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CL Mustafic

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Posts posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Oh, don't encourage me! I already have the BDSM tag on that little foray, and I may need to add more. This is NOT a fluffy world.

    I would never encourage you to harm your characters in any way, um but if you already have the BDSM tag, what would be the harm in pushing the boundaries just a wee bit?

  2. Thank you, CL! :)

    Thranduil/Legolas is a thing that (almost) everyone loves. They're both so pretty! If you want that kind of sandwich, I'm working on a chapter of the main fic you'll probably like, though it's only heavy hinting. Character development takes precedence, I'm afraid.

    Having said that, I am tending to dedicate these missing bits to people. One will appear for you in the not-too-distant future. :)

    *Dances about like a lunatic* Why doesn't the like button work??? I will be patiently awaiting the posting of that chapter. I'm lying, I'm never patient. :)

  3. *perks up* Ohh.... would we? *eyes Sauron's cage*

    Oh-oh... I really shouldn't have done that... I am now imagining a wacky living game of chess involving Sauron's orcs and a blind and helpless son of Feanor. Oh, he'd follow instructions, all right. *gulps*

    Yay we've inspired another bit of naughtiness from Dafdes, mission accomplished.

    We've got four entrants now, suppose we should invite BW, I think her story is going to be somewhat violent. Nah, she'd probably leave us all in the dust better to keep her out of it so we have a chance at least.

  4. Review Replies for The Heart Wants Chapter 30

    Okay so once again thanks to all who are reading and reviewing.

    Well here we are at the end. I have a sequel planned, I don’t know why but the idea hit me hard one day and the story was born. This story turned out to be way more drama filled than I had anticipated it to be. When I started writing it I knew Zeb would have things to work through but didn’t realize just how damaged he was. His mom killing his dad came out of nowhere but it felt right when she told me what she was going to do, she wanted some redemption for letting things go so far that she’d lost sight of the fact that she was a mother first. I had thought there would be more lighthearted moments but towards the end it just got out of hand and I know some people decided it was just too much and quit reading, so to those of you that stayed with me, thanks and I hope this is a satisfying conclusion to this story which really was just the beginning for them.

    On to review replies…

    Tahn: Yeah, they’re sweet and there’s one more overly sappy moment to come in the epilogue so prepare for a toothache… :P I know you’ll support any of the insane ideas I have which I appreciate and you’ll pay for when you must read the insanity that pours from my mind! LOL

    Lisa: Yes! He finally did it and it turned out just how we all expected it would, right? Yeah, Zeb’s still got some work to do which is why I decided on the sequel which will deal almost exclusively with Zeb’s recovery. I’m glad you loved it! Yay, another one down and only a few hundred more to write!

    Well that’s all for now, thanks again to my faithful reviewers Tahn and Lisa! The epilogue is up now!


  5. Hahaha, we should have...a torture off!!!!! (I think you will win though)

    I'm not so sure if I would but then I haven't actually written any torture scenes yet, they are just bouncing around in my head. :devil:

    Ohhh, torture off? Is it limited to the realms of slash or can I join? -puppy eyes- I think I can scare up some competition for Kamal. :D

    Feel free to participate, I would hate to discriminate against the het population. *snickers* They are the most marginalized after all, at least here on AFF it seems. :P


  6. Aww, I see how it is. Besides, it's not Vincent that's getting the most pain outta this, so it could always be worse :D

    Um he does get tortured and then healed and then tortured and healed and... You get the point. I figured if you can torture your characters so can I. Just wait until you see Kamal's brand of torture... :spank2:

  7. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Prologue

    Well a special big thanks to everyone that popped in to read and review my new story, I hope you all enjoyed it.

    Oh, Kamal, you nasty piece of work you. I can for sure tell you that he will only get worse from here so if you’re not expecting it, consider yourselves warned. Also there will probably be some additional tags added to some chapters so be on the lookout for those in the author’s notes at the top of the story.

