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CL Mustafic

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Posts posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Reviews for Backdoor Politics Chapter 10

    Well it looks like we’ve lost a few along the way so thanks to those of you that are still reading! I love the insightful reviews so double thanks to those that left one for me to think on.

    Anyway, I’m posting chapter 11 today and I think it’s sort of a turning point in the story. I’m not sure why I think that way but for me it sort of feels like it is. I’m actually working on chapter 16 and 17 today and the story is drawing to an end with the completion of chapter 17 I think there will only be maybe one more and an epilogue so yay for almost finishing the writing part of this thing! I hope you guys are enjoying it and don’t be shy, you can always come in here to leave your thoughts if you don’t want them out on the review board which seems more public even if this is a public forum.

    On to replies so I can get the chapter posted…

    BronxWench: I think you’re right, Zijad has to know that it’s only one person but I think until he has definite proof, he’s willing to pretend for his own sanity. Kamal is falling apart there’s no doubt about that but I think he’ll regain some control but maybe not in the way he expected too. ;) He is fragile, his emotions have been buried for so long that he has no idea how to deal with them anymore but no he’s never going to be tender or even take pity on anyone which sounds sad but it’s who he is. Thanks for reviewing, I always wait to hear what you thought of it and it always makes my day.

    Tahn: Yes well he is just one guy and he’s out of his element really with the torture Julien had planned so he’s having a hard time separating what needs to be done for the job and what he’d like to do personally to Orhan through his son. Little surprise in the next chapter. ;) Thanks for letting your dark side out to play long enough to read my story. LOL

    Pippychick: Oh man, that’s a question for someone much smarter than me. I have no idea if fate has it all planned out for us but it does seem like Zijad has somewhat accepted his for the time being at least. Thank you so much for all your help with this, your insights are amazing and you’re a wonderful sounding board. I’m going to dedicate this one to you!

    Well that’s all for now, thanks again for the reviews! Chapter 11 is up now!


  2. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 14

    Welcome back and thank you all once again for reading and reviewing!

    Okay so I’m gonna keep this short and sweet because it’s finally time! What you’ve all been waiting for is finally about to happen! :D

    On to review replies…

    Coral: Yes, Tino certainly does! I have no idea what Henrick was thinking and sometimes I just want to smack him for Klaus. I’m sorry you have to wait but I’m on a schedule here. LOL Thanks for the review.

    BronxWench: Yep, Henrick really needs that spanking now, Klaus was stupid one time but to let him in again is asinine. You didn’t really think I’d kill off poor Henrick (even though he’s an idiot) did you? It’s just a scrape, he’s fine. :D Yes, I think Tino is ready to pull his head out of his ass and maybe then he can pull Henrick’s out of his. You know you’re going to get that happy ending soon-ish.

    Tahn: You think? Yeah, probably. :P

    Lisa: It was nice of Klaus to step in though I have a feeling Henrick was only a moment away from making stranger danger sing in a much higher key. ;) Yes, Klaus is possessive but he’s the wrong sort of possessive for Henrick. My first intention was to kill off Henrick and put Klaus and Tino together. LOL I’m kidding, really the thought never crossed my mind…

    Okay so that’s all for now, thanks again to my reviewers! Chapter 15 is up now!


  3. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 9

    Okay so here we are again! Thanks to all of those that are reading and reviewing! You are a brave few to follow me down this path and I appreciate the support.

    So now we have gotten our first taste of Orhan in the flesh… well sort of at least. What did you all think? I can tell you what I think, I think Orhan may just end up being a bigger bastard than Kamal. Hard to imagine I know but I’m thinking it will be the way of things. Anyway, the next chapter ends up being just another torturous affair but once again, I’m trying to build something with these scenes so even if they seem like gratuitous sex scenes, believe me when I say they’re not or I guess if your reading it just for the sex then well more power to ya and here’s more! :D

    On to replies…

    Pippychick: Ah yes, Orhan. What does Kamal know that we don’t? A lot and we’ll get to see some of that later on but I don’t want to spoil the fun for you so I’m not telling. :P I feel bad for Zijad and I’m torn between thinking he might have been better off with Julien and his cold calculation than Kamal and his unruly emotions that he tries so hard to keep buried. Thanks for reviewing and everything else too. :D

    Anon: Yeah, I think the videos will be the game changer, at least for someone they will be. ;) I don’t think Orhan will be happy to see Kamal nor will Kamal be overjoyed to see him.

