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CL Mustafic

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Posts posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Review Replies for Involuntary Indebtedness Chapter 3

    Hello once again! Thanks to everyone brave enough to read this.

    So poor Tanner, his lot in life sure isn’t very peachy right now. Sorry to say things will only get worse for him before they start to look up.

    So review replies…

    Tahn: You’re right, he probably does want to run but in the next chapter he’ll get a warning as to why he shouldn’t. :P

    Anon: Yeah you’d think that’s how it would go but we heard it straight from the source, he only gets fucked once… You’ll have to wait to see how that comes about. :D

    Lisa: Oh, yeah the Boss would probably be first in line for that. ;) LOL I should write a short about the Boss and what he does after Tanner’s shoots… I’m trying to keep it light since it’s not really a happy story for the most part.

    BronxWench: Yes it’s different because I’ve been sort of dabbling with a few different stories lately testing out lots of things (most of which will probably never see the light of day, thank goodness). I love that Tanner has no idea what’s in store for him, it’s what makes it interesting, I think. Thanks for giving it a chance, I hope to keep you entertained. :D

    Thanks again to those that left me a review, they’re always appreciated. Chapter 4 is up now!


  2. Author: CL Mustafic
    Title: Calling the Ball
    Summary: Henrick's closeted boyfriend decides to ask his fake girlfriend to marry him which prompts Henrick to make a decision that will change his life. Valentino's life is rocked by another scandal leaving him to ponder if all the hiding is really worth it.
    Feedback: Reviews are always welcome of course.
    Fandom: Original
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: Anal, Exhib, Fingering, HJ, M/M, OC, Oral, Solo, WIP
    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered
    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108073

    Review Replies: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/59306-clmustafic-review-reply-and-discussion/#entry368114

    So this here be me NaNo novel. It be finished ye see but I be only postin one chapter a week. Thar be already four chapters up. If ye be knowin' what's jolly fer ye, matey, ye'll be takin' a look or I be makin ye walk thee ole plank.

    Captain CL

  3. @Tahn and Lisa An army of slash loving crazies... God help us all!

    @BronxWench Thanks for answering Lisa's question. I didn't even touch my computer this weekend which I think is a first for me in a long time.

    Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 3

    Hope everyone had a good Valentines Day, I know I did. :D

    It’s Monday so I guess that means it’s time to get off my butt and update. So once again thanks to those that read and review. Oh and a special thanks to forum user Avelynn for helping me out with the German translation in the next chapter. Still looking for that elusive Italian speaker that wants to help a poor girl out. :D

    So onto the review replies…

    Tahn: LOL not helpful, I already know those words. :P You sort of remind me of my 11 yr old. He thinks if he says the words in English but with the accent he’s speaking the actual language. Oh well, we’ll have to settle for Google translate I guess.

    BronxWench: Ha, I threw that in there hoping the people who found Henrick to be familiar but couldn’t place him would figure it out plus I like to throw my characters into other stories all willy nilly like just for the heck of it. Glad you liked it. It’s about time for them to meet, would be a really bad love story if the characters didn’t meet for like half the book, right? We’ll get to see the first interaction in the next chapter. :D

    Okay thanks again to Tahn and BronxWench for their reviews. Chapter 4 is up now!


  4. Review Replies for The Heart Wants Chapter 28

    Okay this is going to be short and sweet because I'm trying to get the chapter posted before I leave for the weekend. Anyway, thanks for reading.

    Review replies...

    Tahn: Yeah well he'll get a couple of different reactions that's for sure. Don't worry though they'll figure it all out. ;)

    Lisa: I thought the story needed to lighten up a little so yeah, Payne to the rescue! I love him it's just hard to write his story since it's so dark, I'd much rather write about all better Payne. :D His mom's trial isn't actually going to be part of the story. The outcome will be in the Epilogue since there are only two chapters left! The big night is upon us so we'll see their reactions shortly.

    Thanks again to Tahn and Lisa for reviewing and making my day as usual. Chapter 29 is up now!


  5. And there is no other way to implement similar functions? Also, I didn't mean browser BAR, I meant how links saved in Favorites. Or is that the same thing?

