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Joe Long

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Posts posted by Joe Long

  1. “just chalk it up to moody teenager-ness”

    How about some self-awareness, Jackster. After I had a night to think about it, I do believe Jack has driven away his circle of friends. He’s just not fun to hang out with anymore.

    Aren’t Jack & Kayla’s parents ever home anymore? I hope they had some Febreze for that couch.


    Trick-or-treaters leaving the Hanigan house at 1125 Sudley Lane:

    “That lady had a funny smell”

    “I heard her yelling at someone when we rang the bell”

    “I think I saw something white running down her leg.”

    “Did you see how her titties were poking through her shirt?”


  2. Okay, wow. Jack is really stressing out and being a dick. Kayla is feeling the strains.

    I know he’s angry and scared, but even with the stuff like Craig and Becca, Jack is getting into typical teenage drama, and he’s the dickhead, picking fights with people as he worries why he was slighted by someone, anyone. I’ve been married for over 30 years and still, 98% of the time my wife says “You did that because...” she’s wrong.

    I watched my daughter go through all this kind of bullshit when she was in high school and it made her a wreck. I reckon I had it better being a guy who didn't have to deal with mean girls. I didn't even have a girlfriend at all in high school. I hung out with the guys - usually the ones who didn’t have girlfriends either. The guys from the neighborhood and the ones I played baseball with. Or - they played and I sat on the bench, mostly. I had to do something to prove myself. In the end, I did it with my brain - and even that really wasn’t successful until the last 5 years or so, after I turned 50.


  3. 44 minutes ago, Chester57 said:

    The more I read about Ted and Jessica I wonder if Jason Blossom was doing his twin sister Cheryl (before he was murdered) Definitely— just like Archie was doing Ms. Grundy.  See, I knew you’d like Riverdale.

    Yes, it was by your recommendation. I was binging on CW’s website, although ep2 was gone (My daughter tells me we have Netflix where they might have the full set)

    I hadn’t seen or read the Archies for over 40 years, remembering very little. The show’s not bad, has held my interest. I really like Betty. She looks smoking hot and I like her acting. However, I was looking at her Twitter a few minutes ago and I came away less impressed with her as a person.

    Now I’m wondering if it’s entirely coincidental that Jessica Wilson bears a striking resemblance to Cheryl Blossom!

  4. On 3/20/2017 at 5:55 PM, Chester57 said:

    She may hook up with a girl— or find herself a sugar daddy.  Why not?  She’s eighteen.

    Any other brilliant theories?

    I’ve always been partial to the sugar daddy idea.

  5. Not quite done with chapter 66, but a few thoughts…

    Miss Cartwright: Jack, you can by my office later if you want (and bend me over my desk)

    The more I read about Ted and Jessica I wonder if Jason Blossom was doing his twin sister Cheryl (before he was murdered)

    Then Kayla. The sore boobs stretching her bra. You see, the last few chapters are chewing up time on the calendar. 63 chapters to get through the first 104 weeks, and now 3 to cover about 8 weeks. Jack wants his senior year to finish. He wants desperately to take Kayla and get the hell out of Dodge, get to college, and never look back. And she’ll be due around June.

    OK, now I’m done. Didn’t realize I was that close. At first I thought he dropped his phone.


  6. On 3/7/2017 at 6:48 AM, Chester57 said:

    Why do I have the feeling that Jack is about to do something really stupid?

    You mean, “Again?”

    Jack can’t wait to for high school to finish so he can get out – out of his parents house, out of town, out of the drama. I, on the other hand, was scared shitless of leaving. I ended living at home while going to college in town because I couldn’t face being on my own yet.

    PS I typed “jashley” into Google to get here and clicked on this youtube video


  7. On 2/6/2017 at 9:45 PM, Chester57 said:

    The story starts with Jack going into his sophomore year so it’s been roughly 2½ years. 

     Actually, I wish Jack would have had his sex dream about Ms. Cartwright instead of Jessica and then told Kayla about it— that would have been funny!  Speaking of which— I wonder if Ms. Cartwright is playing games with our hero? 

    Jessica sex dream? Now I know which chapter I need to read. 

    PS A reminder that I have suggested Emily for Ms. Cartwright


  8. On 1/27/2017 at 11:02 AM, Chester57 said:

    Anyway, as I watched I couldn’t help but draw some parallels between Riverdale and SITO.  I guess that there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to high school— except for a girl group called Josie and the Pussycats!  :)


    Haven’t checked it out yet – but how do you know that the Riverdale creators aren’t SITO fans? You never know!

  9. 1 minute ago, Chester57 said:

    Also recall that Mr. Nightingale had lost his job back when Brad was blackmailing Jessica and Ted so I guess anything is possible.  Maybe his folks abandoned him and he was declared a ward of the state?  Just gonna have to wait and find out what his situation is.

