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Joe Long

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Posts posted by Joe Long

  1. Jashley changed Belle's last name to Atkins since 'Harper' would have put her in the same homeroom with Jack, Joe and Kayla-- thus contradicting the earlier chapters in the story. See post No. 2835.

    Harper's now relegated to Belle's mom's maiden name

  2. When you compare how readily available porn is for kids now to even 10 years ago,it makes you wonder if it is going to get worse

    Video was almost non-existent in the 70's. Magazines with naked ladies (Playboy, Penthouse) weren't that hard to get a hold of, but 'hard-core' (showing sex acts) were pretty underground and one had to be 18+ and go to a X-rated movie theater to see any films. One time I did that when I was around 21 and heard about it from a friend, as the girl selling tickets recognized me as someone he hung out with. It wasn't something that was easy to do in private.

    So my parents collected paperbacks. There were stacks beside their bed and on the steps to the attic, out in the open. I started reading around the time I hit puberty and was old enough to have an orgasm...and here I am today.

  3. Weird theory for the handcuffs: Amanda found them in her parents' hidden stash of sex toys.

    That's good!

    My parents had a stash, not very hidden. My dad had some Penthouse, and they had a stack of porn paperbacks that they apparently traded with some other couples (I never knew who). So I started reading this stuff at an early age.

  4. I believe you're right. I went back to the end of Chapter 8, the first time they had sex. Jack noted that Kayla had a small patch of hair above her clit that had been trimmed in the shape of a heart. He didn't go down on her then or any other time that I recall. Admittedly, I usually sort of skim the sex scenes because the story is so good but if Jack were to really go to town on her pussy that would be memorable!

    I think Kayla should demand some reciprocity. Gotta give to receive.

  5. OK, totally random question here, but Chester may know, he's into history -

    We know that Kayla has given Jack oral satisfaction on several occasions, but I can't recall Jack ever going down on Kayla. Am I forgetting something? Does Jack not like hair in his mouth?

  6. I have a scene written where a group goes into Spencer's at the mall. I personally haven't been in one for a long time. I know they sell dildos online, but does anyone know if they sell them in the stores? (where kids might wander in and come upon them) I do remember them selling edible panties in the store. One of my characters is going to be mysoginistic and needs a prop.

  7. jashley has mentioned Joe Hayes being into word working, as is his father. Do school still have shop class (industrial arts)?

    I just saw on Facebook that out Shop teacher from Junior High had passed away. Reading the comments, I didn't remember that girls took shop too (even if he referred to all the students as 'boys').

    Here's a sample -

    Tim...He paddled me in 7th grade
    Matt...You probably deserved it
    Tim...I did, I was goofing off instead of paying attention
    Cynthia...He helped me to build a little box. Cherry wood, satin finish. I still have it. . . somewhere
    Mary Beth...Me too!
    Diane...I remember learning basic plumbing and electrical repairs from him.
    Becky...I always liked him! Still remember the plumbing and electrical repairs!
    Linda...Technical drawing, he was awesome.
    Laurie...He helped me to build shelves
    Mitch... "ok boysss, get your projects, and let's go" i can still hear him.
  8. Do the civilian courts have a role in what should be military affairs? I would accept a third party review of probable cause to make sure a prisoner belongs in custody (when sometimes it might be hard to distinguish who is a combatant), but I also believe blurring the line between criminal and military degrades the mission. It seems to be OK if we kill them on the battlefield, or even drone them, but once in custody they need a civilian trial to show they've broken a law?

    And I'll be glad to go back to discussing teenage sex anytime yunz want. We're being civil, so far, but I understand if this isn't what folks want to read.

  9. A part of US law is those treaties we signed off on.

    we punished the japanese in WW2 for doing this. I just can't see how people say it's okay if we do it, yet when "the enemy does it", it's wrong. Basically the problem of good by definition.

    You make good arguments. I lean towards allowing it, but in this discussion I was being more of a legal pedant rather than an advocate.

  10. If we're going to talk about definitions, here's some great info: http://waterboarding.org/torture_definition

    A good link.

