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CL Mustafic

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Posts posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Hi there, you didn't do anything wrong.

    I don't know a lot about all the things they are working on right now (I'm pretty much computer illiterate and when they talk code it's like they're speaking a different language) but I know that things tend to get a bit messed up as they work to get the site upgraded from an older code. There are a couple of threads that both manta and DG are updating to let users know what's going on. I believe they addressed this exact issue in this thread.

    For right now as users we just need to be patient and wait out the bugs because all the new stuff coming is going to be totally awesome and so worth the wait.


  2. So at least one reader thinks that that was the end of Backdoor Politics and apparently it was not a satisfying ending. There's more to come, I guess I should have made that clear. Though now that I think about it, that would have been a good place to end it... Nah, I'm going to post the other 5 chapters and the epilogue since I took the time to write them and all.

    On another note, I'll probably be busy for a bit, got my first round of edits and I'm still seeing red, so much red... If you need me I'll be over here in my corner crying.

  3. I'm always happy to help with crazy ideas and my super skills of persuasion and plunnies. You have named me the Plunny Queen, and I shall strive to use my power for good....mostly. Mwahahaha

    You are the Plunny Queen and I bow before your powers! :spank: Oops wrong one, I meant this one: :worship:

    Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 14

    Welcome back and thank you all for reading and reviewing.

    Okay this next chapter is one of my favorites and then the next two are really good… LOL Okay maybe not good but I like them. :D Don’t shoot me, please.

    On to review replies…

    Pippychick: I wanted to show just a bit of lighthearted Kamal, he’s not all dark and when he’s got what he wants, ie his own little servant and plaything, he can be sort of happy. Yes, it is heartbreaking that such a little thing can mean so much but it does show how dehumanized Kamal has made Zijad feel. The cliffhanger… You gotta love em. :D Thanks for the review and as always all your help.

    Lavi1443: I know right, it could go either way at this point. I know he’s done nothing to deserve this and that’s what makes it so much worse to witness. Glad you’re still hanging in there, thanks for the review!

    BronxWench: I think it was too, it was definitely the most emotional, I think because we get to see just how far Zijad has been pushed toward broken. I do think it was probably harder for Zijad to be reminded that he was once a person in his own right, maybe that’s why he reacted like he did? This is the fun part, I think, seeing how Kamal deals with the aftermath of what he’s done. *insert evil grin* Thanks again for sticking with me on this one, things are about to get good…

    Tahn: I’m not sure you want to know but if you do, read on my sweet Tahn and remember what I told you. :D

    That’s all for now, thanks again to my reviewers! Chapter 15 is up now!


  4. Review Replies for Picking Up the Pieces Chapter 9

    Hi, long time no see!

    Okay so I’m going to apologize for not updating this one forever. I just have to say that it’s because I wrote myself into a corner. I considered rewriting the last chapter I posted but… I’m lazy. I know I say that a lot but you people really have no idea just how true it is. Instead of reworking the whole story I decided to just gloss over it by skipping ahead in time by leaps and bounds (tiny ones but you didn’t miss anything because Matt is still being stubborn and avoiding contact with Payne). It was just a little glitch that prevented me from going where the story needed to go. If you’ve ever written anything you’ll know what I’m talking about, you know that middle part that just sucks to write? Yeah, that’s where I was stuck so anyway I think I figured it out.

    I talked it out with my favorite sounding board, Tahn, and she always has some really rotten ideas (I’m kidding of course) that somehow spark really good ones in my mind. So everyone thank Tahn for the updates to come because without her, I think I may have just given up. I have two chapters completed and one almost half written, going to finish this sucker yet!!

