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Joe Long

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Posts posted by Joe Long

  1. Again, I think that Rhona is the mastermind behind the prostitution ring at the high school. She keeps popping up at the school with questionable motives. And her questioning of Jack regarding whether or not he has found out who was behind the ring along with her justification for the high school girls to be acting the way they are is really suspicious.

    Yes, and Rhona made the compliment about if the ring leader was a student "they'd be some budding entrepeneur" or something to that affect.

    I don't think Mrs. Hanigan's maiden name was ever mentioned (i reread the paragraph)...unless it was Boring. Hey, I have a lot of Boring cousins, along with the Dicks and the Heads.

  2. On the other hand-- if you are right and Amanda does go with a girl, it will be Helena. Hers is the one friendship that Amanda was worried about losing. That would be poetic revenge, wouldn't it? Sam cheats on Amanda and she takes his sister as her lover.

    I could see that. It has the added advantage of being able to spite her parents. "You won't let me be with Alan? Then I'll be with a GIRL!" Helena can sit at the Thanksgiving table.

  3. I don't know what will happen with Amanda. No doubt there are plenty of guys at school who want to date her but at this point she probably wouldn't trust anyone but Alan. Just have to wait and see...

    I've mentioned it before, and I still think there's a fair chance Amanda could switch teams, giving up on boys.

    Several years ago when one of my nieces was 12 she got into a relationship with her uncle. Not blood, her mother's sister's husband. I admit she was attractive - not bad face with a great set of tits for any age, let alone 12 - but that any guy 15 or older should (especially a 30 year old married guy) should be staying away from. Apparently he told her he'd dump her aunt and take her away among other B.S. Anyway, as you probably figured out, he got caught and spent a year in the county lockup. For the next few years of junior high and high school she bounced around, giving away sex to guys, never finding one who truly loved her (because of course they'd lineup for the freely offered sex without giving a shit about her.)

    Well, now it's more than a decade later, and she's married to a woman, one she'd lived with for several years. Gave up on guys around 16 or 17.

  4. Can someone educate me on this? Okay, Brow Ridge is a four-year high school (mine was three-year). Do Juniors and Seniors each have their own prom? We had Senior prom, period.

    I didn't go to my prom, and that was a LONG time ago.

    So I went to Google, and despite the size of the student body at Brow Ridge, it appears that they had a Junior/Senior prom, as reported in the local paper around the time our author was a senior.

    "...while the mostly seniors and juniors danced the night away." Two juniors were elected prom princess and prince while two seniors were queen and king.

    I'd reckon that if one was not yet a junior, they'd need a date who was a junior or senior in order to attend.

  5. Well said. As has been noted before, Becca sees Craig as her ticket to a better life after high school. She's acting like an over-protective wife already. I'm looking forward to the cat-fight with Kayla.

    Yes. Craig lives in the $800k, 4000 sq ft house on an acre lot on a cul-de-sac, while Becca's in that one floor old farm house stuck between the subdivisions that just hasn't been developed yet.

  6. Belle could have called, but the only one for sure to still be there when the cops arrived would be Craig.

    In the story it mentioned about the neighbors not being real close, but I was looking at Google Earth along with Zillow, and even with acre lots, houses ($700-800k) can be as close as 50 to 100 feet apart. I found a fairly high end area out of town where the houses were 200 feet apart - but what I noticed on all was how small the streets were. This reinforces th theory that it could have been a neighbor, not just for noise, but also the traffic. Picture a neighbor coming home in the evening, having to navigate around several dozen cars parked along the uncurbed road. That neighbor knows that Craig is still in high school, so if any booze is present nearly all will be under age.

    Meanwhile, all the teenagers point fingers at each other.

  7. Break each saga into it's own book, so we're currently on the 5th book, IIRC.

    Sell each for something low, like $2.99, so it's just shy of $15 for the entire set.

    Almost 2 million total views between the blue site and here. Divide by 43 chapters, then assume each unique reader views a chapter about 1.5 times, so lets say 30,000 readers. Half of them are willing to pay, so now 15,000 paying customers, times $14.95 for the whole set (so far) is $224,500. Give amazon their share and we're in the neighborhood of $200k. Even if I'm high by a factor of 10, $20k is still fantastic.(because many people have read online and would say f'it to paying $15 for something they've already read).