    BronxWench: I was a little surprised by that also but I think Kamal is in a little bit of an unstable place and not making the best decisions. (really ya think?) You’re absolutely right about him having no idea the effectiveness of Julien’s plan and what it has already done to Zijad, now whatever Kamal does will just build on that training, reinforcing it and actually creating a bond for Zijad that may not have formed with Julien’s ability to distance himself. That is a very good question, I’m not sure either of them will get out of this mess without being completely damaged. Thanks for the review!

    Rose: I think that Kamal will unintentionally continue to condition him in his own way and yes, Zijad has yet to embrace the fact that this is what his life is at the moment and there is no escape. I love this insight into Orhan, I think you might have hit the nail on the head here, a broken son is not something Orhan will wish to have burdening his life. I’m glad you’re enjoying it and thank you, I appreciate the review.

    Cat: I’m happy you like it. Yes it is a bit intense and I’m hoping people don’t try to read it in one go, I’d fear for their mental health. I’ll try to keep the updates coming, I’m a few chapters ahead (they’re with my very busy but wonderful beta right as we speak) so I see no shortages of updates in the future. Thanks for stopping by.

    Tahn: You think the scars are going to give him away? Yeah I did too. *giggles* If Kamal had figured it out 2 weeks ago this would be a very different story. Oh and the torture isn’t going to stop, Kamal is just going to go rouge and do whatever he pleases which might be even worse… dun dun dun :D

    Lisa: Oh man, that is something I worry about myself, like what if I died unexpectedly and someone went through my browser history? Yikes! I delete it often. ;) I hated the noise too. Oh come on, he’s got a heart it’s just two sizes too small. LOL Yes I just referenced Dr. Seuss during a review reply for a dark fic… I’m probably going to writer’s hell for that one. :D I really just want to give you a hug and promise you that it will work out in the end, maybe not the way we hope but it will be okay. But sadly, Kamal will never be a hero and he will not perform any heroic acts to save Zijad. I’m sorry. :(

    Well that’s all for now, thanks again to everyone that reviewed! Chapter 10 is up now!


  4. Thank you for reading, and for leaving all these reactions for me to drink in. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts very much. Dread and satisfaction... *nods* that's a reasonable reaction to this story. :D

    Ha! I honestly, really couldn't *g*

    Are you saying they all sound like drunk ramblings? LOL

  5. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 13

    Okay so welcome back to all those reading and reviewing!

    This week brings us a step closer to the end, only three chapters left, I think? And yes that does mean what you think it means, there won’t be a lot of sex at all in this story but I think I did give fair warning on that front so, we’re good, right? Oh and don’t hate me for what happens during the first part of this chapter, it wasn’t my fault…

    On to replies…

    Tahn: It’s Monday! Yeah, I know you asked last Monday but you knew you had to wait for it. :P

    BronxWench: You’d think they’d just get over themselves and say it already, right? Clue-by-four, LOL yes, that is exactly what they need and in the next chapter maybe… Yep, Rijeka isn’t a bad person and there was just a little break in communication between them which with Tino being Tino, should come as no surprise. :D Oh, you are probably going to want to smack the hell out of Henrick after this chapter and Klaus most likely but probably not Tino for once. :D

    Fiona: I’m glad you are enjoying it and the coming out will probably happen soon, but not too soon. :D

    Lisa: Yes, a step forward, a baby step but admitting it is usually the biggest hurdle right? Yep I think Tino needs to step up and be a man because Henrick would just fall into his arms if he did. ;) Wow that’s weird, maybe you have more stalkers than just Tahn? LOL

    Okay that’s all for now, thanks again to those that reviewed! Chapter 14 is up now!


  6. If you go to these dark places, and you write it - not only that but write it with feeling - what other word is there for that than beautiful? To be human is to be complex, and I appreciate the work you've put into both of these characters. Plus, I simply adore the tragedy, as I've said. Why? Well, I don't know. What is the true nature of cruelty? Of submission? Why are people capable of either of them? In fiction, we can explore, and the answer is in there, somewhere.

    I have to second this entirely. I find the darker places very compelling, but it takes great skill to convey the true depth of cruelty, and how closely tied it is to mercy, somewhere deep, deep down. You're doing something truly extraordinary with this story, and Pip is right. It's beautiful.

    I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. I guess there's something in me that still wonders why I feel the need to write this and make it not just the regular kidnapping and rape story where the victim inexplicably falls in 'love' with his torturer. I think it's maybe because at my age (old LOL), I realize that there are many things that keep people together other than love and that some people are just incapable of love but it doesn't mean they don't want some sort of connection with another human being. And maybe I'm just making excuses to write something that most people will find unpalatable...