    On a little side note. I realize that I’m playing fast and loose here with police protocol but since this is fiction, I’m going to keep doing it and if you have a problem with that I suggest you go read some true crime novels or something. :D

    Anyway, on to review replies…

    Lisa: Um, it’s been awhile so I’m thinking you probably got used to the new functions so we’ll skip that part. LOL I think Matt and Stella’s partnership may see some stress in the future but yes it was nice that they could put Payne at ease a bit with their banter. Yep Marv has a family and they are in for a big surprise along with other families I suppose. I agree, Baz sucks. :D

    Tahn: No cops were harmed in the making of this story, so no, no cops involved. :P Thanks for the ear and if I ever get around to it, this one will be dedicated to you. :hug:

    Mona Thompson: I’m sorry I’ve been so slow to update but I gave my excuse up top. I’m dedicated to finishing this one so the updates should come at a steady pace barring any unforeseen accidents/illnesses. :P

    Ramblingrobin: I always squee a little when I see a review from you. I think I said one time before you are what brought me to AFF and for that I’m eternally grateful. :D I’m glad you like it so far and I hope you continue to do so. Thanks for the review!

    Jess: I saw that you were searching for this one, I’m glad you found it. :D Yes they are the same Matt and Payne from THW and I’m sorry if that story was a spoiler for you. I guess I figure most people know that my characters end up with a HEA so the journey to get there is why they read in the first place. Also sometimes I don’t really know that my side characters will get their own story and sometimes their story is something I have to tell so I don’t even know that the spoilers are there when I write them. Thanks for reviewing!

    Okay so that’s all for now, thanks again to all my patient readers and reviewers! Chapter 10 is up now!


  5. ::dies laughing::

    Hey, my brass balls are offended by you laughing at them!

    Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 13

    Welcome back and thank you for reading and reviewing!

    This next chapter is a fluffy one. :D Okay so maybe not fluffy but not as dark as the others have been so far, at least I don’t think it is but then my perception is a little skewed right now. Oh and it’s also not even 7am and I’ve been up since 4:30 so excuse me if I make any mistakes on this here thingy. And the replies will probably be shorter and more incoherent than usual, my apologies in advance.

    On to review replies…

    Lavi1443: I know, it’s like a train wreck, you just can’t look away. I’m afraid it might get a bit worse in the coming chapters but I’m glad you’re still hanging in there! Thanks for the review.

    Pippychick: Yes that ever present carrot that Kamal keeps dangling just out of Zijad’s reach is surely even more torturous than the torture. There are times when I hate Kamal and when he couldn’t even agree to grant a dying man’s wish was one of them. Thanks again for everything and the review too! :D

    BronxWench: I think at this point Zijad is just grasping for any last hope for survival left in his small world but then at the same time I think he’s resigned himself to what he sees as his inevitable fate with Orhan not agreeing to the terms of release. Yes, Kamal is slipping past the point of no return quickly but I’m not sure that Kamal’s bond with Orhan would have shielded Zijad from what’s to come. Thank you for reviewing again!

    Ahsia: I keep hoping the same thing as I write this but sadly, no, he’s not going to become the good guy. I’m sorry it makes you sad. :( Thanks for reviewing.

    Tahn: I think that Kamal’s revelation that Zijad is not his father is a double edged sword for him and I promise nothing when it comes to Zijad’s situation getting better. :D You would keep him as a pet. Would you really want to be Kamal’s pet? You crack me up. Thanks for reviewing, you now I always appreciate it.

    Lisa: You have to remember he was young back then and you still don’t have all of his backstory as to why he’s such an asshat. :P Yeah, he’s no better than the men he holds in contempt for their actions but he rationalizes what he’s doing so that makes if okay. :D I told them not to leave you clues that we’re stalking you! LOL Thanks for reviewing!

    That’s all for now, thanks again to all who reviewed! Chapter 14 is up now!


  6. Yeah! You baby squisher you. You better be sorry! You described it so well I freaking heard the damn squish. :throwup: Ugh. You detail oriented crazy lady! That being said, I do applaud you for acknowledging some harsh truths about our species, not many people would have the balls. :beer: Cheers, on having the money to plate yours in brass.