    When you save your links in favorites, don't you have the option to name them? That's what I do, I name them by the title of the story and author so I know what I'm looking at. You could try that and see if it works for you.


  6. ::dies laughing:: Trust me, read my earlier stuff, and you'll be whimpering and begging me not to be associated with you in any way, shape, or form. :P

    But yay to regular updates! I need to read more, and maybe then I can get past this idiot block!

    I should give you my first stab at The Heart Wants and we can both wish we didn't know each other or ourselves. God, what was I thinking? :bash:

    Yeah, it's nice to have something actually finished that I can commit to updating on a certain day. Yay for Nano!

    *scoffs* Me? I have no idea what you speak of you evil lady. I'm almost invisible here.

    Invisible yes but silent no. I blame you for some of my most horrible ideas. :P

  7. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 2

    Hello again! Thanks to the readers and reviewers for well, reading and reviewing I guess.

    Okay so I’ve decided that Monday’s are a good day to update this one so that’s what I’m gonna do. OMG, an actual schedule, you don’t say. Yes, an actual schedule for updating this one story since it’s finished I can commit to editing at least one chapter a week so it can be posted. *Pats self on back, loses balance, hits head on coffee table, mutters updates, what updates* LOL Wouldn’t that just be my luck? And no I haven’t been drinking, why would you ask that? :P

    Okay review replies…

    Tahn: Of course you have to listen to it and you love everything I write because you’re legally obligated too. It’s in the fine print of the fanclub agreement. :D Have you sent Lisa her application for Vice President yet?

    Lisa: I have this weird thing with names I guess. It probably comes from my mom. My brothers all have the same initials as my dad and my sisters and I have the same ones too, well we did until we got married… but come to think of it they both married guys that had last names the started with the letter W so their initals are still the same. Guess I’m the odd man or I guess woman out now. So to make a long story short, I blame it on my mom. (Typical right?) As for Costa, I just imagined how my older brother would have taken it, he can be a dick but deep down family comes first. I think Oskar is cute and sort of wished I’d made him gay so I could write a story about him. :D Yeah, it’s going to be hard for Henrick to be around Klaus but he’ll deal…

    BronxWench: I’m sorry, I know how it feels though, I want to write but there’s just so much I need to read. I’m glad you like this one so far but you reading my stuff always makes me nervous! What if it’s not that good and I disappoint BronxWench? I lose sleep over these things you know? Anyway, Tino is a good guy just misunderstood and he does make some questionable decisions sometimes but hey, he’s only human. Henrick’s morals are refreshing because I think the line gets blurred sometimes when people try to justify cheating when there really isn’t an acceptable reason to cheat. (At least not in my book but I’m a little old fashioned about stuff sometimes) I have to get around to doing my current reading and favorite authors and all that jazz, I’m just so lazy sometimes. Thanks for the review!

    Thanks again to the reviewers! Chapter 3 is up now!


  8. Review Replies for Falling for Her Chapter 5

    Okay, thanks for reading and all that jazz.

    I just had a long discussion about this story with Tahn and it hit me that the reason it's taking so long for me to write it is because I hadn't originally intended to write it. I was going to skip this chapter in their lives and go on to the story that started it all but decided that it would leave a lot of stuff unexplained. Anyway, she let me bounce some ideas off her and gave me a delightfully evil idea that actually got me excited about writing this again. That being said the chapter I'm about to post is a pivotal one that the entire rest of the story hinges on so you'll have to forgive me for going there already.

    Anywho, time for review replies...

    Lisa: Yeah, I think that's the plan, can't make it easy for them you know. Jean will surprise you yet again, I'm sure. You'll see what she says... I think you are caught up did you read the last chapter of PUP? I'll have to check. Maybe I should figure out how to start an email list for updates or something?

    Tahn: I thought we needed a little cute for once, right? Thank you again by the way for listening to me ramble. :D

    Thanks again to Lisa and Tahn for making my day! Chapter 6 is up now!


  9. @24CaratCoal, I would like to thank you for putting a very bad idea in my head. As if I didn't have enough plot bunnies running about as it was now I have one that has no chance of ever being written because I don't do futuristic fantasy type stories. It will be picking at my poor brain for some time until the plunny eventually dies of thirst. If by chance I am compelled to get it out of my head (and there are no rusty sporks readily available) I will send my poor readers to your door when they start the inevitable complaints.

