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CL Mustafic

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Posts posted by CL Mustafic

  1. Hi! I think if you hang around here you probably know me but in case you don’t I’ll just say, I write gay romance. Mostly MM but some MMF menage on occasion and even some het but that’s rare. 

    Okay, I’ve been searching for betas for some time now. I have a couple but I need a few more to complete my team. I’m looking for long term beta readers who would be willing to read at least two or three books a year, maybe more. And also people who might be willing to help out by reviewing or reposting on social media.

    I’m not looking for editors for grammar and punctuation, I’m looking for content critique only. I just want your opinion!

    I’m looking into an incentive program for people willing to join my team. Which, if you do, we’ll talk about what would motivate you.

    Anyway, you can respond here or email me at clmustafic@gmail.com  Please feel free to ask questions if you need more information.

  2. *slinks in*

    Okay, so it’s been awhile but I have lots of excuses – they’re not great ones – for not updating anything or writing anything of note but I’m back! (Kinda, sorta, a little bit. don’t get your hopes up.)

    So I’m going to update a couple of things and I need to do review replies for a couple of reviews so here they are.

    Review Replies for And on the Third Day He Rose Again Chapter 2

    PippyChick: So many questions! I have only a general idea of where this is going so the only thing I can tell you is that yes, Mo will have a hard time staying alive. Oh and he’ll keep respawning at the church because...reasons. :D Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

    Cheshire_Catism9: Thank you for reviewing! I’m glad you’re interested in this one, I have sort of high hopes for it. Sorry for the delay in responding and posting!

    Tahn: Posting something doesn’t mean I have to finish it. :P I’ll try, I’m busy and have too many things going on right now to focus on writing any one story so I have to go where the inspiration takes me in the three minutes I find to write a day.

    As always thanks for the reviews! Chapter 3 is up now!

    Review Replies for A Unicorn, A Dragon and A Troll Walk Into A Bar… Chapter 3

    BronxWench: Sorry for making you use the brain bleach! And yeah, the unicorns are elitist dickbags. :P I have no idea what the heck is going to happen. It’s sort of hard to plot out something like this, it’s just going to go where ever the weirdness leads. Sorry.

    Thanks again for the review BW! Chapter 4 is up now!


  3. 2 hours ago, pippychick said:


    *hugs CL too*

    I think I’m going to stick to fanfiction.

    I will accept the hug but not the you sticking to fanfiction (though I do love your stories).

    20 minutes ago, BronxWench said:

    No, no, because when you don’t get that rejection, when they say, “Yes!”… it’s like nothing else in the world. :hug:

    And yeah, I sort of forgot about that, think I almost passed out the first time and I know I cried then too. Mustn’t forget the good. :D

    14 minutes ago, Tcr said:

    Now, if only I could muster up the courage to even try to send mine in…  :( .  It’s kind of one reason why I joined, too.  Figured if I could get myself posting here for others to see and review, assist in it, I could go back over the one I want to get published and set forth in doing that…

    Interestingly enough, if I hadn’t come here to AFF I’d have never found the courage to submit to a publisher so you’re on the right track. ;)

  4. 3 hours ago, BronxWench said:

    Posting here is hard.

    Sending the email with a manuscript attached is agony, and then I spend two weeks looking for the rejection email before I promise myself not to look every ten minutes. And if I do get an email from whoever I sent the manuscript to, it takes me five minutes to click on it to read it. It’s not gotten better, either. I still shake like a leaf every time I hit the send button.

    I think I’ve become immune to rejection. I just expect it now so it hurts less. But, man, yeah, hitting the send button is the worst, no, waiting is the worst, no, getting the rejection is the worst, no, it all sucks. Tell me why we do this again?

     (And I’m lying, it totally hurts and I weep inconsolably for at least two full days after each one. :D )

  5. 10 hours ago, BronxWench said:

    I felt the same way, CL. I could not stop reading that story, and I hated seeing it end. It certainly wasn’t anything resembling a happy ending, but it worked for the characters, and it worked for me. I’m so buying that when it’s released. :)

    You and Pippychick are too kind. :D But seriously, I think the lack of confidence runs high in most writers and it’s a huge hurdle to overcome. Reviewers who tell you that you suck and nothing more, are most likely not writers themselves or they’d realize how deep something like that cuts.