    Anyway, thanks for your support because I probably would have given it up if not for someone else understanding what I was trying to do. :D

  7. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 8

    Hello! Welcome back, I’m always surprised to see you since it seems not many people are willing to stick with me on this one so thanks for reading and reviewing.

    Okay so last chapter was pretty plotless… This chapter brings us a little bit of plot, a smidge mind you but still some plot. Just know that everything that is happening does have a reason and is a means to an end, it’s not just torture for the sake of torture. I have nothing to say for myself…

    On to review replies…

    Pippychick: I’m glad you liked it. I wasn’t sure if it was sort of stepping over the line or not so it’s good to hear that at least one person didn’t think so. :D Poor Zijad, yeah, I think he’s already broken beyond repair. I’m pretty sure that you are the only person that would use the word beautiful to describe this piece but I’m happy you thinks so. :D

    BronxWench: I’m actually surprised that Kamal kept up the good guy persona this long to tell you the truth. I do think Zijad suspects that he’d the same person but of course he can fool himself since he has no concrete proof yet. And I guess you’re right, he’s got no one else so he’ll have to make due with Kamal’s split personality and hope that the good one doesn’t disappear on him completely. I’m happy you find it compelling. :D

    That’s all for now, thanks again to Pippychick and Bronxwench for their insightful reviews! Chapter 9 is up now!


  8. Dammit. Apparently, this idea is a slut-plunnie, because it's tugging at me, too, now. Except space/alien civilization...

    LOL Slut plunnie, you can have it though if you want it, cause I am not up to writing something that epic. I shall leave it to someone that has world building skills that I do not possess. :D

  9. Working Title: Women’s World (yeah I suck at titles)

    Fandom: Original

    Plot: For years women have been plotting to take over the world. It started slowly with women in the west aborting male fetuses without their male partners knowing, throwing the male to female ratio out of balance. But soon the idea spread, a world ruled by women would solve so many problems. Women started rising up against their oppressors and with the help of women soldiers trained by groups like ISIS and Boko Haram, women start taking up positions of power in all parts of the world until men were regulated to nothing more than studs for breeding and a few that were lucky enough to be kept as sexual slaves in government owned brothels. A small rebel group of women decide to live free and procreate naturally eventually leading to an uprising that will end the new tyranny that’s replaced the old.

    Fatal flaw: There are too many to list but it’s sort of not the kind of story I can write since it has a huge back story and would require world building that I am incapable of doing. Maybe someday since the idea still pulls at me.

  10. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 7

    Welcome back and thanks for reading and reviewing.

    Well that last chapter was a nice little bit of darkness for the soul. Kamal is a bastard for sure and poor Zijad is in for a world of hurt, I think. Oh well if you’ve stuck it out this far, I’m pretty sure you won’t be shocked by this next chapter so I hope you enjoy it.

    On to the replies…

    Lavi1443: I'm glad you liked it even though it's a bit twisted. :D Yep, going to keep shedding more and more light on Kamal until we get to see what drives him, at least that's what I'm hoping will happen.

    Pippychick: Thanks I’m so glad my darkness meets your standards. (Yes, I’m referring to your own Fallen there, which is much darker than I think I will go btw.) :D I’m also really happy and appreciative of you taking the time to help me on the finer points. I hope I don’t disappoint you. I think you’re right in thinking that Kamal really has no idea what he’s doing to Zijad or what the outcome of his many missteps will be, I’m sure it will be interesting to find out.

    BronxWench: I’m so happy you liked it and yes, he’s crossing all sorts of lines. His past is something that I think haunts him more than he’d like and I think in this case it is the driving force behind a lot of the things he does or will do but yeah, it’s not an excuse just an explanation of how a monster is created. I’m not sure how poor Zijad will fare in all this, yes, he’ll be irreparably damaged but *shrugs* who knows maybe some other damaged person needs a companion? LOL Oh and you’re on the right track as far as Orhan goes, it’s like you can read my mind. :D

    Anis: You and me both… :D

    Mint: Yay, I have you on the edge of your seat and it’s like a train wreck, you don’t want to look but you just have too. I’m glad you liked it.

    Rose: I’m not sure that Kamal will ever fall in love, well at least not the kind of love normal people feel but it would be a fitting thing if it were to happen. I’m sorry to tell you that I don’t really see a way for there to be a happy ending either, I’m just hoping it will be a satisfying one. :D Thanks for reviewing.

