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Joe Long

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Posts posted by Joe Long

  1. I found a downloadable pdf of "The Catcher in the Rye"

    Amazon had images of the original pages from the hardback, but not all the pages it skipped 9 to 22, so I couldn't do "the first ten pages". The pdf isn't labeled by page (although apparently by chapter), so I read to the end of chapter 2, when Holdren is leaving Spencer's house.

    I have never read this before. When do we get to analyze the first ten pages here in the forum? I want to throw my ideas out before the next chapter of SITO.

  2. SPOILERS!!!








    I'm wondering if I should go read Catcher in the Rye before Joe writes the next chapter. I've gotten good at that symbolism n'at in Being More Social I take that it's not really about a baseball game in a wheat field.

    BTW, my father taught 7th to 10th grades at various times over his career, and he swore in class all the time. No f-bombs, but hell, damn and shit. If anyone acted shocked, he'd say, "Hell, you probably heard worse at the breakfast table." Of course, that was before breakfast in school.

    Also, the home room period sounded like a study hall, as it was not the first class of the day, but when Craig joined them for English Jack and Kayla did refer to Craig's study hall the previous period. So what's the distinction? In my school, the buses dropped kids off from 7:20 to 7:50 (we had a small parking lot, not many drove to school). Everyone had to be in homeroom by the 8:00 bell, then there was roll call, announcements and shit, then at 8:20 off to the first class.

    Acting = Carnegie Mellon University (and you can go to some Pirates games too)


    Q: I they left class for lunch and then are returning, wouldn't that be second lunch, not third? (first = lunch, then class; second = class, lunch, return; third = class, then lunch)

    So are all these students in Mr. Owens' class, "He seemed delighted that there were oddball theories that weren’t quite within the realm of possibility and defended by only the loosest arguments. He seemed to get even happier when such oddball viewpoints were defended" symbolic of those of us here in the forum?

  3. I went through three years of fucking calculus, the last two in college...and no 'pre' to prep me.

    I don't think I've ever used calculus. The best I can remember, it's geared toward motion and rates, so it's more applicable to physics and engineering. I ended up getting into spatial and quantitative analysis (what's there, how is ti arranged, and can I predict the future from it?) That relies more on geometry, trigonometry, statistics and probability.

    I remember in Geometry, 10th or 11th grade, one of the girls in my class (who was fairly intelligent, got good grades) stuck up her hand in the middle of a lecture, and when called on asked, "Are we ever going to use this for anything?" The teacher's face turned what we would have thought were impossible shades of red.

  4. Being smart, especially as a teen, doesn't make one wise.

    I was maybe 12 or 13 when somehow I got my hands on a M-80 firecracker, big sucker. One evening my parents were out and as an only child I was home alone. My smart but not fully formed mind thought it would be a great experiment to put that explosive inside and old pocket transistor radio. I wrapped it up duct tape, nice and tight, with the fuse sticking out. I lit the fuse and dropped it into a metal trash can we had in the main room of the basement. At least I had enough sense to run into another room to wait for the explosion. There was no way I could hide the results from my parents. The trash can was severely dented from the inside, like someone had pounded on it with a hammer, and there were holes in the ceiling.

    So old goofy Joe may be so caught up in wanting to 'blow something up real good' that he builds the device without fully comprehending it's power, and the resulting consequences.

  5. You sent another site that has 6chapters on it and you have them here which is better one this one or the old site you gave me

    This version here is much better, I have the same story but rewritten. After awhile I'll catch up with where I was and then continue with brand new story.

  6. So, basically what we're saying is that Becca might be a gold-digger. Hmm, interesting theory, highly believable and possible. Or it could be she's one of the Overly Attached Girlfriend type.

    I don't think Becca started out that way, not consciously, but it's there, underneath. But what gets girls in general to be overly attached? Fear of being left alone. Maybe they don't like being alone, maybe they have a plan of where this guy is going to take them.

  7. Becca definitely has an OCD about her boyfriend. Craig once said that they had known each other since grade school so maybe Becca has been obsessing on him for years and now it's starting to boil over. Jack was supposed to stop being Mr. Fix-It but she keeps dumping on him. Another possibility is that Becca comes from a lower middle-class home and Craig's family is rich so maybe she's been looking for a meal ticket all along.

    I wasn't sure by your phrasing, but you may recall that Becca's family is poorer. She had a discussion with Jack about her house and what section it's in. Taking a glance at Google Earth, outside the big cities we have all these new subdivisions, houses built hundreds and thousands at a time and sometimes even wrapped around country clubs, that sell for several hundred thousand dollars each - then scattered amongst them, even on the seams between the subdivisions, are some of the original single floor ranch style homes left over from when the area was still rural.

    Becca might not be doing it consciously, but now that she has Craig she may very well be holding him quite tight, afraid to lose him or see him hurt, as he is her way into one of those homes she sees around her. I can recall years ago driving to work, every day passing even the most modest of townhouses and the craving inside of me that called out, "When can I have one of those?"

  8. What is sex about? What should it be about?

    I've had these conversations over the past year. Adam and Nicole really are a couple, in it for each other, even if Nicole won't commit.

