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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. nah. Orochimaru sounds best. that has been on my mind for so damn long. had trouble coming up w the how to be honest. i will do that. thx u.
  2. what about Natsu Hyuga? she’s hanabi’s care taker. it does sound hot, ut idk how to go about awakening her dark side. n idk if it would be male. maybe a futa if anything. a take over sounds pretty hot.
  3. i actually have that idea noted. somewhat a similar idea came to mind. she’s kinda dead already, it was how she got her claw into hinata wo much issue. of course, Naruko wont be happy w just one hyuuga as her Gimp. hm, that’s actually interesting. In what way? if anything, she’d purposely get captured just for the thrill then wipe them out.
  4. i will, but to be honest my inspiration has faltered lately. maybe im dragging out the academy years too long. I kno i have at least several more chapters b4 she even graduates.
  5. that is a plan of mine. After all, what an orgy or two w/o lil cum dumps to fill? The Scarlets XD jk, idk at the moment.
  6. the prob is, its about the number 1 slut, not the second rates XP plus that takes time. that’s a possibility.
  7. ikr? ugh, all the same stuff. hehe. if i ever get the time, but honest it would be summarized.
  8. Mm, that IS possible. Thou i have something bttr in mind. If I ever get there sadly.
  9. Very true, but i fear im just getting bored with the setting or something.
  10. Wow, this is a pretty hot idea. Hope to read about it soon.
  11. Okay, well, hopefully someone gives me some feedback on the last chapter bc I feel like I drew myself into a corner. It’s at a point where the fic can go into some seriously f’d up stuff.
  12. yesh, not a lot of feedback at all from the last chapter. Well, I’m starting the next one right now. can anyone tell me if the last one was jsut not good or something?
  13. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106089&chapter=9 Chapter 9, her pride and fall~! is now out. Enjoy! As for a better visual of her position at the end, here’s a link: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2485711
  14. At least they’d be durable! Lol
  15. And it is done. Just want my beta to take a gander at it folks.
  16. That is a rather good point. Maybe a one-off or like you said, a halloween special of some kind. hm, or it could be another story...damn, talk about a dark but sensual one. Gd news! I am literally almost done with the chapter. It should be out by tmrw. Just have to finish up a scene.
  17. true but I think to be able to bring back the beauties of the past? it’s a pretty tempting idea.
  18. Hm, a rather nasty idea just occurred to me. What if Naruko learned Edo Tensei?
  19. i’ve been business w class sadly. But! I am working on the next chapter. I’m actually on the last scene, so that’s gd news at least.
  20. Working on it today. Hopefully I'll be ready during this week
  21. Hot damn! Now that should one of her lil bees
  22. Whoa that first one is intense n idk on the second one
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