  8. Compared to that, SITO is actually very very romantic, and trust me, I have not read a more realistic coming of age story.

    This will sell.

    Other than the incest, no sexual partners are under 15, probably 16*, and all of the sex is with people the same age, not like some folks on this site (not this forum) freaking out over my 19 and 13.

    *I don't know if Tara's age has been explicitly stated. We know she's not driving yet, but I'm not sure if she's a junior like Jack, which would make her 16+

  9. I went to college in my hometown, and lived at home, because I was scared as fuck to start from scratch somewhere else, out of town, where I would know no one, and be hours away from anyone I could rely on. Some people think that's great. I couldn't face it

    I did leave town after I got married, but I had my wife and some of her family were nearby. Still, after 20 years away I felt lonely and wanted to go home.

  10. His views seem to be more about maintaining his own view on how his family and friends should be relative to him and does/thinks of ways to oppose any change that might mean he has to adjust.

    I realise he's a teenager and meant to be a bit selfish but I'm just feeling a bit more like "well what did you expect would happen idiot" towards him lately.

    Second paragraph: "The world was cracking. I wasn't ready for it to break yet."

    Jack had his comfort zone. There were the issues with the three-way at the cabin, but for most of his life Jack had people and relationships, structures, that he could rely on. Suddenly those are all gone, and he sees himself to blame.

    Part of our journeys as readers is observing him learn these lessons of life.

  11. Didn't pick up on that originally but now that you mention it, it is there as a possablity. So Is Shannon after asking Jack if Amanda liked her

    I agree. Binyam demurs when Jack inquires why he won't asked Shannon out. Quite possibly Binyam doesn't want to be the one advertising that Shannon plays for the other team, and Shannon does seem to show a lot of interest in Kayla.

  12. I feel jack is perfectly justified blowing up at Craig. Jack lost his best friend and watched his sisters heart get broken at this party that creig won't stop talking about and glorifying.

    Craig was being a self-centered dick. There were shattered relationships and friendships all around, and Craig was gleeful that he might come out of the mess better liked by the masses.

    I still think Rhona is really crushing on Jack, pushing the boundaries, and I also get this vibe that Helena has an interest in Amanda.

  13. I'm just envisioning how tumblr would explode with the feels if this actually gets published.

    It's sort-of published, it's on the internetz if you know where to look.

    I was talking to my friend at work who had on the t-shirt for the school Brow Ridge is based on, and confessed to him I'd been reading and writing adult fiction. He wanted to see it, and I told him to Google "jashley13". He clicked the link and it popped up to chapter 1, which he scanned over while muttering, "interesting". I was wondering if his opinion of me might have changed (although he's no stick in the mud) but afterwards I realized it didn't ask him to give his birthdate and signature to access the story. AFAIK that only happens if he was auto logged in, IOW, had already been a reader of the site!

  14. I have a monster headache right now, so that's all I have to offer. I'll sleep on it and see what I think. Does everyone have headaches? Maybe this is a trend.

    With Kayla saying to Jack, "Maybe you caught what Amanda has", perhaps that was the author's hint that Amanda wasn't pregnant! (I so wished it was true)

    BTW, Amanda stayed home sick on Monday, then Jack narrated a lot and things skipped to the end of the week - but there was never any mention of when and if Amanda ever got back to school.

  15. Well... That was... Traumatic

    So on one side, we have jack, Kayla,Tara, Helena,Alan, Amanda. And the other (sort of, really just everyone that is with jack) Craig, Becca, belle, Joe, Sam. (Sort of skim read a few of the longer paragraphs so if I missed something my apologies)

    Out of 5 couples, Joe and Sam excused themselves, while Jack managed to drive away Belle, Becca and Craig.

    So there's the three Harrison sibs (Jack, Alan and Amanda), Kayla, Tara, Kelly, Helena and Rhona

  16. I was real close to finishing the next chapter, but my home business flared up with new activity, and I don't mind making money.

