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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. i want to wrap up ME:A this weekend, but I will try to bust this chapter out systematically. currently ¼ being done right now.
  2. working on the next chapter today, title: Political Service. A hint is Hinata makes an appearance, but I say no more!
  3. Dude he's not even a factor yet n I doubt it'd happen. This isn't Taken maybe
  4. Now those r hot little ideas, mm I like
  5. And Teacher’s Pet is out! http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106089&chapter=6
  6. nah, that’s a bit too slave trade for this. i meant sexual wise.
  7. srry my man. Now Naruko is still in her academy years, slowly she’s building up her business. Now I would like to hear some suggestions for what you think the girls that work for her can do in the bckground. im sure someone’s got a few interesting ideas XD
  8. it is all done, just being proof read n will be posted later tonite.
  9. alright, so not finishing tonite. But I did get a gd chunk done, so just need to fix up the final scene n do a proof read. tmrw for sure. gd nite everybody.
  10. i’m on the last sex scene, just trying to make it right. Got a lot of detail to put into it though. so hopefully later tonight. if I’m not playing ME Andromeda.
  11. Hm, idk, never really thought about it to be honest. It’s mostly about her, not collecting girls. that’s just a side thing for her.
  12. Either later tonight or tmrw.
  13. during the week, i’m working on it today, but i got a lot of stuff coming up for when school starts up again next week. maybe thursday when im more free.
  14. Not really, can't think up another idea at the moment
  15. half way done with the next chapter guys!
  16. i think her in that outfit would be sexy.
  17. Because you could use this for young tsunade. http://deviantart.com/art/Teen-Tsunade-The-Old-Outfit-299785632
  18. is this a young tsunade or old tsunade?
  19. about two more chapters or a bit in the next one.
  20. ur welcome~!
  21. no no, i’m talking backhand dealings w the daimyo n danzo. no guard duty, just sex slaves in the making.
  22. maybe have prisoners of war too, u could always sell them off.
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