    Okay, on to the replies…

    Pippychick: I’m so glad I could lure you in and hope you weren’t disappointed! Yes, he’s really not a nice bloke and he’s not going to have some huge revelation where he becomes the nice guy, at least I don’t think he will. LOL As I told you cigarettes are much cheaper here and I used that as a way for Kamal to integrate himself with the group, it was subtle but that was my aim. He is methodical and organized but he needs to be or he’d be dead by now. Yeah, not sure how deep we’ll have to dig to find his humanity but it should be fun trying. Thanks for reading and reviewing!!

    Rukia Isaioi: No, the boy in the bed will not be his love interest, the prologue happened only a bit before the actual story but that would have been weird. More’s on it’s way.

    BronxWench: I don’t know why but my brain has suddenly taken a turn toward the dark and weird so I’m glad you like where it’s going. Yeah, he’s going to be nasty pretty much all the way through, I guess the challenge will be to keep readers from despising him so much they hate him while still keeping him on the dark side. I guess we’ll see how that works out… Once again I’m happy to have you hooked. :D

    Lisa: LOL I know, I’m sorry! It’s like a bait and switch scheme, people see my name and think fluffy romance only to find there was no love only a murder. The guy didn’t do what he was told to do and he needed a warning, some warning huh? At least he knows now that these guys ain’t playin.

    Tahn: I figured you’d like the brain goo part. This story is going to take you down a very dark road. Consider it payback for torturing poor Vincent. :P

    Lavi1443: I’m glad you liked it and I hope it will be a good story, guess we’ll see. Thanks for stopping by.

    Okay so that’s all for now, thanks again to everyone that reviewed. Chapter 1 is up now!


  8. Rose bushes! Ha! This morning, on March 21, the day after the first day of spring, it was more like SNOW BUSHES! lol

    NO! You are not allowed to us such language in my thread, no four letter dirty words! Last year we had that nasty stuff on our apple blossoms in April, it was pretty but it still made me growl.

    Oh and I've provided Tahn with a sub arctic rated tent, she doesn't mind the cold... Make sure you close your curtains. :shifty:

  9. Legolas is very naughty indeed. At this point, he's quite experienced. And, somewhere I have him using that considerable experience and playfulness on one suddenly very overwhelmed dwarf... ;)

    Yeah, I know and I'm waiting on a new chapter of that one too! Grr, guess I'll have to read The Teacher out takes until you give me more of my favorite dwarf...

  10. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 8

    Hello once again and thanks for reading and reviewing! Boy you all are going to get sick of me soon, so many updates in so little time! Blame it on my over active imagination of late, the crap just keeps pouring out.

    This next chapter was probably one of my favorites to write, the cuteness is just off the charts! I love Henrick but he’s a bit of a tease and it makes me feel really bad for Tino and in this chapter it’s at it’s peak.

    The other funny thing to me is that I’m posting this fluff fest today and tomorrow I’ll be posting another chapter of my new one which is the exact opposite of fluff, I’m a study in contrasts lately… Hope you guys can keep up with my multiple personalities until I get myself sorted out.

    Okay so on to review replies…

    Dani: I’m glad you are enjoying the story and thanks for letting me know! You don’t have to worry about me not finishing this one as it’s been completely written since November, hence the actual posting schedule. :D

    BronxWench: I know, right? Way too sweet and they get worse this chapter believe it or not… I think we’re still a bit off from Henrick getting that Tino may be ready to step into the light, probably because Tino has yet to realize it himself. *runs off to get the glasses, soda and a lime* You’re gonna share that right? :cheers:

    Tahn: Okay since it’s just a newspaper I will let you whap them, but save some for later because they’re not done being stupid yet. :P

    Lisa: Yes, he’s like the king of mixed signals and poor Tino can’t make heads or tails of him most of the time. Henrick will give Tino a chance to be his friend but it will get complicated… There’s never easy romance in my stories so you shouldn’t be surprised by that anymore. :D LOL Did my new story shock you? It’s gonna get dark and scary… :fear:

    Atenea217: Hi! And welcome back to AFF, I’m glad you found your way back here! It has been a long time if it was .net the last time you visited but it’s still the same friendly place for both readers and writers and I love it here. Yeah, Dardan will come back into play in the chapter after this, Tino sort of stole Henrick away for now. ;) It was a hard decision to make but I think in the end it was for the best that I left FP because it was getting to the point where it was more an annoyance than anything. And thanks, I’m super excited that Loving Sarajevo is getting published, I can’t wait for it to be unleashed unto the world! Thanks for dropping in and letting me know you found your way here! :hug:

    Okay so that’s all for now, thanks again to all my wonderful reviewers! Chapter 9 is up now!