    Here's to my big brass balls! May they hold up through the next story I decide to write. :P

  7. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 12

    Welcome back and thanks again for reading and reviewing!

    Okay so this next chapter may not make a lot of sense to some of you but there is a master plan so have no fear! Um yeah, well just so you know the human mind is very resilient and when it comes to self preservation it will go to great lengths to survive, just keep that in mind when you read the first part of chapter 13. :D

    Oh and in other news they just did the first successful penis transplant in America! So many ideas swirling around now, damn you CNN!!

    On to review replies…

    Pippychick: You ask some very valid questions here and of course I don’t have the answers to them. I do think that our circumstances do weigh heavily on who we are but maybe some people are born predisposed to becoming a person like Kamal. Obviously many other people lived through the same or similar horrors as he did and they came out of it more or less normal. But yes, the fact that one human being can do such atrocious things to another does not speak well for the state of humanity. I too know how you feel about Orhan and I can’t say I blame you. Thanks for everything once again.

    BronxWench: I felt like I needed to include what he’s been through not because I wanted to garner sympathy for him but more to show that he’s seen and most likely done things so horrific that what he’s doing to Zijad is really nothing in comparison. And also to show he’s capable of so much worse. While Kamal is losing it, I’m not sure if that’s exactly a bad thing for Zijad. It’s a hard thing to explain but the fact that he was bound by Julien’s plan was actually worse for Zijad, now that Kamal doesn’t feel like he’s doing someone else’s work, I think things will even out, or not, don’t hold me to that. As far as Zijad goes, I think he’s stronger than he comes across. He knows that Kamal can kill him at any time but despite him begging for it, I think his instinct to live will keep him struggling to do so. Uggh, my reply is huge! LOL Thank you once again for such a thought provoking review!

    Rojin: You’re welcome and thank you for leaving a review. I can’t promise anything but I guess it will depend on your definition of suffering as to if Zijad will till the end. :D

    Tahn: I’m sorry for the baby squishing. :hug: I usually try not to put too much work into anything (I’m lazy :P ) so thanks for recognizing when I do. And thanks for reviewing and still reading even though I squished the baby.

    Okay well that’s all for today, thanks again to the reviewers! Chapter 13 is up now!


  8. 'I thought I lost you! :hug: I think I read somewhere that you were quite busy so you get a pass for falling behind. ' :D

    Yes...this is actually the longest I've been away from AFF! I haven't had much time to do anything on this site or the other site I'm on.

    My second part-time job (besides my work with the doggies and kitties), is editing PA essays for applicants who are applying to PA schools. The PA board opens at the end of April each year, and I've been swamped editing essays and talking to the clients over the phone, going over the essay over and over and over until it's as good as it's going to get. The whole idea is that they have the best essay possible, so it gives them a better chance of being interviewed.

    It should calm down in a few months or so...we'll see. But at least I get paid for it, not like my volunteer editing i do on the side.

    I will definitely check out the latest chapters of BP, as soon as I can breathe! lol

    Well good luck with your added work load, it sounds like you'll be quite busy but sometimes that's a good thing, right?

    Thanks for stopping in, I'm like a weird sort of mother hen, I worry when people just drop off the face of the earth for a bit with no word so it's good to know you're just busy but well. :D See you soon.

  9. I did see someone else saying that a virgin wouldn't be able to bring their partner to orgasm, yet funnily enough, I've seen this in quite a few first time stories. A part of me wants to go that route too, since the fandom I'm writing in always portrays this particular character as a uke because of his personality and nationality. I really want to buck that trend.

    I think this might pertain more to het couples because it is harder to make a woman come (it takes some work believe me) and most young women aren't even aware of what their own bodies need to achieve the big O with a partner or are too shy to ask for what they need. Guys on the other hand know what is needed to make them come for the most part and since you're dealing with two guys chances are the virgin has masturbated and will know how to make the other guy shoot. ;)

    Just write it and don't worry about it so much or if you do worry that much find a beta that writes the same sort of thing and have them give you some pointers. Most importantly, have fun, that's why we do this after all, right?