    Aaron doesn't like it, but he is into sex for himself, at least the random sex. It's to get his rocks off while in the company of another person. At least Aaron (and Daisy) realizes that he has divorced sex from emotion, from a relationship. Here's hoping, when the time comes, he can adequately put them back together.

    Now Aaron's had a repeat performance with Holly, who's in many ways just like him - she's into the sex to satisfy herself. She's realized that Aaron is using her body to fantasize about some other girl, and she's OK with it, because she's using his body to fantasize about daddy.

    Aaron went and said it - he's using Holly as a piece of meat, objectifying her - but she's fine with being an object, as long as her needs are met. However, on today's campuses, this is skating dangerously close to the line. Even if women enjoy frequent random sex and allow themselves to be objects, they expect to be respected. However, too often it seems that the guys who are their partners become viewed as predators. When Aaron became aggressive in bed he realized it may not have been the best experience for his partner. After time to ponder, could Holly retroactively decide she hadn't given consent?

    Yes, Aaron's leading a double life, one of them hidden away from Molly. How long can he keep it hidden? What if it comes out if Holly or one of the many other girls decides to challenge him?
  9. As for Being More Social, I'm as slow as ever. Especially given the situation I've built for myself, I just find this one particularly challenging to write. I'm very sorry for my slow style of writing. I imagine it alienates a few of y'all.

    You're writing faster than I am, dammit

  10. Hmm... that sounds more like a Hewlett-Packard. HP-25 maybe? In college I had an HP-33E that had some internal memory. Funny when you think about it. We would go down the halls with those things hanging from our belts like we were Matt Dillon walking the streets of Dodge.

    HP! I believe it was.

    After a few years of marriage I scraped up $1000 to go down to Radio Shack to get my first PC, with 64K of RAM and no HD

  11. It's a bit of a grey area for me. In the case of my story, a 12 year old and a 20 year old doing anything together is totally pedophilia to me, and I take that, like incest, seriously.

    I saw this article today at reason.com


    Two 17 year olds in North Carolina are charged with felonies for exchanging sexually explicit pics of themselves, because exchanging sexual images of a minor is exploitation.

    18 is some magic bright line. Imagine Jessica saying something to the cops about Jack, they search his phone, and then both Jack & Kayla are charged with felonies for sending pics of themselves to each other.

  12. I always use one, my school was still fairly new so there wasn't much space for lockers, the 100 or so that they had were given to first years (year 8's for mainland england) (11-12 year olds for Americans/Canadians because I don't understand the grade system haha) so once you left first year you had to just suck it up and carry all your books for the day with you. Unless you didn't have homework, then teachers generally let you leave your book in class.

    In my day, elementary schools covered Kindergarten thru 6th grade (ages 5 thru 11 at the beginning of the school year). Junior High was 7th to 9th (12 to 14) and Senior High was 10th to 12th (15 to 17).

    Later trends became Elementary K-4th, Middle School 5th-8th, High school 9th-12th.

    However, kids did their biggest growth spurts beginning around 7th grade, so to me 7th & 8th seemed closer physically & socially to 9th than the 5th & 6th, who were always kids.

    Our area has been suffering from loss of population, so within a year or two the elementary will go back to K-6th and the High School will be 7th-12th, with them tearing down the current middle school. There are already several districts around here with 7th to 12th in the same building to save costs on land and construction.

  13. I used one back in the mid-'70s as I always rode my 10-speed to school if they weren't calling for rain or snow. The choice of backpacks in those days was pretty thin but I picked up a Vietnam-era ALICE pack at Goldfish Army-Navy store in downtown Cleveland-- OD green and made of ripstop nylon. It was pretty damn neat as it had two large inside compartments for notebooks and textbooks and three exterior compartments for just about anything else. Completely water resistant and totally secure. No way would your SR-50 fall out and cause you to cry like a 6-year old girl. [For those of you who don't know, the Texas Instruments SR-50 was one of the first "slide rule" calculators and worth risking your life for.]

    Almost exactly my setup, although my dad's OD bag was Korean era. I biked my senior year, with the bag strapped to the center bar. That night have also been my brand of calculator. Mine had these little magnetic strips that could save a few bits of code in order to store a formula. Sucker cost $300.

  14. But it doesn't make any sense, Joe said that he made Rhona on a RL friend of his, why would you make a character who's a prostitute or involved with them, on a close and special friend that you care about?

    You're correct, unless he hopes the friend doesn't read the story!

    It's fiction, characters are inspired by real people, but they also aren't 100% correlated with those real people. Of course, as you pointed out, if a character strays too far, it could be insulting to that real person if they found out, and might not take "artistic license" or "it's fiction" as a valid excuse. However, in the story, Jack's had willing sex with his first cousin and his sister had a relationship with their brother and forced a BJ on Jack. Were either Amanda or Tara based, at least in part, on people the author knows or is related to? There have been places and names mentioned in the story that lead me to suspect that Tara is inspired by someone. All of the main characters in my story (a dozen?) are inspired by a real person. I recreate the essence of my relationships with them. Some of the events in my story actually happened, others did not. The real person could look at their "character" and recognize things that happened, but also see others that they won't recognize, because that event was from a different real person or totally fictional. Hannah's about 50% a girlfriend of mine, about 30% a cousin of mine, about 20% several other girls I knew along the way, including my wife.

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