  11. Review Replies for Involuntary Indebtedness Chapter 5

    Hello once again my favorite people in the whole wide world! Thanks to all of you that have been reading and reviewing this strange little fiction I’ve been compelled to write against my better judgment. (Can ya’ll tell I’m feeling much, much better? :P )

    Okay so Tanner and his sticky situation is about to get a bit stickier (eww gross, seriously?). Yeah so the next chapter is basically just PWP so I hope you all are up for it. There is a little surprise at the end which will lead to some fun times in the next chapter. :D

    In other news, I’ve once again started to write something I shouldn’t so make sure you go on over and check out my new story, Backdoor Politics and let me know how disturbed you are by the fact that a fluffy romance novelist is trying to write something that is not remotely romantic, I know, I should stick to what I know but hey, everyone’s got to have a hobby right? I guess right now mine’s writing things that don’t make any sense. Anyway go read and review.

    On to review replies…

    BronxWench: I know the boss is creepy and he is not a nice man or the most stable either. ;) It isn’t fluffy and I have a feeling it will only get darker as it goes along, right now is probably the happiest it will get, nowhere to go but down from here. And yes, unfortunately Tanner will end up getting other people hurt…

    Darkalley_rambler: I’m so glad that I could lure you over to the dark side. Mawhahahah. I’m glad you find Tanner relatable and you’re not the only one that would like to see the boss get offed. LOL Where are these adoring fans you speak of? :P I’m not sure if Dakota’s boyfriend will make an appearance later or not but the boss will get… something? Oh and getting the lighter fluid as we speak, be gone nasty tainted couch!

    Tahn: I’m glad you like my story, I feel all fuzzy inside. :D Thanks, I think I fixed the link.

    Lisa: I’m glad he can make you LOL. I was sort of surprised myself that Dakota had an abusive boyfriend, he seemed like he was so in control of his life but it just goes to show you never can tell. As far as the Captcha goes, eek! Run Tahn, run, Lisa is on to you, no more pictures of her house!!! LOL Tahn’s a stalker…

    Sarkukka: Hi there! Nice to see a new face in among the reviewers (I guess there are two of you this time since darkalley is technically a first time reviewer also, yay me, two noobs!). I’m glad you’re hooked and hope you continue to enjoy the story!

    Okay well that’s all for today, thanks again to all my wonderful reviewers! Chapter 6 is up now!


  12. Review Replies for The Heart Wants Chapter 29

    Okay so I know this was a long time coming but it’s finally here, the end!!! Well at least until the epilogue is polished up which should only take me a day or so to do. Anyway, thanks to all of you that have stuck with me through this little adventure.

    This next chapter is just as drama filled as one might expect but it’s basically a lot of talking so sorry in advance for that but it had to be done. Things will sort of get wrapped into a neat little package in the epilogue so don’t despair if there are still a couple of unresolved issues at the end of this chapter, oh and there’s the sequel that I’ve started to play with too which will be a whole other bag of crazy.

