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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. I meant w those on them as they r fucked for a buck Well I just did ch2
  2. Sure Like have a bullseye on Sakura head n ino w a nose hook to look like a pig n such
  3. Nice idea I was think of pheromone seals but that's bttr. Still wondering on their relationship
  4. Idea for naruko recruitment at academy, ino does get to Sakura first, naruko does
  5. Lol she learns to force an orgasm! or kurama helps her have one
  6. Lol what about kurama! Forgot about him...
  7. I love the long term plan bitter. In this fix naruko is all about greed n ambition. thou if we do the rld plan I worry over the timeskip
  8. Now this is a goal! Interesting concept, I'll keep it in mind Oh no, that mass recall of them is one of her fav was to get off XP
  9. Kinda a stretch. I mean idk how naruko would care about someone when she's busy w work n hw
  10. i c, but where does this need to dominate Naruko come from within meek Hinata?
  11. Not to mention peeing her self the whole time w how much is filling her An interesting concept, go on
  12. Maybe something akin to taimanin_yukikaze can be worked in
  13. While Interesting, I don't c that happening. N not w wood release. maybe wood tentacles but a remote bulge in her? Nah
  14. ….I saw it, but like some of said, that’s not really going to factor into this story. sure, maybe a scare or two, but that’s about it.
  15. a bit complicated, but I was thinking of her getting into seals. maybe an anti-penetration type deal. Or a shock pussy, she can take the pain, but can they?!
  16. more of an in-house party for the kyuubi festival.
  17. by the time she learns SC? decent. n idoubt clones are going to body unless they’re tossed into a bondage situation, extreme bondage. by the time she’s a ninja? she’s pretty much at her core fully accepted her ‘side’ career. as for humiliation? well, that’s another kind of tea. idk where to toss that in. maybe in the early chapters or a few laters ones if she’s paraded around like a whore.
  18. so when she becomes a ninja, the village pays her a d-rank a day? there’s no doubt going to be a limit to this. bc she can abuse the shit out of this with clones. not really to that last part, like I said, shadow clones.
  19. Hm, that’s a possibility. but she would do that as long as she gets paid. she runs a business. her clientele in Konoha, it’s her cum geyser.
  20. While it may be hot, u might as well have someone do a raiton jutsu on her clit. bc if she’s got a curse seal? n someone spills? free jinchuriki.
  21. idk if that’s needed though, i mean that seems to force obedience when she’s already a willing target.
  22. exactly, all dat baby would do is bring about responsibility! We want her a raving mad slut, not a kind n lovin’ mama bear.
  23. Who says she cant be a ninja n a slut?
  24. idk about the anal hook thou...that seems OTT.
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