    I tend to value US law more than international treaties, but among all the entries I didn't see anything that clearly went against what I said. Waterboarding creates a panic attack. There is difference of opinion on whether that falls under the legal definition of torture. Any US president has the power to not use it, and Congress always has the ability to specifically outlaw it.

  11. For the whole 'debate' about torture, specifically whether waterboarding is a torture, i just can't believe that there's even a debate about this. Waterboarding is torture. For those still ignorant or unsure, here's some links: http://www.wsj.com/public/article/SB120174119328630495-Id_m9G5R2B_bvRC2o_l4tPFY9dg_20090130.html?mod=rss_free



    Basically, for those that are okay with torture; let's torture you then see how you feel about it.

    Just remember, life is not like the TV show 24, though some consider it to be such.

    I meant it as a flippant comment, that the exotically named 'Chinese water torture' maybe something quite familiar - but it seems to have touched a nerve.

    The links are to people's opinions, and they are entitled to have them. However, according to US law, waterboarding is not torture, because torture is defined as causing lasting or permanent mental or physical injuries. Waterboarding induces panic attacks.

    If you think waterboarding should be illegal, contact your congress person and have them change the law.

    BTW, my son was waterboarded on three occasions by the US Army. It was part of his basic training.

  12. sorry, been writing and between that DA, the kids and the animals I'm working harder than I did before I retired.

    I've finished a few chapters but not sure how to get there, pretty big gap lol, working on it though

    but none of the wives, kids and animals are shooting at you (well, not yet)

  13. Speaking of that... I know there is a lot of interest by the readership in regard to the Chinese water torture. I have no idea how our intrepid author is going to handle the matter as there are literally hundreds of techniques that could be employed. However, if you require a visual description-- this is how GI Joe does it...

    Well that just looks like regular old water-boarding.

  14. I don't see Amanda becoming involved with the ring UNLESS she starts making a bunch of excuses to stay late after school. Don't forget that Alan has most-- if not all-- of his classes with her so he would want to know what's going on. Also, Jack still drives her there and back so he would be suspicious as well.

    The only time Amanda is away from her family is when she still hangs with Helena and the list of girls that Alan named...“Kristen, Becky, and Tanisha.” That's what made me suspicious.

  15. I recall you mentioning that last year. Hope she's doing okay.

    I don't get to see them much, even though they're only a couple miles away, but as far as I know things are going well.

    As far as things that relate to the story line, I've also mentioned the movie "The Babysitters" Katherine Waterston is the 16 year old babysitter for John Leguizamo and Cynthia Nixon. She thinks he's cute, they make eyes at each other, and taking her home they kiss and soon enough he's banging her. Guilty, he slips her a $200 tip. She tells her friend Lauren Birkell, and soon they start hooking themselves out to several middle aged men - but Leguizamo still only has eyes for Waterston, and never touches any of the other girls.

    As a middle-aged man who appreciates beautiful young women, yes I've observed many in public places and have chatted up several who, for example, work as cashiers. I will also try to clear myself by saying not just young women - there's a cheap gas station I stop in once a week that has a totally MILF-alicious Desi lady, mid to late 40's, great smile and boobs, and she knows I look. She smiles and has even giggled, and seems to always hold my change in a way that I have to touch her hand.

    Amanda could have gone to the mall with the girls, noticed some guy looking, and asked him if he liked what he saw. Or not. We'll find out.

  16. but older guys going after 17-year old girls are not known for their rational thought patterns. Someone will notice.

    Older or not, something is up with Amanda that we will have to wait at least another chapter to be revealed. She did appear very touchy about the commitment and promise thing.

    I've seen it happen in the family. Maybe a dozen years ago, my wife's brother's wife's sister's husband, who was about 30, was screwing my wife's brother's daughter (the guy's niece by marriage), who was 12, for about a year before they got caught. He promised to take her away, but instead he spent a year in the county lockup...and now she's married to a woman.

