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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. Chapter 5, the Slutkage is out for your eyes to see! http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600106089&chapter=5
  2. anything other than that, u can hit me up on the idea. speaking of, no one has given any feedback to the current chapter here. well, someone gave a big review which I am most thankful for and the other reviews, but I like talking about it.
  3. maybe bc Im always talking to you guys. im open minded to all types of things for this fic except scat n guro (sp?) thou the later depends if she’s going black widow.
  4. All is good everyone! It was an issue with the disclaimer portion. Forgot to add the non-profit part to it. The story is back on thanks to the rapid response of the Admins. Thank you Admins! And yes, the next chapter is coming up later today. Currently having it beta’d.
  5. my gosh I am so sorry. Usually I just do disclaimers about the true own and to support the official release. I must have missed that in the guidelines. It won’t happen again and thank you for the rapid response!
  6. Hell, I’m CuriousWriter and my fic was hidden due to a ToS. I didn’t have a non-profit part in my disclaimer which I have just fixed. My story is Naruko Uzumaki: Konoha’s #One Slut! I hope this was the error, because I’ve had the story up for over a month and nothing like this has happened before. I apologize for the error and hope it is visible again soon.
  7. I think it was my disclaimer. hopefully. n AO3?
  8. Okay, so my story has this on it: This story had been hidden due to TOS Violations. So what did I do wrong? I was pretty sure I put up all tags and I put up a disclaimer.
  9. alright, chapter is over halfway done! I think you’re going to like it.
  10. ooh lala~
  11. When I write it? I have the first part done n am now working on the second
  12. gd news! Midterms r over n I got spring break coming up! I will start writing some of the next chapter today n will hopefully have it done during the weekend.
  13. awesome to hear!
  14. Oh please no, that’s not what this story is about...
  15. bttr let me help w tenten. XD
  16. I think we had something for a Hinata, idk what it was though.
  17. told u the maid idea would be a hit XP
  18. I think they’re pretty tasteful~
  19. Alright, got her dom and sub images, now just have to figure how to post them. one sec.
  20. like I said, not this weekend. srry.
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