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Everything posted by warellis

  1. Well Medb is a Rider in FGO but are dual classes, like two Riders for example, allowed?
  2. Oh. Yeah Shinji shouldn't be happy. I don't know of anyone else who I would be happy to have Kiara mindbreak. Maybe Kayneth? Would Kiara try to make Shirou hers or something? Will Medb be a possible Servant here?
  3. I choose Shinji.
  4. Hm might Sion be a possible Master candidate for Kiara? Or maybe Fiore?
  5. Nice Hm since Sola-Ui is a Master herself, maybe she and Kayneth here aren't married or in a relationship?
  6. How fond would Morgan be of Kayneth? Or would she find him irritating and try to ditch him early on?
  7. Kaynet? Do you mean Kayneth? Also will Luvia be participating in this War?
  8. Interesting. I could imagine her finding ways to covertly steal Shirou from his home to be hers. It would also allow her to have control over her sister Artoria. Sounds like she would very much femdom Shirou! While it has sort of been retconned, I still enjoy the whole "summon by similarities/personality if no catyst is available" thing.Makes me imagine Kiara seductively emerging out of some black grail mud or something when summoned considering she is essentially Angra Mainyu in Fate/Extra CCC due to becoming a demon there. She essentially is Avenger, composed from the Desires/Lust of all the World instead of the Evils of all the World though.
  9. From her appearance, it seems she's much more womanly than Saber Arturia. What do you imagine her body is like?
  10. Those are very nice. It seems like she likes red. And wears a nice outfit. What would her attitude and personality be like in your mind? Considering she enchanted Arturia and took some of her seed, I imagine her ability for mind magic is powerful. And Shirou is canonically weak against stuff that affects the mind.
  11. Do you have any images yourself? How about this?
  12. Ooh! For Morgan LeFay, any ideas or images you'd use for her looks and such?
  13. You could also possibly have the Lady of the Lake as a summoned Caster for Shirou: Source for image: http://meredithdillman.com/shop/lady-of-the-lake-art-print/ A fanfic called Fate/Big Brother Complex used her for Shirou's Servant:
  14. Kodos, is that matching each Servant to each Master? Like Master 1 gets Servant 1? You know considering Shirou's charisma will become higher and higher, and the corresponding lust for him from women will get higher and higher, might Kiara possibly be the Servant who gets summoned by him here? She herself was focused on lust and sex as a means to save the world IIRC. So wouldn't possibly all the lust surrounding Shirou sort of have it that she gets summoned by him first? Because from what I remember, there are various conditions that cause a Servant to be summoned to a Master if they may not have a summoning object, such as personality compatibility for example. And while Shirou does have Avalon here, might it be that because of all the arousal of the women around him that Kiara is drawn to that and gets summoned first instead of Arturia by him?
  15. Hm for Rin, maybe she gets Semiramis as the Temptress class or in some sort of dual class like Assassin & Temptress? Anyone have other ideas on a Servant for Rin? Also considering this probably isn't going to be too serious, are Shinji & Zouken already dead or something?
  16. I can't edit your post Ichasennin. I don't know, would the Servant of the dispoosable guy be disposable as well? I mean look at Medea for example. Hm for Masters, Fiore from Fate/Apocrypha might be a possible candidate there. Also FemHakuno maybe? Probably Luvia as well. Might some of the quest enemies become possible Masters here, like Morrigan or Nyotengu for example? They have lots of prana I'm sure. Or possibly any outside characters who have magic? As for Servants hm would Rider here possibly be Boudica instead of Medusa? Would the Gunner class be filled by Bonne Reed and her friend? You could easily use Nero for a Servant here I imagine. Anyone else know any possible Servants from FGO, or historical figures from other series, that could be used as well? We've seen anime of the Sengoku period before for example. EDIT: Just thought of something: might Dress of Heaven (alternate info) be a possible Servant here?
  17. Uh yeah the guest is right. You didn't answer the question about the FSN girls and their involvement.
  18. warellis

    Femdom Shotacon

    This will become femdom shotacon: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600055434The MC in it will be femdommed a lot until he gets older/stronger. Later on he might get a harem but currently he'll be femdommed a lot.
  19. No problem. A guest asked this: Edit: Also will any of the girls who conquer Shirou, or Shirou conquers, start living in the Emiya household with him?
  20. So uh how is Chapter 2 coming along?
  21. Interesting.Speaking of Morrigan, do you plan to include her other half/sister (clone), Lilith Aensland, as well? Good sisters do share after all. For Morrigan, do you plan on using her ability to shapeshift her wings into various tentacles and forms, or her ability to create a doppelganger for double attacks during the battle against Shirou or for the bad end sex as well? I could imagine her doppelganger ability allowing for threesome sex. And how is the chapter coming along? Do you have someone else betaing? Cause if not, I'm still open to beta. Finally will some enemies possibly be reoccuring enemies, like even if Shirou defeats so-and-so, they may escape and return later?
  22. Do Shirou's fights with monster girls and quest enemies generally involve sex or pleasure? Kind of like in Monster Girl Quest I mean. Like how there's the initial battle with sex involved and then the bad end sex?
  23. For Masters, would you incldue characters from other series for them?
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