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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. I like it, it's as if she's played my both old men n reaping the reward for it.
  2. ic. but I think we can actually work him in. Naruko wants to be Hokage and will be learning to be one thanks to Hiruzen. But Danzo knows of her budding business n takes note of how ruthless she is. I say we have him nuture that, giving her resources n new ‘recruits’ as personal guard. a way to worm into her org. she knows some of the game, but is still new to it. that way he has eyes on the Jinchuriki but also may support a young ruthless hokage who can entrap men later on in life. heck he can even teach her wind release jutsu.
  3. Now here’s a big question...Where’s Danzo during all this? I doubt he’d let a Jinchuriki accumulate this much power late game.
  4. Gd news! Ch3 is over half the way done!
  5. Or makes forced blackmail? rmbr, she’s a business gal, she not a afraid to get messy in this. maybe knock them out n take pictures of them but yes, like ur ideas. thx u!
  6. I kno what Hutus naru going to learn from the scroll of seals! Going a bit obscure but I like it http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning:_Rashōmon
  7. Also thinking on some cosplay fet ideas https://nhentai.net/g/182083/ like this, any other requests?
  8. Hey bitter, while I love naru recruiting how would she even pitch what she does to the girls wo them running to mommy n daddy
  9. the former sounds gd, idk about bad endings thou. unless they were kind of like the violated heroine ones, but that might take away from Bitter.
  10. exactly, sure humil once in a while, but only if she’s getting the bucks for it. a mile long humil train aint for me. unless she’s doing it to someone else of course.
  11. u mean put tags in the chapters? maybe, but i like the way im going currently.
  12. i think this was kinda done by Evil Fuzzy. Civilians in Power.
  13. Hm, what about the other clans? I’m sure there are plenty of naughty things that can be done with them. Shadow bondage from Nara, particle expansion with Akamichi. idk what to do with Shino, but I’m sure the bugs could leave tiny sensual bites in sensitive bits. N of course the Inuzuka. Also, the Uchiha before they bite it. Perhaps Fugaku gets Naruko to show Sasuke the ways of sex, last gift before he’s offed.
  14. i’ve gone to work on my bday, so in kno the feeling. but like you said, if it has enough incentive… plus its a festival, lot of dudes r going to want to get some. Naruko now a working girl would profit with bills up her cunt.
  15. I guess that’s fair, just wished for more feedback is all. True maybe summarize them until it's a big one So I shouldn't do this on her bday u think?
  16. alright, first part of ch3, Happy Birthday! is done, just the summarizing part, but still a gd start. now i’m wondering if she should have a b-day special each year...each more wild n filthy than the next. Maybe a bukkake party next year?
  17. just wish i got more than 7 reviews thou...says a lot of ppl are reading it at least. or multi times.
  18. Dont worry, Ino’s going to be a cum pig for sure.
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