    Tahn: Oh dear, sweet Tahn, forever the believer that people can change and be the good guy. He can’t redeem himself, at least I don’t see the path if it’s there. Sorry to disappoint. You still love me right? ;)

    Lisa: I always look forward to seeing if you’ve had a change of heart about Kamal. LOL You did spell Zijad right this time, so you get points for that. Yeah, I don’t really think that he feels regret for doing it, it’s more that he regrets the loss of control over his own emotions. I guess we’ll see if Zijad can spark anything in Kamal. ;)

    That’s all for now, thanks again those of you that reviewed! Chapter 8 is up now!


  11. Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 12

    Welcome back, Tahn, Lisa and BronxWench and thanks for reading and reviewing! (I <3 you three.)

    Okay, another chapter down and another going up with more of the same… You guys feel free to shoot me for this one, it’s what happens when you write an entire book in 20 days. Next time I think I will spend at least 30 days…

    Okay so onto the replies…

    BronxWench: You should but you know you don’t want too. :D There are only a few chapters left so yeah, soon they’ll figure it out. Of course not this next chapter… Don’t beat up Rijeka, her heart is in the right place even if Tino doesn’t know it.

    Lisa: Yeah, I feel bad for Tino too. You are just having a heck of a time spelling my character names lately. LOL It make me giggle. We’ll hear from Klaus in this next chapter and see more of Rijeka too and maybe things will start to work themselves out… or not. :D

    Tahn: They can do it but they won’t at least not yet. I’m just dragging it out to torture the readers. I know you love this story, you told me when I was writing it. LOL Thanks for the encouragement back then btw.

    That’s all for now, thanks again for the reviews! Chapter 13 is up now!


  12. Review Replies for Involuntary Indebtedness Chapter 6

    Welcome back and sorry this took so long, I’ve been sort of obsessed with my other story, so much so that I have chapters of other stories just languishing on my hard drive. I’ll try to be better about posting some of them. Thanks for reading and reviewing and all that.

    So Tanner and the upchuck incident… Yes there will be repercussions for this, the first little bit in the next chapter but the real punishment (at least to me) will come in chapter 8. *insert evil laugh*

    Okay so on to the replies…

    BronxWench: Yeah, he’s not going to like what comes next, I think he should have swallowed. LOL He really should watch his attitude because he will need a friend or two at some point and pushing away the couple that will help him is not in his best interest. You caught that huh? Yeah, he doesn’t quite get the fact that he sees girls as nothing more than the boss sees him (Karma’s a bitch, no?) No sympathy, spankings are needed!

    Tahn: Yep, not good but a little funny. *giggles*

    Lisa: I just had to update something that you’d enjoy since you are struggling through Backdoor Politics which I know isn’t really your thing. (Thanks for sticking with me on it though, I do appreciate that you’re trying something new.) :D Yeah, he should have swallowed. I’m glad you like Tanner, he can be funny at times, as well as a pain in the ass.

    Rainbowcupcak3: Yeah, he’s not having the best of times right now and unfortunately they’re not going to get much better anytime soon.

    Okay so that’s all for now, thanks again to those of you that reviewed! Chapter 7 is up now!


  13. Review Replies for Backdoor Politics Chapter 6

    Hello and welcome back and thanks for reading and reviewing.

    So this next chapter will be a bit darker than the previous ones. Funny right? It’s true though so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Just a little note for those of you who are waiting for the traditional love story to start, um… not sure how to put this but, it’s not going to. I’m not saying that there won’t be some sort of relationship that forms but it’s not going to be hearts and flowers and I doubt Kamal will ever utter the words ‘I love you’ to anyone again. Sorry, I hate to disappoint but I can’t change the asshole, he is what he is. So with that said, I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

    Oh and before I forget, thanks to pippychick/dafdes for agreeing to beta this for me. It’s the first time I’ve ever worked with one before so I hope I don’t drive her insane.

    On to review replies…

    Mint: I’m really glad you’re enjoying it. I’m updating as quickly as I can so hopefully the chapters will keep coming. Yeah, he’s going to have a rough road ahead but Kamal isn’t going to kill him. Thanks for the review, it’s always nice to hear from new readers.

    BronxWench: I think you hit the nail on the head here, he regrets feeling anything but unfortunately he can’t keep everything buried forever no matter how he tries. But I do think he has feelings, maybe he’s buried them too and forgot how to use them? I also think you’re right on the point that Kamal will break Zijad’s heart whether or not he tries because he has no idea what he’s doing by following Julien’s plan. It should be fun.

    Anon: Thanks glad you thought so.

    Pippychick: Yep the point of the hood was to make Zijad more vulnerable (as if he needs that) and sometimes being stuck in your own head can be worse than outside influences. He’s already started to seek out Good Kamal’s touch so yeah, he’s already broken a bit. I think Kamal confusing Zijad with Orhan might not end so well for either of them. ;) I can’t wait for him to figure out it’s one guy either, it should be interesting. Thanks again for agreeing to beta for me, I appreciate it so much.

