostly abandoned Scooby Gang Time as a collection of one shots until this story kinda bugged me until I couldn’t let it go. So as I was writing Spiked, it got me wanting to finish Scooby Gang Time. They were kinda written parallel to each other. Scooby Gang Time isn’t finished though. There are 3 more chapters and then I go into another fandom other than Buffy.
  16. I wouldn’t say that the character is central to the story. But they are a main character in the fandom. The character only appears in one chapter out of six but they are technically the ex of another character who appears in the story and is mentioned in other chapters. The ex isn’t a major character either, they also just appear in one chapter but are mentioned other chapters. The character died in canon and so in a chapter after their appearance, it’s mentioned that they died. I don’t think that readers aware of the fandom would be surprised by it.
  17. Just curious about the major character death tag. I have a story in which a character death happens in between two chapters. It’s mentioned but it’s not necessarily part of the story. The character does appear in a chapter of the story. Basically, between the two chapters is about a year of canon in which the character died. Should I be putting the tag on my story?
  18. This is the review topic for my story Spiked. Just to give you a summary: https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092235
  19. Author: Deadman Title: Spiked Summary: After Spike receives an unexpected visitor instead of Buffy who he was waiting for, they make a fun suggestion for when Buffy does get there. Spike takes them up on it, which then leads to a series of sexy situations between Spike, Buffy and a number of Buffy's friends. Buffy/Spike/Harmony, Buffy/Spike/Willow, Buffy/Spike/Amy, Buffy/Spike/Anya, Buffy/Spike/Tara, Buffy/Spike/Dawn Feedback: Happy to have feedback or suggestions. Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pairing: Threesomes/Moresomes Warnings: 3Plus AFFO Angst Bi BP CR Ds FF HC HJ Humil Inc MF Oral PWP Spank WIP Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered story URL: https://buffy.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092235
  20. Well see, this is literally where the basics is though, the whole non-sex versus sex stuff. The original story that it’s based on is a love story with a mystery element. Basically, the main characters start to have feelings for each other and then a stalker starts trying to force them to confront their feelings. At one point they have to pretend to be a couple in public as a way to keep the stalker at bay. So the only thing that actually gets written is maybe some making out. There’s one scene where the main characters decide after revealing the true identity of the stalker decide to finally give in to their feelings. But literally what happens is that one invites the other into their bedroom, the door shuts and then the next chapter is the morning after. Whereas the sex version has no stalker because the stalker hasn’t been introduced to the story by the time it diverges. Essentially, they’re up on this weekend away and decide, “You know what? Let’s have sex and include our boyfriends in the fun.” That’s basically the whole story. But as I mentioned previously, that weekend away happens in chapter 4 of the above story I just outlined. I don’t think the sex story makes sense without the first 3 chapters.
  21. Yes, that was a typo. I intended to say “non-sex” which is how AFF tends to categories things. If you’re writing a more traditional narrative story where the point isn’t necessarily the sex, it goes under “non-sex”. So my intent there is for it to be that I would have 20-30 pages of non-sex plot before getting to the sex stuff.
  22. I appreciate it for sure. For details, most of my stuff here involve at least 5-15 pages of story before the sex actually happens in the story. However, for this story it would probably by 20-30 pages and either will have sex around page 25. Or I could just have 20-30 pages of non story, then chapter 2 will be the sex stuff.
  23. I get that. The original story was very mystery oriented. Two female characters realize that they’re starting to have feelings for each other. The clean version does “fade to black” in the one sex scene that exists. Around chapter 3 or 4, they go away for the weekend with their boyfriends. The more sexual version has the four of them getting it on during their weekend away in various ways. Usually my stories on AFF are about 20-30 pages long per chapter. Whereas the first couple chapters of the clean on is 10 pages or so, if not less. So combining them together would put it in line with what I usually put on AFF.
  24. Well that’s interesting. I guess I have a different definition of what plot is. But that’s just me.
  25. Okay, that’s good to know. I’ve seen so many stories on the site where sex happens very quickly.
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