    Basically, the rule I broke is that characters who have sexual content can't be identified with any real people who were under 18 at the time. I made my appeal, but I did violate the terms, so that's the way it is. I'm not going to bad mouth management.

    Right now I'm S.O.L. so I won't be going back to the 'blue site'. I will announce on Twitter.

  17. I'll take one in 2XL! :)

    Well, it didn't actually say "Brow Ridge", but did have the name of the school that I am 99.99% sure is the setting for the story. His kids both went there, and the shirt caught my eye as he came past. A quick Google shows his daughter graduated in '11, son in '13, so they're a few years behind our author

  18. A question about the Sam/joe encounter all should ask; specifically what they did at the party: Was it the first time?

    I don't know if that is necessary for the story.

    Belle opened the door to find a place for Craig to rest, and found Joe and Sam in some state of undress, and doing something that was enough to make her scream her guts out repeatedly.

    They can kiss without undressing. I would have to think there were some exposed, erect genitals involved. Who's dick was stuck in what hole is irrelevant - Belle saw her boyfriend making out with someone else, and that someone else was a guy. First or tenth time, Belle is still traumatized.

  19. Joe has at least one sibling-- a younger sister named Stacey, now 11 years old. She was mentioned in Chapter 1. He will catch Hell from his dad (and probably his mom). Joes' only hope is that Jack eventually lets it slide.

    Thanks for that info - it's been over a year since I've read the early chapters. I'd did go back to the beginning of ch1 recently and was surprised that I didn't remember the name of the street that the Harrisons and Hanigans live on.

    (Oh, and a coworker is standing a few feet from me, wearing a Brow Ridge t-shirt)

    I don't see Jack forgiving very soon, as he had warned both Joe and Sam not to cheat on their girlfriends, which is exactly hat they did, and then got publicly caught.

  20. Obviously Sam and Joe are the biggest losers, and we can argue over who has the edge.

    Amanda and Belle are the collateral damage, but as has been said, they have support, and no one thinks they did anything wrong.

    Sam has Helena, but he's talked shit about her before. She may protect him, but she likely also try to smack some sense into him. It likely won't go well with his teammates. The best Sam has to hope for is his older sister.

    I'm presuming Joe is an only child. If it's been stated I've forgotten, but I don't recall any mention of siblings. I think Joe will catch all types of hell from his dad. I don't see Joe with any place to hide, anyone to offer support.

  21. Speaking of physical descriptions, and in a case of life imitating art (NOT the other way around)

    The actress I had pictured for Susie was Debbie Ryan, and in the story Susie's a 17 year old high school senior.

    Last night we took the grandkids to an event at a local church where they passed out candy from cars in their parking lot. About 10 feet behind us was a rather attractive teenage girl, medium height, a little heavy in the thighs and butt, long blond hair - and the only costume she was wearing a a pair of black cat ears strapped over her head.

  22. Becky's Grave — JoeLong

    I tried, I really did, but I always have a lot of trouble coming into a story in the middle. I had no mental image of the characters or understanding of their references to previous events, because all of that was done in another story or stories that I haven't read. Sorry.

    I was aware of that handicap while I was writing and tried to drop in mentions of relationships and physical descriptions, where I normally wouldn't have because it's been established, without hitting you over the head with it.

    What you should be able to get from only what's told in the Halloween chapter:

    Joe has a cousin Dave, and he's dating Dave's younger sister Hannah (which would make her also Joe's cousin). Dave's girlfriend is Susie. Dave and Hannah have a sort of bratty little sister Donna, jealous of how Hannah gets to be involved with the 'grownup' stuff. Susie is the only one of the five who's age is not mentioned by the end of the chapter.

    The last time Dave went to a party down the street was before he met Susie and he hooked up and went all the way with Ellen. At some point after that, Hannah told Joe he could show his erection to Ellen, which Susie now refers to as the 'dick measuring contest' - but that history, and how Ellen acts now, makes things uncomfortable and is enough to be a cause for them to want to skip out of the part early.

    The mention of P.J.'s past skinny-dipping suggestion establishes that he's prone to make those kind of 'hey guys, let's do this!' statements.

    Everything else is original to this chapter.

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