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Everything posted by Wilde_Guess

  1. Hi, BronxWench. I would politely suggest updating any and all FAQs that include or need screen-shots. Since the new system only vaguely resembles the old one, the old system screen shots are confusing at best. Thanks.
  2. Hi, @manta2g. https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108829&chapter=33 https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108829&chapter=34 The above chapters are in different font type and size. Chapter 33 was uploaded pre-software-change. It got a “slight” edit online, including adding a word or two. Those words match their neighbors. Chapter 34 was uploaded tonight. If I replace an older chapter, will it look like it does now (beyond changes I put in,) or will it look like Chapter 34? Thanks in advance.
  3. Chapter 34 is uploaded and available.
  4. Hello, Archive Tech Support. The new editing system allows the user to change attributes of a section of text, such as adding or removing italics, boldface, etc. It does not appear to allow the end user to change the font type or size. Is there a way to do this? Or, does the user need to delete all the text from the text editor and paste the text in in the “desired” font? And, what is the “prefered” font for posting here, anyway? Thanks in advance.
  5. 41557 [Raccoon, KY]
  6. 41553 [Phelps KY and some surrounding smaller towns]
  7. 41549 [Myra, KY]
  8. 41536 [Jamboree, KY]
  9. 41532
  10. 41526, ‘cause why the hell not?
  11. 41457 [41517]
  12. 41455 [41515]
  13. Not all is doom and gloom. My validation and password reset email came in a few minutes ago. The validation link already had “password” stripped out, and worked on the first try. Likewise, the password reset link, which I used after the validation link, also worked on the first attempt. Thanks.
  14. 41453 [41513]
  15. 41511
  16. Of course, @Dagian. Your teenagers are real, and thus vulnerable to loss-of privileges, loss of income, or other coercion if they don’t toe the line. Mine are imaginary fictional characters, riding their plot-jackelopes with lances and skewering me at every turn, or so it seems. Cheers!
  17. 41509
  18. Hello, Desiderius Price, and all. That’s the beauty of being “back-benchers” and pseudo-pornographers—we can fix that! I decided not to post an example here. Once the “unlock kerfuffle” has ended far enough, I might post a one-shot on why Hugo Weasley was born in February of 1994 with black hair and green eyes, and why James Arthur Potter was born at the same time with blue eyes to go with his mum’s red hair. Cheers!
  19. 41506
  20. Hi, Daglan and all. Of course, and I apologize if you thought I was implying anything undesired about your attitude, which has honestly been nicer than mine! _I_ am being impatient! But, since I’ve been on the other side of the console more than a time or two, I’m not expressing that impatience. Frankly, if the paid tech support at [fill in the blanks of your tech service provider of choice] were as attentive or as good as the tech support we receive here for free, we’d have an extra ten percent or so more GDP. Really. And even relatively “small” sites like this one aren’t even close to being small. AFF has more “significant named users” than I had of users grand total when I ran a BBS in the 1990s. We’ll get there, Daglan. Hopefully, before my teen-age band stuffs even more songs down my throat for a wedding reception. Cheers!
  21. 41504
  22. Hi, Guest-MudbloodMalfoy and all. Not a admin or moderator here, but I might be able to help. If your account reports a successful validation, but the password reset link in the email has expired, have you tried generating a password reset link yourself? If your account actually validated, you should be able to reset your password. Thanks, and good luck.
  23. Hi, @Dagian and all. Look at manta2g’s post above, quoting a processing rate of ten accounts per minute, or six hundred per hour. Remember that there are multiple thousands of user accounts on the system. Watch carefully, but patiently. Thanks.
  24. 41498, [I meant 41502]
  25. Hello, Guests and all. @manta2g and @BronxWench are now tagged, just in case they didn’t otherwise see this. Since you only posted as guests, you’ll have to watch this space carefully for any suggestions they might have. Thanks, and good luck.
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