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Everything posted by Jwsponky
Aye, though while Hiccup won't kill her, not that the elves would know that, especially if they believe Florian's tales, Hiccup might corrupt her though, not sure… Any suggestions for the fifth light sorceress?
That is a fair point Idea about the light crystal, what if instead of merely being similar to the Tower Heart, it was supposed to be a counter to said artifact, the power source of an anti Overlord that exploded during the making of it, creating the Blasted Wastes? Then what if after reassembling the crystal (Light Heart, with the Tower Heart possibly being referred to as the Dark Heart?) and feeding it the energy from Fay's shrines, Hiccup has to drain five light sorceresses, point blank refusing to follow the Black Baron's example of 'human' sacrifice, Fay, Rapunzel, Snow, Aurora, and... I'm blanking on a fifth... leading to Fay's subordinates to assume Hiccup is trying to kill Fay, leading to the chase around the Sanctuary as they try and 'rescue' her?
That is a possibility, but I take it you were unenthused with the passing thought of lord/king Milori being lady/queen Milori?
That would work Changing topics completely, but I've been struck by an idea concerning the 'Whatif Maleficent and Clarion were twins?' idea… In the films queen Clarion had a love interest named lord Milori, who despite his title was essentially king of the winter fairies the same as Clarion was queen of the warm fairies, but what if in my story Milori was a female, and the third in a set of triplet queens, Clarion queen of the warm fairies, Milori queen of the winter fairies, and Maleficent queen of the dark fairies, who either faded away when Maleficent was banished, went into hiding, or possibly left with her? If you happen to have a suggestion for a name for female Milori I'd hear it, its just Milori honestly sounds like a girl's name to me...
That would work, though should Hiccup recover the light crystal, what should he do with it? Keep it as a trophy? Put it next to the Tower Heart so it can drain the crystal's magic? ... I'm blanking on a third option... I suppose he could just destroy it but that seems rather wasteful...
Hmm, I suppose that could work, though I had intended for this scene to be after Hiccup had already ran Fay out of Nordberg and Everlight Jungle, after Florian had told Hiccup that his harassing of Nordbergian hunters was under Fay's orders, with her preferring the hunters' families potentially starve than any of the 'fluffy animals' be harmed. If Hiccup gives his version of how the feud started, Florian would have likely claimed Hiccup attacked unprovoked in his report, I can't see Day being happy...
That would work… Though now I'm struck by the idea of Hiccup genuinely not being aware of any artifacts or Fay's sanctuary being present in the Wastes, merely going there because he found records of Empire troops being deployed there regularly, and thanking Fay for the lead, leaving Fay stunned/confused before offering the truce
Fair points and suggestions, though on the topic of Fay a thought has occurred to me… Given that in my story the Tower Heart does not end up exploding and causing a cataclysm, due to a combination of Hiccup being a mere year or two instead of the over fifteen year gap in the games and the fact that Hiccup left his mistresses the means to defend the domain, and as such the Blasted Wastes where Fay decides to make her final stand was the result of an older magical accident, likely unrelated to the Overlords, what artifact could Fay assume Hiccup is seeking?
Those are possibilities, though I had been referring to light and dark less in the 'good and evil' sense, than the 'elemental' sense… Though now I'm struck by the idea of Snow being corrupted, similar to Fay in the second game, with all that light being turned to dark making her slightly unstable...
It could be another of those 'being raised as a bastion of evil leaves one with poor people skills' things with Hiccup innocently remarking that Gothel is the first mother he's met that actually looks old enough to have give birth to the teen girl she claims as her daughter. I admit the possibility of the Tower Heart gaining capabilities had not occurred to me, but the again the games never really explained its capabilities to much beyond it essentially being a super battery… Proceed with the idea, though a thought has occurred to me... If Snow White was filled with so much light magic, what if close proximity to her caused those who wield dark magic, such as Hiccup, physical pain? Unless they managed to find someone with even more dark magic in them than Snow has light, then the effect would likely be reversed...