    Anywhoo, onto the review replies…

    Tahn: If you figure that one out please let me know because I still don’t know how they can convince him but maybe they’ll at least get him to give them a chance too. :D

    Lisa: I know, Joanna is a hoot, sometimes I wish I wrote stories about girls so I could delve into some of my side characters a little more because I think it would be interesting but alas, I cannot write a convincing female lead to save my life. Advil, hell I was thinking more along the lines of morphine. :P Zeb did need it to feel like he was a part of the relationship but unfortunately his little plan doesn’t work out the way he hoped it would at least not enough to convince himself that he belongs with them. :(

    jit: You make some good and valid points. I have taken your advice to heart and decided to let the chips fall where they may. I will write what feels right to me and if people don’t like it they can feel free to move along. I have way too many ideas that need to get out that I have no more time to worry about upsetting the minority of readers. Thank you for telling me like it is. The sequel will focus on Zeb’s recovery with Shane and Justin’s help, it should be interesting as the new Doctor will have an interesting therapy approach. :D

    Well that’s it for now, thanks again to those that reviewed! Chapter 30 is up now!


  13. Author: The_CL
    Title: Backdoor Politics
    Summary: Paid to kidnap, torture and kill, love is the last thing on Kamal's mind but sometimes shit happens.

    Feedback: Reviews are always welcome of course.
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: Abuse,Anal,Angst,BDSM,Bond,Contro,Fingering,H/C,HJ,M/M,MiCD,Oral,Rape,Rim,Snuff,Solo,Spank,Tort,Toys,Violence,WIP

    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered
    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108124

    Review Replies: http://www2.adult-fa...on/#entry368114

    Yeah, well this one's probably going to be somewhat dark but that's apparently where my mind wants to go right now. Leave me a review and you'll be on my most favorite people list. :D


  14. Heh, not like I have room to talk, since the daft one's a good six years younger than I am, but I'm being an incurable romantic and stumping for Tino. :lol:

    I know, me too. LOL Henrick strikes me as the type that needs someone to take care of him, not that he's not capable of taking care of himself but he just seems like he should be cuddled and pampered. Maybe because he's so darn cute. ;)

  15. Glad you're feeling better CL! :) Me too. Whew! Today is the first day I was able to get out of bed! So what did I do? Dishes, of course! Why oh why do these kids take a different glass every single time they drink something? Like, they can't rinse one glass out each time? lol

    I'm on the Z-pack, but I had a migraine last night until two this afternoon when I called the pharmacist to see if I could take Excedrin with the Z-pack. And voila! No more headache! I can finally keep my eyes open without excruciating pain! lol

    OMG you sound like me! I think this is the bane of every mother's existence. I bought mine each color coded glasses so they knew which one was theirs and also then I knew who was using three glasses in a day and who wasn't so I could focus my lecture about it to the perp. It cut down on the amount of glasses they used might want to try that. :D

    Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 7

    Okay so thanks to those that read and review.

    So new news, AFF is now the only place to find my stories. I don’t know if anyone will stop in here from the other site but if you’re here for the first time and only because I quit pandering to the whims of entitled children, welcome! Feel free to join in and make yourself at home!

    Okay well next chapter of Calling the Ball is sort of a confusing mess but I’m not sure how to fix it so just read it and tell me what you think is wrong with it and we’ll go from there.

    On to review replies…

    Bronxwench: He is stuck in the middle but I think it’s about time he has two worthy men fighting over him. :D Oh come on, Dardan’s only a few years younger than Henrick… but yeah, I think he’s too young too, maybe Tino will figure it out before it’s too late.

    Tahn: You’re so violent, you’re always wanting to whap my poor characters. :P I admit sometimes they need a good whapping but I’d much rather watch them whap each other. :D

    Lisa: Yeah me too. I really never got the whole ‘poor me, rich and famous’ whine. LOL I get it, you’re sick, no need to leave a huge review, just letting me know you’re still there is enough. Hope you’re feeling better. :hug:

    Okay so that’s all for now. Thanks again to my reviewers. Chapter 8, in all its confused, messy glory, is up now!


  16. Sorry you're not feeling well, CL. Me neither. I took, my kid to school and spent the rest of the day in bed. I'm on the Z-Pack though, so hopefully it'll start to kick in tomorrow.

    I turned the computer on just to read the next chapter, but now I just want to close my eyes. Again. Ugh.

    Feel better, CL! :)

    :hug: Sorry to hear you're not well either. It's the pits being sick but I do believe I'm finally on the mend. Hope you start feeling better soon.

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