  6. Yeah, so everyone pretty much covered everything about how much a review means to authors so I’ll just second that.

    It takes courage to put your words out there, and even after all this time, I still apologize for every chapter I post. Like just the fact that it’s out there is a crime and I’m sorry someone wasted their time reading it which means it’s always surprising when someone takes the time to actually review.

    But one thing on negative reviews, even the – this sucks variety. It’s taken me a long time to realize that no matter how hard you try, no story will be universally loved by all, so you have to have thick skin and be able to take the bad with the good if you are going to take that step and let other people read your story. I’m not saying that the people who leave those sorts of reviews aren’t Shitgibbons (that’s the term we’re using now, right?) just that they have an opinion and are free to express it. The nice thing about AFF is you can always rant in a reply thread in response to those sorts of things which I’ve heard is frowned upon when it’s done by published authors.

    At the end of the day, you either decide that you are writing for reviews (in which case you are going to end up disappointed in most cases) or you’re writing because it’s something you enjoy doing even without people singing your praises. That being said, I love reviews just like anyone else because I’m a writer and nothing makes a writer’s day like hearing that someone likes their story.


  7. 16 minutes ago, Guest SailorNemesis said:

    Looked it up.  MCD, I guess sort of covers it though that does not clearly state if it’s a murder or if someone wanders into traffic, etc.  Contro could mean almost anything.  Where does SM become contro or for that matter is urinating on someone contro?  It would be for some people.  I think Snuff would be a much more clear label or else something like Murder if people have a problem with Snuff.  I also think Torture is very vague.  Could mean anything from whipping to dismemberment.  I would prefer clear labeling.  I’m not trying to dictate what anyone can read, I just don’t to wander into atrocities that sicken me.  Thank you.

    Authors can also add tags of their choosing above and beyond the ones that are mandatory. I added the snuff tag to one of my stories at the beginning of the chapter just because I didn’t want readers to stumble upon it unwittingly but I think a lot of authors aren’t aware that some of the things they write are that (searching for a word here because I hate to use distasteful but that’s the one that springs to mind) to some readers. Or they believe that simply coming to a place like AFF, where most everything is permitted as long as it’s tagged and disclaimed correctly, means the reader knows what they’re getting into. Which is, of course, not true, many people come here to read things that are not just adult in nature but the name sort of implies that everything is, hence the misunderstanding.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Guest A curious casual reader. said:



    Seriousely? One person report that a author has started a patreon, which is seemingly mistaken by the person as a “patron”, and complain that the authors stories would not be labled as “snuff”? Last time I checked the authors stories are “clearly” labeled as snuff when needed. But never the less a moderator goes and delete ALL the stories of the reported author without checking?

    The author in question is a member since 2003 and his patreon started around 2-3 month ago jfyi.

    I will tell you this, if the stories were removed by a moderator, they didn’t do it ‘just because one person reported it’. Since it was reported, the moderator went to the stories and assessed if they were indeed something that violated our terms of service, which are clearly spelled out for all to read in plain English. If the stories were in violation then, yes, they were removed and the author would be notified as to why they were and depending on the infraction, they could either correct them  and repost or as it seems in this case, since they were commissioned stories, which is clearly a huge no-no, they can’t repost them without them being removed once again.

    The thing is, it’s a known fact that this archive is actively moderated by people who know the ToS inside and out so if something was removed, it was done so because the moderator was following a strict set of rules, rules we all follow and expect the users to follow also. If as you said, this user has been a member since 2003, they should be well aware of what is and what isn’t allowed by now.

  9. 1 minute ago, pippychick said:

    I’m assuming this is for Mohammed?

    Only if so… it would be so much snarky fun if the matter transference beam looked like an endless pillar of salt… ;)

    I didn’t want to ruin the story for anyone who was actually reading it but yeah, it’s for Mo and that’s hilarious, I might just use that!

    But now you know the basic reason for why I need it to be some sort of modern day reason for the beam not to work since back when the first guy was taken there was no problem.  