    I started this thread as a joke and also to poke BronxWench a little, I had no idea it would come to this...


  10. I think I'm going with the supravaginal opening for when my guy gives birth, I like the idea of having to truss up his balls to keep them out of the way... The picture in my head has me fascinated by the whole act which also creeps me out. I'm sure it won't translate onto the page very well but shoot, it's a guy having an ass baby, what could go wrong?

  11. Review Replies for Strip Me Bare Chapter 13

    Thanks to all who read and review.

    I know I just updated this the other day and I just updated Involuntary Indebtedness but I’m trying to get this one caught up so my updates can be done on all sites at the same time. So I guess you’ll all have to deal with two updates from me on different stories on the same day. LOL Like it matters, at this point I’m only posting these chapters for Lisa and Tahn. :P Love you two. :D

    So on to the review replies…

    Lisa: Yeah, sometimes we don’t see what’s right in front of our noses and Bree is definitely the Dom in their relationship. Don’t worry they will have a safe word! This is safe, sane and consensual BDSM after all. :D

    Tahn: Yeah, he’s so horny he doesn’t know what to do with himself any more. Maybe he’ll get some soon. ;) or not we’ll see.

    So short and sweet, thanks to Lisa and Tahn yet again for reviewing. Chapter 14 is up now!


  12. I don't know officially but I will tell you from my own personal perspective that I wouldn't care if they were a million years old, if they appeared as a child under the age of 14, I'd prefer the story to have a Minor1 tag so that I'd know to avoid it.

    While I understand that mentally they are an adult, the picture I'd form in my head would be that of a child and I find any type of sexual situations involving children to be disconcerting. I'd hate to just stumble upon it without being warned ahead of time.

    Maybe if this situation arises you could tag it Minor1 but then in the author's note at the beginning you could explain the actual situation?


  13. Review Replies for Involuntary Indebtedness Chapter 2

    Thanks to all who read and review.

    Um, not sure if there’s anything to say at this point so let’s just get on with the review replies shall we?

    MissChaotic: I’m glad you are enjoying it so far and I hope to not disappoint in future chapters. :D

    Lisa: I promise that I will hit a dry spell sooner or later but for now, I’m taking what I can get and throwing it all out there at you! Just be thankful that I’m not posting the other three stories I’ve been writing. ;) There’s going to be a lot going on in the next couple of chapters and Tanner is going to need a friend, not sure if Dakota is going to end up being that guy or not…

    Tahn: I know right, it took positively forever! I know how it goes… LOL

    Thanks again to all who reviewed! Chapter 3 is up now!


  14. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 1

    Yay! A new one! Thanks once again to all who read and review.

    So, yeah, my brain has gone all bouncy ball on me again. I’ve started three new stories… but… I have chapters to update all the ones that I have up too! I know, I’m amazeballs lately and totally humble to boot! No seriously, the bug has bitten me again and I’m writing in like every spare minute I get so there should be some updates. Of course Calling the Ball is finished, just needs lots of editing, right Tahn? LOL poor Tahn sometimes gives my crap a quick read over before I post it so she knows better than most the drivel I churn out. :P

    Anyway on to review replies…

    Clow: Thanks, I usually try to make my characters relatable in some way so that they seem like normal people. Glad you enjoyed the first chapter. Thanks for the review.

    Poohkie87: Thanks, the start is easy, it’s all the chapters that come after that make me want to pull my hair out. :P

    Lisa: Of course you couldn’t not read the new one first, curiosity and all that. :D Yeah, Klaus is an idiot but Henrick knew what he was getting into too so he’s sort of to blame. Tino is a good guy but you know how it is when you’re in the limelight, every move you make is put under a microscope and soccer players in Europe are big news. Glad you like the new one, I intend to keep you busy in the weeks to come, lots of updates. LOL

    Tahn: I suck, I just finally reread the whole thing and yeah, I suck. Editing sucks too because I suck at it. :D

    Okay well that’s all for now, thanks to all who reviewed, you know it makes my day to hear from you all. Chapter 2 is up now!