  10. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 16

    Welcome back to all those reading and reviewing!

    Well here we are at the end. The epilogue is short but I think it’s cute and it fits. Anyway, I’m totally thinking about submitting this to a publisher so don’t be surprised if it disappears in the near future. I’ve actually been editing it in the past few days and gearing up to write the summary and query letter so…

    Okay so on to the replies…

    BronxWench: I guess I just wanted them to have supportive people around them because those people have to exist out there in the real world, right? I guess I just think of what kind of mom I’d be if it were my son and it’s a no brainer. :D I know! Well at least there’s no doubt about how Henrick feels at least. I’m so glad that I could put a little fluff in your life at least for a bit. Thank you for reading the whole darn thing, I appreciate the support.

    HideAndGoSeek: Hi, long time no see! I’m really glad you love it! I was sort of thinking that Tino either didn’t hear Henrick say it the first time or since it wasn’t in the ‘I love you, I love him’ form it didn’t really click for Tino, if that makes any sense. And I think Henrick will always have just a little bit of doubt about if Tino would have come out if the pictures hadn’t surfaced of them kissing, maybe after some time that doubt will dwindle or he may just not care in the end anyway. Of course Tino could always convince him. ;) Again, glad you’re enjoying it. Only the Epilogue left. Thanks for the review!

    Tahn: Yeah, I forgot you made me write this chapter. I’m not sure if I should thank you or smack you… Ah well I guess I’ll be gracious and say thanks for making me write this chapter, mean lady. ;)

    Lisa: I’m sorry they were so hard to finish! LOL I was too, I was so glad he declared it to everyone that way! Yep you spelled it really really wrong but she forgives you since you like her so much. If I wrote het stuff that turned out remotely good, I’d write a story for her. :D Thanks for reviewing again!

    Okay that’s all for now, thanks again for the reviews! The Epilogue is up now!


  11. I would say that if you are looking for it to be somewhat realistic, remember that everything will not go smoothly. Try to remember your first time. If it was anything like most people's there was a lot of fumbling about and a fair bit of awkwardness. Of course that can be a fine line to walk if you're also looking for it to be titillating to your readers, you probably don't want it to be too realistic because someone stopping in the middle because it hurts isn't exactly what most readers are looking for in their porn. (I know this as a fact :P )

    If you're not shooting for anything near realistic, then anything goes I guess.

    And what would make you think that anyone would think you look silly? Have you read some of the drivel some of us put out there? ;)


  12. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 11

    *peeks cautiously into her own thread* Well since no one is here to clobber me for torturing poor Zijad, I guess we’ll get this show on the road. :D

    Welcome back, thank you for reading and reviewing and not smacking me. :P

    I really don’t know what to say… I mean the story is what it is, oh! It’s finished! Twenty chapters and an epilogue! Yeah, that’s right I wrote the whole darn thing so now just got to post it slowly so you guys don’t bail on me because I overwhelmed you with Kamal’s douchebaggery. ;) And before I forget I have to thank dafdes/pippychick again for being a wonderful, supportive sounding board for all my craziness and then also for doing an excellent job of cleaning up my messy writing so it looks like I didn’t fail elementary school grammar.

    On to review replies…

    Lavi1443: Yeah, I’m trying not to hold myself back on this one, just letting the ugliness come out. LOL Kamal is a selfish douchebag and I’m surprised you can relate to him but happy someone can. He’s very damaged. Thanks for the review.

    BronxWench: Yes, no turning back now… He’s now damaged Zijad beyond repair I think and yes, Zijad knows that he’s got no choice in the matter and will do whatever he needs to survive, even thanking his rapist. There is a reason the videoed portion wasn’t as brutal as one would have expected it to be but I can’t tell you why just yet. Kamal will get his chance off camera to do as he wishes to the boy and it’s not going to be pretty. Like I said, Zijad is broken and Kamal, well I think maybe he will just turn a blind eye to what he has really become or maybe he’ll embrace it? Thanks again, I couldn’t wait to hear what you thought and your reviews always make my day.