That is a fair point as well, though maybe one of the side effects of the Tower Heart is to restore those who're exposed to it to their prime, taking the place of Rapunzel's hair for Gothel? On the topic of Leah, I am undecided, the idea if including her was just a passing thought and depends on how much of either version of Maleficent I use for the story's version of said character
Fair points, though I think the queen does appear in the final scenes of 'Sleeping Beauty' though I think she gets a grand total of one line in the whole film, fearfully asking if Maleficent was offended by not being invited, which at the time the film was set was a fair grievous insult, implying Maleficent wasn't worth the effort of inviting, and in 'Sleeping Beauty' if I recall correctly the Good Fairies were the ones to put the entire kingdom under a sleeping spell, so they'd be there when Aurora woke up, granted said detail was omitted fro 'Maleficent' That would be a fair gag, and possibly a reason for Hiccup to be attracted to women old enough to be his mother, he doesn't realise their that age at first
Four generations is a fair suggestion You make a good point about the one-sided love not being particularly deep… Though now I'm struck by the idea 'What if the rest of Aurora's kingdom was under the three good fairies' sleep spell, and when they awaken, princess Aurora, if she had met Philip before the curse took effect, and Queen Leah, who from what I recall of the original film started the trend of Disney queens being able to pass as the princesses' elder sister, are understandably upset that their prince and king are long dead, due in part to Maleficent's actions, leading Maleficent to, part sarcastically part genuinely, offer Hiccup as a replacement for 'the dashing prince and noble king'... Anna's conversation with Toothless is rather amusing, and you make a good point about Hiccup playing the part of hero more than he lets on or wishes to acknowledge
Fair point on Stefan's lack of character in the first movie, and I've been struck by an idea based on a passing remark you made aways back about Maleficent sending Aurora good dreams with Hiccup being her handsome 'prince'… What if said dreams were enough to make Aurora love Hiccup, poking a bit of fun at the line 'we met once upon a dream' from the original, so when Hiccup finds Aurora's sleeping form, Maleficent tells him to kiss her, much to his confusion but he ultimately trusts his adopted mother, and the one-sided love managed to break the spell? I'd probably have Maleficent mention that if that didn't work 'a fairy godmother's' love was her plan B. The first one is amusing, and I've been struck by a possibly funny scene involving the Arendelle arc, what if before he went off in search of the run away elder princess, Hiccup realized that by 'rushing off to save the missing fair maiden' he was technically the hero of this tale, a fact that makes him slightly ill until one of the other characters, probably Anna, reminds him that its his faulty the 'fair maiden' needs saving in the first place, which he genuinely thanks them for? The idea of Ursula always changing the tale about her past is rather amusing A thought has occurred to me though, approximately how long should it be between the reigns of the original Overlord, the Black Baron who made the Tower Heart and original Minions, and Hiccup?
Sorry it took me a bit to reply, the site decided to let me see that you said something, but not reply… I understand your suggestion, though in the movie I am unsure if Maleficent's regret was willing, or if she was hit by the 'she shall be beloved by all she meets' clause of her curse, I'm also unsure how they made the leap of logic to turn king Stefan from heart broken father who had to send his daughter away for 16 years for her own safety to power mad tyrant... I am aware that the thunderbird is a separate entity from the mythology of several Native American tribes, though I think there are some African tribes that have tales of a similar beast called a lightningbird, I was merely using it as shorthand for a bird with lightning powers That would be a fair running gag, possibly with Hiccup genuinely lamenting the fact that people don't fear him, having been raised to believe fear and respect are more or less synonymous The idea of Ursula teaching Hiccup how to design enchanted weapons has merit as well as trying to instill in Hiccup an appreciation of dramatic entrances
That would work, and I've been struck by the idea of Electra receiving the power of Zeus, upgrading her ‘furies’ into ‘thunderbirds’, though given what I remember of the show she was rather anti authority, which would mean she probably wouldn’t want to be an Overlord’s mistress given that the position of Overlord is about as authority as it gets... I admit I’m undecided about the idea of Valka being an elfess… woelf… what if the term for a elf woman anyway?.. it was mainly a passing thought to make Hiccup a half elf, with the quills potentially being explained away as an unforeseen effect of crossing the two species Also, since you recommended ‘Maleficent’ to me, which I watched yesterday and have to say was solidly ‘meh’, not great but not horribly either, I shall invoke ‘turn about is fair play’ and recommend a movie to you, the film ‘Strange Magic’, mainly because it has the character that partly gave me the idea for Hiccup to grow quills, the Bog King, since he has a similar personality that I'm trying for with Overlord Hiccup, plays up being evil to justify his actions, in the Bog King’s case the banning of love potions, a dangerous mind altering substance, and imprisoning the one person who can make them, and will for nearly anyone regardless of their intent, but is actually a just ruler and fairly nice guy, as well as incidentally being king of the goblins.
