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Everything posted by Jwsponky

  1. That I do know what is.
  2. Okay, though now I must ask, what is this 'Lets play' you speak of?
  3. Okay... I take it that means they can't be played on a computer then?
  4. Okay then... Just for the sake of curiosity, is this a series of computers games, or do they need one of those PlayStation gameboy Xbox contraptions?
  5. I admit that was an idea I hadn't really considered... Hmm...
  6. I admit I first heard of the Overlord series by accidentally coming across the challenge that gave me the story idea we're discussing... I admit now, I don't recall what I had been trying to find at the time, but 'M' rated fancition challenges weren't it...
  7. At the risk of sounding uneducated... What is a 'Zelda'?..
  8. This is another possibility, though I admit that with the exception of the Netherghul, who the 'bound sorceresses' summoned to be Hiccup's bodyguards and commanders to his general, I had intended for the mistresses to over see the territiores Hiccup had already conquered rather than engaging in combat, since there'd be little point in conquering new lands if the old ones are going to pit while your back's turned. Also it would serve as a reasoning for why so many of the mistresses are royalty, when Hiccup took an area from the Glorious Empire, he just reinstated the system of government that the Empire had replaced, with the local Empire official keeping the old leaders, or at least the female ones, as 'trophies'.
  9. I admit I didn't notice the link at first, and I'm not sure what to say about it beyond I am unsure what manner of creature is depicted, beyond its hide has the same pattern as an orca...
  10. This is a possibility
  11. You make a good point, though I admit my plan had been for Hiccup's army to only include the Minions and Mounts, since while Hiccup wouldn't exactly consider them expandable, they are resurrectable as of the second game, so with a sufficient stockpile of life force they would be effectively immortal. He'd also have a dragon air force, but as the Vikings could attest those reptiles are difficult to kill when they don't have armor, which Hiccup would provide.
  12. This is also true. Though now I'm stuck by the idea of Maleficent being exiled from Pixie Hollow for actual evil deeds, leading Zarina to kind of panic when first meeting her...
  13. I admit I'm reserving the final say on what goes in the story since I'm the one doing the actual writing, but given that I started this thread to hear out suggestions, asking for said suggestions seem a reasonable plan.
  14. This is true, even in the Overlord series fairies were only about the size of halflings... Though if I did go with Maleficent being a fairy that would mean they'd be human sized... This merits further consideration...
  15. I had planned a connection between the elves and orcs, but something for along the lines of a common ancestor, like for example with coyotes and wolves. One species, the elves in this case, being more agile, and the other having the advantage in brute strength, the orcs.
  16. Well, one of the original Netherghul in Fellowship of Evil was a male dwarf named Hakon, who in addition to planning to rewrite as a female named Haka, I had though about making an orc, since a dwarf mistress could be somewhat awkward given they are roughly child sized...
  17. On an unrelated note, since in our direct message conversation you suggested making Maleficent a fairy like she was in the movies, a fact of which I was unaware, instead of an orc, as well as removing the idea of orcs from the story all together, what race would you suggest changing Haka the Netherghul to?
  18. Huh... Call me old fashioned, but by the sound of it I think I'd prefer the 'Sleeping Beauty' version where she's evil for the fun of it...
  19. I was not aware that Maleficent had her own movie... When did this happened ?
  20. You make some good suggestions, and coincidentally I had toyed with the idea of giving Aurora 'Poison Ivy' style powers over the vines as an unintended side effect of Maleficent's eternal sleep spell and 'forest of thorn vines' spell being in effect for the undetermined amount of time since Maleficent was sacrificed (see twist #3) to the 'present', likely with the eternal sleep spell having an 'eternal youth while the spell is in effect' clause. But I admit I'm unsure if I'll include Aurora in the story at all since from what I recall of watching 'Sleeping Beauty years ago Aurora didn't have much of a personality and was more of a prop than an actual character... I had also toyed with the idea of adding the character Mirage that you mentioned as a mistress as well, but given that she is essentially a goddess, I couldn't think of any benefit for her… Also just for the sake of saying, the 'enhanced' females would be closer to She-Hulk than Jessica Rabbit, not necessarily growing 'body builder' muscles, but definitely toning what was already there.
  21. Hmm... Never played Kingdom Hearts, just don't possess the correct device. Your mention of Mirage reminds me though that at one point I had considered adding her as one of Hiccup's mistresses, but couldn't think of any benefit in it for her given that she is essentially a goddess… Also, I have created a discussion thread for my story, which booblover was kind enough to provide a link for a few posts above since I didn't know how to, so feel free to comment or suggest ideas there. I cannot promise I will use them, but I'll gladly hear ye out
  22. While I think I can grasp your intended meaning, what is this 'drive form' you speak of?
  23. 1. The idea of flying Minions had been one I had considered, but my plan had been for the dragons to form Hiccup's air force. 2. I admit that swapping Narissa for Ursula had been an idea I had not considered, since at the time I can up with the 'bound sorceresses' idea, I had still been debating her's and Ariel's in the story. 3. I'm not sure where you got the idea I was making the dragons 'bimbos', like any naturally occurring race there would have been both males and females, and a varied level of intelligence depending on the individual. 4. I did not know Maleficent was supposed to be a fairy. I thought her species was left to speculation, and I just picked orc because 'sickly green' is not a hue typically associated with human hide. 5. If I get rid of all the races in LOTR I would have to get rid of the entirety of the events of the first game, since it included three kingdoms of men, a kingdom of elves, a kingdom of dwarves, and a kingdom of halflings, which were hobbits by a copyright friendly name. 6.That had been one of my plans that I had forgotten to mention… 7. The idea of making them female had little to do with 'sexy', and more just taking the society of social insects to the extreme, as mentioned in the original post, with the in story explanation of the original Overlord operating under the belief 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' 8. Um... Not much to say on this one beyond agree to disagree I guess. 9. ... How can war hammers have gods when they are merely weapons developed in response to the increased structural integrity of plate armor?..
  24. I apologize Mr. Willow if I misread something that said discussion threads were only for preexisting stories. Mine is still mainly in the planning stages, but I by no means wish to break the rules, so I shall abandon this thread immediately.
  25. Just for the sake of saying, I have started a discussion thread for my Hiccup the Overlord story. I would leave a link, but I know not how to do that...
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