    Pippychick: Yes, you did tell me that and I thought it was probably the most poignant moment in this chapter. I guess his finding out when he did and then having Kamal do the things he did will maybe help Zijad in a way, at least now he knows that he can’t trust Kamal in even the smallest of ways. I also think he would have faired better in Julien’s hands because it wouldn’t have been personal and I think Zijad can feel that with Kamal there is something there driving him. And thank you again, I don’t think I can say it enough.

    Anon: I’m sure everyone is wondering about Zijad’s thoughts and what he was like before but that is why I’m only going at this story from Kamal’s pov. If I showed you Zijad’s mind, it would be too much, he’s terribly broken. And this would have turned into a much different story, I think. But I do think it’s a little of both, he’s somewhat submissive and he knows that if he submits to Kamal he’s not hurt as much. Thanks for reviewing.

    Mint: Yes, poor Zijad. Like I said above I think it’s a little of both and now that he knows they are the same man, I think he’ll be a bit more wary of Kamal (if that’s at all possible at this stage). Thanks for reviewing.

    Tahn: Yep, Kamal screwed the pooch on that one. :D I’m not sure Zijad could act any differently than he already is, he’s just trying to survive with the slim hope that he’ll be saved at some point. Of course with him knowing now, there’s nothing stopping Kamal from being just as sadistic as he likes, see a bright side! Thanks for reviewing again!

    Lisa: I thought I lost you! :hug: I think I read somewhere that you were quite busy so you get a pass for falling behind. :D Do you really think so? I guess we’ll see if Zijad has an effect on Kamal other than giving him a raging boner. I never thought of that but I think dick’s age so maybe Kamal’s has put on some weight and Orhan won’t recognize it? LOL I’m giggling over here. Thanks for reviewing.

    Arata: I’m glad you think so. Well this story does have kidnapping and rape but the love at the end might be questionable… You’re not crazy because if you’re crazy for reading it then I must be certifiable for writing it. :P Thanks for stopping by and reviewing.

    Okay that’s all for now, thanks again to everyone that reviewed! Chapter 12 is up now!


  13. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 15

    Welcome back to all that are reading and reviewing!

    Okay so they are finally together! And the next chapter is the last, there is a short epilogue to follow though.

    Anyway, not much to say so...

    BronxWench: Yes, your threats scared the crap out of them. It helped that I told them you'd eat them soon if they didn't get their act together. :D Yes, I'm really glad that Tino told him it wasn't because of the pictures too. Smack away at Klaus, I've no further use for him.

    Tahn: I know lots of people who would disagree with that statement. :P

    That's all for now, thanks to BronxWench and Tahn for their lovely reviews! Chapter 16 is up now!


  14. Thank you, CL! :)

    Ah, yes, I am a tease lately. For the record, I wanted to put this off for another few decades. My muses told me very plainly that wouldn't be happening. Elrond is far-sighted and wise. Deep down he knows where this might lead, and he fears being the instrument of doom for his two lovers. For now it seems Elrond has decided to trust his heart, and the dream he was given. Where there is love, there is hope. Maybe Elrond will get the dream. Maybe they all will. Won't that be a worthy end to all this?

    Oh yes, the love is there and it's plain to see. I can't remember if I left my thoughts in a review or if I just told you how I wished I could write about elves that lived forever so that I could tell an epic romantic story like yours but then you do it so well that I don't have too because I can just read yours. :D

    I can see Elrond's hesitation and I can also see the reasons for it and they are good ones, no doubt, doesn't stop me from wanting to see it happen all the same. ;)

    I'll wait patiently for it to happen though (of course I think I only have to wait for the next chapter so that is why I'm being so patient).


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