  15. Review Replies for Strip Me Bare Chapter 11

    Okay so thanks to all that read and reviewed. I know I posted this chapter during THE GREAT SERVER UPGRADE OF 2016 so the ability to review wasn’t there right away so I’ll forgive you all for not reviewing. *slinks off to sob quietly in the corner*

    Anyway I’ve been busy the last couple of weeks actually writing stuff so if you’re looking for something to read, I’ve posted a few new things. Go read them, now! Or not, whatever, like I care. :P

    On to the review replies…

    Lisa: Frist let me say thank you for reviewing and reviewing and um… reviewing again. I actually LOLed when I read them all! Okay so let’s see, first, yes Graham can be awkward at times but usually only around his family and close friends but it is nice to see the oh so in control Dom be a bit out of control sometimes, right? Second, yes there are all sorts of lists (you can even google to get an example of one if you want :D ). I see where you’re coming from and I think that a lot of people think that way and Erik is no exception. Who would willingly choose to bow to another’s commands? But there are those people out there and soon enough Erik will find out he’s one of them and not just play acting at it. And finally, Bree. Yes she is looking out for him and it’s sometimes hard for friends of people in unique relationships to accept them but I think she’ll come around eventually. Graham has a secret but shhh, don’t tell Erik, yet. :D

    Tahn: You think everything is suspicious, give the guy a break! LOL That being said, Graham’s not hiding something but he does have a secret he’s keeping for the moment.

    Thanks again to my two dedicated reviewers! Chapter 12 is up now!


  16. i'm here! I've got about 20 tabs open trying to catch up. I've been so busy I think my head is gonna explode. Boyfriend guy's mom died and I stayed with him for a while, and now the whole house is running crazy cuz fangirl is about to move in. I'm at her house right now helping her pack. :help::safetocomeout:

    Ahh, sorry to hear about boyfriend guy's mom pass on my condolences. Why's fangirl moving in? Glad you're back!

  17. I received this in a PM today:

    Good afternoon, CL Mustafic. I was intrigued by your story "The Glory Hole to Hell". My name is Oleksandr Demchenko. I am an agent of Sowo d. My job is to look for interesting stories .
    So I would like to offer you cooperation. We will publish your story (in the long run more than one) into our platform and provide you with an account which will give you access to see the story reviews and also gain credit points which will allow you to claim prizes. We will be releasing our app in both ios and android so you may gain a wider audience and fan base.
    Please let me know if you are interested.
    Respectfully yours,
    Oleksandr Demchenko
    I looked into it a bit and it seems that once you submit a story to them they get the copy write on it and it's no longer your property. It is most likely a scam so if you get this message, send it to the trash.
  18. Review Replies for Falling for Her Chapter 4

    I know, I know, I’m blowing your minds with all these updates on stories you all have given up on! Well guess what? Here’s another update so stick that in your pipe and smoke it doubters!

    No, seriously thanks for being patient and still reading and reviewing.

    On to the review replies…

    Jit: Yeah well Becca’s got stuff to work through but I think the boys may push a little. I think they learned their lesson in the last book about being bullheaded when it comes to getting what they want. The town is filled with characters but I have a couple of stories that are actually set outside my little town of course they still know someone that lives there so that probably doesn’t count, does it? Anyway, thanks for the review!

    Lisa: Sheila and Riley will always be the way they are, it’s just who they are. LOL Thanks for catching that, I knew what you were talking about and knew it was wrong the minute you mentioned it.

    Tahn: Where are you!!! I will let you hit any of my characters that you want if you just come back! *weeps uncontrollably*

    That’s all for now, thanks to all that reviewed. Chapter 5 is up now!


  19. Review Replies for Involuntary Indebtedness Chapter 1

    So thanks to everyone that read and reviewed (no rates since there's no button yet - at least I hope that's why there were no rates!).

    Got some mixed reviews on this one so that sort of sucks but oh well not every story is everyone's cup of tea.