  17. Was I the only one who found the fourth wall break a little too disconcerting in this chapter?

    It's always been there, I didn't notice anymore than other chapters.

    There did seem to be, however, a lot of use of italics.

  18. Hey everyone. So, I had to make a slight change to something in the chapter. I really did want Belle's last name to be Harper...but it didn't end up working out. See, if that was her last name, she'd be in the Home Room class with Kayla, Joe, and Jack. After all, 'Harper' is between 'Hannigan' and 'Harrison'. So, unfortunately, I've had to change it. I didn't want to but it was one of those little details that was gonna eat at me.


    Totally depressed.

    Atkins, at the beginning. In case anyone forgot, Becca Clawson.

    I didn't realize you did homerooms alphabetically. I think we had 6 homerooms the years I was in HS, and each had all the letters of the alphabet, even though we still usually sat in order.

  19. I was thinking again about Amanda - her acts in the early chapters and how she reacted to Jack in the most recent.

    Alan was taken from her and now is wrapped up in Kelly and pays little attention to Amanda. She had Sam but he cheated on her - with another guy. As she pleaded to Jack in Book 1, "What's wrong with me?"

    She wants to be loved, and has looked for it in sex. She craves commitment, to know the other person will always there. Over the past year and a half she has seen the strong relationship that Jack and Kayla have, the kind she wants - and then Jack, in Amanda's eyes, refuses to commit to Kayla. She's probably thinking, "Are all guys asses? Is there any one of them who will want to stay with me?"

    I threw out a theory up the page, but what if Amanda really is secretly seeing someone. Maybe an older guy who promised he'd leave his wife and run away with her - and she believed it. But then Jack reminds her that even her brother won't make a promise to Kayla.

  20. OK, no spoilers yet, gotta give people time to read.

    Thought it was really good, shorter than I expected and...Harper! hell yeah!

    some notes -

    when is this? what, four months? Five months later? but was 2nd day back at school, plus the weather I was thinking just after New Year's (y'know, it's been awhile since the last chapter - but I didn't think we did Valentine's Day yet)

    I wrote the above comments about Amanda before reading the chapter, but yeah, something's up with her too. Reminded me of "The Babysitters" with all the female friends. Which reminds me...Rhona AND Rhonda??

    They still have Spakler??

    typos -

    would be easier that hoping I came across her reckon should be 'than'

    apparently called Belle Becca -
    Jessica, who had had the good sense to take a few steps back while I talked to Becca, walked forward, giving me an apologetic look.

  21. Forgive me for these slight spoilers: Alan's being an ass and ignoring Amanda for Kelly. Most would say, "So what?". The "so what?" is, for those who remember, something similar happened earlier in the story. i can't help but feel that history will repeat itself in a manner.

    I mentioned about skimming the early chapters. I had saved them in Word files, chapter by chapter, but for easier searching I started to combine them by saga (three done so far). I also mentioned about the twins being one of my least favorite story lines.

    Not that I don't like some good brother/sister action! Maybe it was the twin's saga, which was freshest in my mind, and it still seems unrealistic that by age 15 or 16 Alan & Amanda were in the same bedroom. However, reading back through the first couple of chapters, Amanda trying to seduce Jack was really hot.

    I don't recall getting into a lot of detail of how she and Alan started, but refreshing my memory on her pursuit of Jack makes me think Amanda might be a brick or two short of a full load, in that she really has some unresolved issues with being 'loved' and 'wanted' which she has translated into sexual aggressiveness. I can imagine she probably just took Alan at some point, much like she tried with Jack later.

    So yes, that still has relevance 'today', especially as there's a good chance that she hasn't been intimate with a guy since October (or earlier), unless she's just been jumping into random relationships (like Megan in BMS) Typing that made me ponder how Amanda might be sleeping around without her family and friends noticing, and I thought she could be hooking up with older guys online - college or even married guys. If she feels rebellious about her dad taking away Alan and forcing her into a relationship with Sam, maybe she's getting her 'revenge' by offering her hot little 16 year old body to 35 and 40 year old dads around town. (meet me at the mall!)

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