    Forgot about losing his job. That could also cause the family to move.

  10. As Brad is underage it would be hard for his parents to kick him out unless he moved in with other relatives, such as an aunt or uncle. The mall was halfway to Tara’s, who lives a half hour away, and nobody in the group had heard from him for nearly two years, so there’s a chance he may have moved and could be going to school in the next county.

  11. 1 hour ago, that-one-guy said:

    Ive a couple theories, but, since the foundation has been laid this early, I think its gonna have deep implications on how Jack deals with a situation yet to arise, or its gonna result in a big arguement

    Well they don’t keep you in juvie forever, even for a fight at school. My kids went to school in the county where Tara lives, and they had several alternative schools. My daughter was sent to the one for kids with bad attitudes (telling the teacher to ‘fuck off’ too many times) and there was another one for criminal and physically violent types – which is likely where Brad was sent. 

    So yeah, Jack decides to go to a mall that none of them have been to before, and Boom! there he is. 

    Brad may have honestly not thought about Jack for awhile – it is going on two years. But here they are. It will definitely be awkward, but I don’t expect anything loud or violent at Brad’s work place. That would fuck him up too much. Red faces, huffing and puffing…

    But now he’s back, with Jack and Kayla and Joe and Craig thrust back into his scheming mind. And, we never did find out what Jessica and Ted were so worried about...

  12. Saga question – I haven’t kept my notes up as well as I should. Would someone help me update this?

    Kayla Saga: Chapters 1-8
    Jessica Saga: Chapters 9-15
    Tara Saga: Chapters 16-22
    Twins Saga: Chapters 23-28
    Summer Saga: Chapters 29-37
    Fracture Saga: Chapters 38-45?

  13. 20 hours ago, Jashley13 said:

    And there’s Chapter 60 posted :) time to get some studying done before I start on Chapter 61.

    OMG that was unexpectedly quick – here I am taking 5 months to write 10k words.


    Will get at it later tonight, when the boss has gone home (and I usually paste it into a Word doc, in case of prying eyes)


  14. I’ve said it here before, but Jack & Kayla didn’t say it to Rhona. Maybe they didn’t want to call her a bitch because Rhona isn’t mean, but she certainly does have an abrasive personality. My comment was that Rhona could probably get laid any time she wants to, but her personality keeps people at a distance. Being that way, the only times guys would try to get close is to have sex.

    Rhona needs to lighten up and be a person that someone would want to be friends with. One needs to be able to open up and make an effort to please the other person.

    Fortunately, she seemed to be showing signs of that as she dropped Jack off at his house.


  15. Just a handful of typos


    deal with all of my shirt.

    I mean, not like I brought her in her to—

    how amazing it was being wit Kayla

    Yeah, I am. Hey, I’m gonna be coming home today?

    gripping me to tightly to turn around


  16. 5 hours ago, Chester57 said:


    Yep, Kayla’s reaction will set the stage for what happens this year.  The situation in the hotel room is circumstantial— Jack didn’t do anything inappropriate with Rhona.  Also, Kayla withheld sex until Jack’s birthday using the flimsy excuse that he was a minor and it wouldn’t be legal.  If she now tells Jack that she wants a break in their relationship then I would bet that he tells her to go pound sand.

    To go with what I said on the last page concerning rejection – it’s also a matter of trust. People get together, set ground rules, and trust the other to follow them. The situation in the hotel room is totally circumstantial, but it looks like Jack betrayed Kayla’s trust. He’ll try to explain, but that didn’t go well the last time.


  17. I see it’s been 6 weeks. I was hoping I remembered how to find this forum in the new system.

    I’ve been writing when I have the chance, and recently read “People’s Republic” by Kurt Schlichter. For a first novel, it’s rather good.

    Other than that, pretty boring. Waiting so see Kayla’s expression when jack opens the hotel room door.


  18. Saw this on Facebook tonight from a local girl who’s starting here senior year. The sentiments seemed to line up so well with things in this story (and she threw this guy under the bus like three times in one paragraph!)



    I spent the last three years of my life in high school worried about fake people, drama, social media, and an irrelevant relationship. As I get older, my priorities changed and I am determined to make a difference in the world. I've learned that there are way more important things in life than dating the guy on the football team or who said what on Instagram. This year I plan on focusing on my goals, my songs, my future. Nothing is stopping or distracting me in these next 180 days from becoming the best person I can possibly be. No one, especially a dumb guy is going to stand in between me and success. Walking in to my first day of senior year, I feel nothing but determination for the great things I plan to do with my life. My past mistakes shot me forward, and I am geared up and ready to go. #NoDistractions #SeniorYear #FirstLastDay


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