    I have so many things going right now that I'm having a horrible time concentrating on any one thing. I have three other stories that I've started but am not posting because I figure you all want updates not new stories to wait on. Oh well at least I've updated PUP and I have a couple of chapters of FFH2 that I'm working on editing so I can update that one as well. Patience is a virtue, especially when you're reading a WIP! :D

    Anyway, on to the replies...

    Lisa: I always want to hug my first reviewer for leaving me a review so :hug: Yeah, he's got a big one, doesn't he? I usually like to keep my character's appendages around the normal size but on this one I figured, what the hey, let's at least let the boy have something since his life is total crap. You'll get used to the new set up, the cat pokes are cute! Did you see I updated Picking up the Pieces? Finally right? LOL

    Nyny: I didn't say that! You'll have to wait and see.

    starr: I don't know what to say. I'm sorry that you don't like it. As for it being written by a different author, I assure you I wrote it but it might have been one of my 27 other personalities that was in control that day. Glad you're still enjoying The Heart Wants. :D

    So thanks again to the reviewers, even starr :P Chapter 2 is up now!


  20. Thanks for all the great answers guys!

    I decided to keep the slang mostly in the dialog. I have decided to write the story in a much more simple style to reflect the character though. It's hard trying to remember that an 18 yr old who isn't all that bright probably wouldn't have a great vocabulary. It's somewhat limiting but a challenge that I'm going to take.

    Thanks again.


  21. Review Replies for Picking Up the Pieces Chapter 9

    Once again thanks to everyone who reads, rates (when they’re able) and reviews!

    Yes, I know that it’s been forever but in my defense… oh who am I kidding, I have no defense for not writing on this one except for that it’s a hard story to write and I’m a wimp.

    In other news, I figured out a title for my untitled story and have posted the first chapter for it so if you haven’t read it yet and would like too you can find it here: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108058. I also posted a oneshot with a couple of my characters so if you want to read that you can find it here: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108062 Anyway, on to review replies…

    PJ08: Thank you for the complements and I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story!

    BronxWench: Spence is very outspoken when it comes to gay rights and what he believes in but yeah not really the appropriate time to be poking at Matt. Sorry to make you wait for the update…

    Than: The shit has already hit and is now accumulating!

    Anon-ish: Wow I’m glad you like it! LOL There are so many things you touched on in your review and if I answer most of them I’d ruin the story for you. I will say that Baz will get what’s coming to him. :D

    Jit: Yeah finally a match or at least hopefully a match ;) I think that you’re probably partially right about Baz but I think he’ll play a role in helping to bring the others down so maybe he’ll get a chance to redeem himself a little. It’s going to be a bit before Matt and Payne are able to express the feelings that they have because 1) Payne’s assumption that Matt is straight 2) Payne is in no way ready for any type of relationship 3) Matt’s inability to get involved with someone that is a victim in his case. There are probably more reasons but that should be enough to keep them apart for another couple of chapters. :D

    Lisa: I know, it’s about time right? I hate making people cry but this story just seems to do it for some reason. Poor Marv, he’s so getting hated on right now but I guess he deserves it too bad you can’t just castrate them all. :P

    Jess: Thanks! I’m really glad you like my stories and gave this one a chance. I know that Baz’s story will come out eventually but it will take some time for him to realize that he was also a pawn in the grand scheme of things, still doesn’t excuse what he did though. As far as why Payne has chosen Matt, I think there’s a couple of different reasons but I can tell you that as much as Payne wishes Matt were gay, there’s a little part of him that feels like Matt is safe because he’s straight. The last thing Payne needs at this point is a love interest. (Sorry but he’s still got a ways to go in his recovery before he’ll be ready.)

    Bae: Thank you for your kind words. I’m not going to respond to the pleas for more chapters of The Heart Wants since that was months ago and I’ve updated it a few times since then. You’re welcome. :D

    So that’s it in a nut shell, thanks to all who reviewed! The long awaited Chapter 9 is now up!


  22. I have a quick question about writing in a character's voice. How much is too much? I really want to write like the character would speak, like saying coulda, woulda, shoulda, sorta, that kind of thing but is that distracting to the reader when it's not in the dialog?

    How far can you go with that sort of thing before people get annoyed?

    Would it be too annoying? Comments? Suggestions? Any feedback would help before I go to far down the rabbit hole on this one.

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