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Ghost-of-a-Chance last won the day on July 19 2023

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    Under a rock in the Missouri Ozarks
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    Rabid reader and writer. Occasional digital artist - hobbyist level.
    Unrepentant overthinker. Spotify addict and musical frissonist.
    Lover of symbolism, Drambuie, wildflowers, rainstorms, and foggy days.
    Certified Crazy Cat Lady - send me cats and I'll love you forever. Ask about my cats and I'll never shut up.
    Browser tab abuser - "online" may actually mean "nope, I'm not really here."

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  1. Things which literally never happen to me:

    1. Hearing Nuvole Bianche without mentally melting into a blissful rapturous puddle
    2. Seeing “Woozle” snoring with his mouth open and his little tongue hanging out without snickering
    3. Smelling an old book without the urge to huff it like a lunatic regardless of who’s watching
    4. Tasting a well-prepared quality tea without being thankful for life in general
    5. Feeling Heiferlump step on me with her pointy little toes without shrieking in pain then apologizing for startling her.


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    2. CloverReef


      I don’t understand most of this, but most of my life I’ve liiiived for huffing old dictionaries, so… now we’re sisters. 

    3. Ghost-of-a-Chance


      I had no idea this had any replies! :blush: OOPS.

      BronxWench – Happy to oblige! It’s one of my favorite classical pieces, modern or traditional. First time I watched Insidious I literally girly-squealed with joy when I heard this song playing in one of the scenes. I’m glad to hear your pup’s doing alright after her ordeal! Were they able to find and correct the cause, or is it a chronic condition for her? Poor little gal...

      InBrightestDay – I did, indeed, share this precisely to share the wonders of Ludovico Einaudi. ...aaaand because I spent that entire week with Nuvole Bianche stuck in my head playing on repeat. Considering what usually gets stuck in there, I consider myself lucky for that one. What an incredible composer!

      CloverReef – Heiferlump and Woozle are my two cats. ;)Woozle is a Mama’s boy (and currently trying to wedge himself between the keyboard and my chest) who loves nothing more than curling up on me and conking out...and snoring. Heiferlump is his ginormous but sweet-as-sugar ‘sister,’ who has been known to leave bruises after stepping on people.
      Book-huffers unite! My personal favorite is an old and age-stained copy of Victor Hugo by Leopold Mabilleau; this French relic was bound in 1939 and spent the majority of the time since in a college library. By now it has a delightful aroma of dust, aged paper, sweet wood, pipe tobacco, and oddly enough, vanilla. I suspect this might be a result of the same kind of college kids who smoked catnip in hopes of getting high. My French has never been good enough to read this book; I keep it around purely for book-huffing purposes.

    4. CloverReef


      Now that sounds like a hella huffable book

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