    Lavi1443: Wow, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever gotten that compliment. *blushes bright red* I’m trying not to shy away from the nastier bits so I hope it’s not too much, glad to hear at least one person doesn’t think it is.

    Nita: I’m glad you like it.

    Tahn: Yeah, it’s evil right? I knew you’d like the poop scene, I thought of you while writing it. (Not really, I was thinking about DP aka Desi and his liberal use of the word sludge to describe it, not the other DP of course that would be so wrong. :P )

    Kamy: Thanks and I’m glad you like it. I think you’re the first person to call Kamal awesome. LOL He’d be pleased.

    Lisa: Oh dear, you’re still reading? I thought you’d have given up already. *hugs* Yeah, Zijad’s going to have a rough time of it. Orhan loves his son even if he resents him a little for how things worked out but we’ll learn more about that later if you’re still with me after the next chapter, that is. :D

    Okay so that’s all for now, thanks again for all the kind words! Chapter 7 is up now!


  14. Smint isn't a troll, but she did take a very disapproving tone over CL standing up to the troll. I was surprised myself, since Smint has always been a very respectful reviewer.

    I will say that I'll be much less likely to leave a review board warning in my capacity as a moderator. I'll limit myself to communicating with the affected author via email so as to not fan the flames, and disappoint people by standing up to a bully publicly.

    I agree that Smint isn't a troll and if she would have replied to me here in the forum as she should have done, I probably wouldn't have felt the need to rant. But basically she took the side of the troll without knowing what the issue was which only makes the troll stronger in their belief they are right to keep acting the way they are. Also she misinterpreted most of my review reply and thought I called her a bitch. LOL We all know I wouldn't do something like that.

    As I said, this is the last I'll say about this issue. I've said my piece so now I will only delete the flame reviews and any other resulting reviews on my review board that don't include an actual review of the story.

    Jesus, I don't come on this forum for a few days (ok, maybe a week or so), and look at all the drama I miss!

    All kidding aside, I'm so sorry you had to deal with these people, CL. I know of an author who continues to be stalked by someone, and he/she stalks her blog so much she needs to keep shutting it down and making a new one.

    I can't wrap my head around the fact that one of your trolls is Smint. She/he's been reviewing stories on here I think since I joined the site. I don't know why this person would suddenly attack you in a 'review'. I can't really see anyone doing that, but I would think a newbie would do it more than a seasoned member, so to speak.

    I know it's easy for me to say, but try not to let it get to you. These trolls are just jealous they aren't talented like you are. :) And again, CL, congrats on LS being published! Don't forget to let me know when it's released and where I can buy it, because I definitely need to read it! :)

    Thanks Lisa, I'm happy to have your support and don't worry, I've survived too long to let a little mudslinging make me sit in the corner and cry. It's the newer authors that need the support so they can have the time to get enough confidence in what they're doing so they'll know when a troll comes a knocking they just need to let it roll off their backs and keep posting. The troll will hopefully get bored and go away and if not they just prove how sad and pathetic they actually are.


  15. Wow. I don't know what to say CL. While I am insanely (apparently not as insane as some others) jealous of your writing ability, I'm not gonna bash you for it. Instead I will be a rock for you to lean on for support or encouragement. That's what a fan does, no, that's what a friend does. And I do count you as a friend. As a friend, I will be here for you to rant and rave at, to bounce ideas off of, to gripe at me for the treatment of a certain character :D and basically just be someone you can talk to about anything. I am happy to count you as one of my friends, and I wish you all the luck with your writing. Keep up the good fight!

    Aw thanks Tahn, you're sweet and you know I'm a tough old broad so I can take it. ;) Been called worse by much better people (you should hear what my mom says about me :P )

    Review Replies for Calling the Ball Chapter 11

    Thanks for reading and reviewing.

    Okay so this story really is just me seeing how long I could keep the two MCs apart and that will continue in this next chapter but we will get a little revelation from Henrick and some sage advice from some parents that might kick things into gear, might being the operative word here.

    On to the replies…

    BronxWench: *hands over the flogger* Go for it. :D

    Tahn: *laughs as she rings the bell madly* Are you drooling yet?

    Lisa: Yep me too and you’re right he’s not going to love the idea of Tino’s engagement. Oh, Klaus now that’s going to be a surprise. ;)

    Thanks again to those of you that reviewed, again. Chapter 12 is up now!


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