  10. 35 minutes ago, JayDee said:

    “They’ve built a visitors centre next to the receiver. They’re calling it Stonehenge. Damn primitives!”

    “Does it have a cafe?”


    6 minutes ago, BronxWench said:

    It had better have coffee, at least! :lol:

    It’s a good thing I’m quite a few chapters off from needing the specifics but at least you guys will keep me entertained while I figure it out. :D

  11. 1 minute ago, pippychick said:

    Maybe it’s a pre-arranged rendezvous point, like in the film ‘Starman’ and there is no way to contact each other to revise it?

    Perhaps the discovery of electricity/radio waves/micro waves etc, means that only specific places are suitable for matter transference?

    If you’re looking for something more involved and technical, perhaps you could look into axial precession, and/or the movement of the equatorial line on earth messing things up a bit. I mean, we are talking in thousands of years here. While it might not be noticeable (I have no idea!), it might throw delicate instrumentation off quite a bit.

    It’s probably a good thing nobody who actually knows anything about the technology (not that we can beam people up or what have you but you know what I’m saying) will read this story but I don’t want people scratching their heads wondering if I have no idea how anything works. Seriously, it’s just going to be like a paragraph to explain why the aliens didn’t beam the MC up right away like they did the last guy.

    And since this is just a silly idea from my head, I have no real enthusiasm for researching how this stuff works. I just don’t want to sound like I’m completely clueless. :D But if need be, I’ll contact NASA right away and see what their thoughts are on this, just as soon as I finish doing some other things that don’t involve using my brain. :P

  12. Okay, I guess I should have specified a bit better. The aliens were “visiting” around 2000 years ago and they swung back around this way again, none of their technology is on the planet. They basically just screw with the humans and go away. It’s confusing I know. :P

    4 minutes ago, JayDee said:

    Say they had a battery 2000 years ago that was full of juice allowing for a longer range, while now two millenia of streaming space porn (or general usage) mean they have to basically be on top of of the spot?


  13. Okay so I’m writing this story and I need a reason the aliens wouldn’t be able to “Beam” someone up until they are at a specific spot/general area. I have no idea about anything to do with aliens and spaceships or, well, just about anything that has to do with the science fiction genre (this story isn’t really sci/fi, it’s just got an ending that is a bit...strange, so don’t ask me why I’m writing something I have no idea about, thank you very much). I just need a sort of plausible explanation as to why it might not work in the modern age when it worked before, like around 2017 years before. :D

    Thank you very much in advance for any ideas or help you might have. 


  14. I’m going to stop being so negative. I just realized that I have a shitty outlook on everything that has to do with anything I do. This was pointed out to me by my family while most of them were a little drunk which means it’s probably true.

    I’m also going to get to work on that fallout shelter I’ve always wanted just in case things go the way I have a bad feeling they will. I’ve already got a couple of cases of wine so my stockpile is off to a good start.

    Oh and I guess I might try to write some stuff too.

    Happy New Year!

  15. 9 hours ago, pippychick said:

    Oh, I still like that he’s bisexual, even if there’s no explicit content in it.

    Pastor Mark and Imam Ozer are reminding me of that new advert for Amazon, lol.


    I should tell you, though, I noticed that the link in your Promote thread leads to a different story.


    Ah damn it. I copy/pasted the thing from one of my other threads and didn’t change the link. All fixed now, thanks for the heads up!

  16. Review Replies for On the Third Day He Rose Again Chapter 1

    Well, this went over just as well as I had expected it to, like a lead brick. Oh well, I find it amusing to write so I’ll just keep amusing myself and my two loyal readers. :D 

    Things will get more lively, or deadly, in the next few chapters, I promise. 

    Tahn: You always like the weird stuff. :P But that’s why I love you!

    pippychick: I always love your reviews even though I have to admit, I’m always a bit scared I’ll disappoint you by not living up to your expectations! I’m not sure how much the whole bisexual angle will come into play, so far there’s no indications that there will be any sex in this book (not ruling it out but so far it’s more of a comedy/drama than romance but you never know). And yes, Mo’s in for a few surprises when he wakes up. 

    That’s all for now, thanks again to Tahn and Pippychick for the reviews. Chapter 2 is up now!


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