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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. just started college for this semester but i am currently almost done w part 1 of the chapter.
  2. i’ll keep it in mind. Anything else to throw out? Not a lot of hashing out on this forum right now. Most of the chapter up until the wave arc, which has a handful of ideas in it already, but i love planning in the long run.
  3. as to i, a creampie Naruko is a soon to be screwed happily Naruko. thou I do have a means to this to come into play, but its a bit different. dont want to spoil anything.
  4. hm, idk if he is interested in sex… i mean, its interesting but i not c it going off.
  5. I could do a what if chapter maybe down the line
  6. I’m glad it was enjoyable at least and I do want to consider that Dog one. The others are on the way. i do have one w an ino focus thou...
  7. Chapter 8: A Political Service is now up! I hope for whatever feedback you can give me. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106089&chapter=8
  8. Honestly? 300 or fewer words left. I'm finishing it today. Now it’s just annoying Now lol
  9. It is, just been going through a mourning period. I am on the final part of the next chapter
  10. Not yet, but will gun to work on it Sunday. Now I just want to finish it the damn chapter
  11. again, the chapter will be delayed by a few days. I kno u all must hate me for it, but with a sudden death in the family I can honestly not put the effort to write smut. I hope you understand.
  12. plan to belt it out tmrw. got 2/3s of it done.
  13. thx! i wrote some of the chapter last night, so tonite i’ll aim to do some more. let’s just say it’ll be sexception~!
  14. Oh trust me, I got ideas for Kurama. But that’s a gd one to try! Great news, i just have my final tmrw n i can finally get back to writing for u guys. Man, trying to keep a 95% avg in a class can be trying.
  15. Not really, writing a term paper right now. Summer class is almost over thou
  16. maybe, depends on how deprived i turn them
  17. hm, idk about Hiashi, but I am considering Hanabi. the point of Hinata’s gimphood is to hide who she is. that’s the excitement she feels if she is ever found out. but I do like the daddy kink once in a while, just not sure i want to do it w hiashi.
  18. Yeah, sorry, just did my midterm yesterday n have to do a whole bunch of reading. I am aiming to try n write some stuff tmrw though after I do my HW. Summer classes, what can ya do? ha, like a water pounding enema? that sounds sexy alright.
  19. i’ll think up something, but not all girls need to fall under her rule. makes it more fun to corrupt later on~
  20. no preg stuff unless its a henge, i’m srry man. just not into it.
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