Fair enough about the blue/purple skin, but any thought about the idea of the elves in general having pale blue blood?
Hmm.. Hiccup not knowing was not an angle I had considered, given that I had assumed the vaguely bluish hides that most of the elves of the Overlord franchise exhibit crossed with the vaguely pinkish tone of human hide would produce a child with a faint purple tint to their skin… And now I'm struck by the idle thought ‘what if the blood of the elves in the Overlord franchise was blue?’ Granted now that I think about it the idea of Valka being an elf would interfere with my vague plan for her to have been a member of the Berserker tribe, possibly sister to Oswald the Agreeable, married to Stoick as part of the peace treaty...
That is a possibility I had not considered… if I did include the idea of the quills I had intended for it to just be a side effect of being Overlord, hmm... Been struck by a rather random thought, What if in this story Valka was an elf, making Hiccup a human/elf hybrid?
That is a possibility I had not considered… Another thought has occurred to me about the idea of ‘What if Hiccup grew quills on his shoulders that move with his mood like a dog’s ears as a nod to the spikes the Overlord can grow in the first game?’… What if in addition to the quills on his shoulders, he grew quills on his head, either in addition to or slowly replacing his hair, at first glance bearing some resemblance to the frill of a Nadder or Skrill?
Fair enough, fair enough… Been struck by another idea for the larger ‘what if Hiccup managed to give himself wings’ idea… What if instead of the ‘normal’ bird wings that Maleficent had, the feathers of Hiccup’s wings were harder/stiffer, think the wings of the Stymphalian birds of Greek mythology minus the ability to fling their feathers like throwing knives, allowing his wings to block or deflect arrows or sword blows? Probably wouldn’t manage to stop an axe or spear, be it stabbing or throwing variety though...
These are possibilities, I admit the main reason I thought about adding Paris and Esmeralda to the story was as a nod to the fact that in real life the Vikings attacked Paris in 845, and did enough damage that in later years all Vikings had to do was show up and the Parisians would give them loot to go away rather than try and fight them. As for ‘conquer the innocent’, my plan had been for the Empire to have conquered Paris, then Hiccup takes it from them, I apologize if I seem to use that plan a lot, but the Glorious Empire are the main enemy of the second game, and based on the real world Roman Empire that stretched over most of Europe… I admit I hadn’t considered the possibility of including Louis the alligator... I also admit I had not considered the possibility of Mirage having a hand in Agrabah being a city of nagas, I had been planning to just have them exist, kind of like how the various merfolk just exist… On an unrelated note, I have seen the trailer for HTTYD 3, and while most of me is excited, if a tad irked they released it more than half a year ahead of the premiere, a small part of me wants to put off writing this story until I know the events of the aforementioned film so I can try and include them, causing the rest of me to rather annoyed at the possibility of writer’s block on this project, since I made it my active project to try and get over writer’s block on a previous project!.. Which incidentally was/is basically a HTTYD story that would be a whole slew of ‘what if’s’ rolled into one...
Have at my ally
These are true, night
That would be amusing, though is the lack of poison merely a planning error, or did he not want to risk killing his mothers?