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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. I hate little girls cause they steal all the puppies :(

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Whereas I hate little girls' parents, because they always drag the girls away before they can complete the kitten-adoption paperwork. :)

  2. oh yeah...billy crystal cracks me up
  3. true bluv...he said true bluv!
  4. end it with the one sister having such an intense orgasm she explodes in a lethal shower of deadly icicles that kill everyone in the kingdom...take that plot bunnies! I ain't scared of you, I eat bunnies for dinner, seriously I just had roast rabbit the other day
  5. she's kinda into writing her other story, Heart of the Forest, but I think she is planning a third book
  6. Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter....And welcome
  7. I'll see if Magus will clang a few horny robots around
  8. well magus has giant robot spiders in his story, they haven't had sex yet, tend to just shoot people, but you never know
  9. I'm writing it slowly, but I get really mad for some reason. Lizzie says I should but I don't like the feeling. Almost done though.
  10. he scares the fish away if we do that
  11. he's different alright...strange even...sorry, eccentric
  12. ahhh, not that kinda work, I think he kept grenades in one
  13. Magus laughing at you, he says bracers are what he drinks before we have to visit Lizzie's family And while he doesn't wear socks with sandals, he does like butt bags (the term fanny pack makes him wince), though usually just when he works. and this is me, 93 sq meters is family sized? Our old house was over 300 square meters and it was tiny The lake house is 700 square meters (7500+ sq feet) and it feels crowded at times Ya all talk funny up there in the north
  14. no we say bye, or see ya, or love ya or something to indicate we are done, unless we're pissed off, then we just hang up there are semi-detached and terraced homes, we call them townhouses and usually only find them in large towns and cities. small towns usually have just free standing homes, and the country as well. as for size, it depends. what you see in movies isn't typical and city dwellers tend to live in smaller homes. Mostly it has to do with taxes, bigger home more taxes but it also has to do with how much room they have to build. Again homes tend to run larger in rural areas. as for pants and panties, they were a slang term for pantaloon, an 18th century garment. pants for men since male pantaloons were an exterior garment analogous to trousers. femal pantaloons were worn under dresses and were more akin to knickers, the nickname stood so trousers are pants and knickers are panties...things you learn as a country school ma'rm
  15. Those are teeth? so having grown up in Brooklyn, never heard it, such a cheerful song to
  16. Wow, this is an old one, but what the hey. So I'll probably piss everyone off but I'm going with abuse, well maybe not abuse but unwarrented. I have never struck a child and never will, my opinion is that there is never a reason to hit a defenseless child. You may have to snatch them up, even hold them until they calm down, but we don't give our children enough credit when we say you can't reason with a small child, I do it everyday, or did when I was teaching, and find it works more often than not. Do I condemn parents who spank, no I don't; as long as restraint is used, and I don't mean tie the child up, then its an effective discipline technique; its just that I think there is a better way. It also should be noted that all but our oldest was adopted and were children of abuse, some of it pretty horrific, so spanking, patting, or even a little slap is something we just don't do as a hard and fast rule. Oh and just so you know, none of our girls thinks Magus is perfect, they just tell him that when they want something he's so easy LOL
  17. ewwww, nope, not saving, just start over...
  18. OMG worse save point is when he finishes...and realizes he liked it RUN VAL! Aneurysm is a perv!
  19. so do you gift wrap pusy oral sex or just use a gift hag...ah bag...
  20. I said that, but even if he is restored, will she be wondering whats just under the surface?
  21. its Dr Frankenlizzie
  22. yeah, but he was on bed rest then
  23. And you thought I was the bad girl, its always the quiet ones
  24. Yep, no one wants him now that he's contaminated with unicorn cooties
  25. all yours sweetie, I got a yeti I'm partial to
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