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Everything posted by warellis

  1. Do bad ends for Shirou, like with Morrigan for example, involve him becoming a semen slave forever with her?
  2. You can easily use FGO Servants I imagine if you want to pad it out some. Hm might historical figures/mythological figures from other anime series be used as Servants here as well as the ones shown in the Fate series?
  3. When do you want me to look over it?
  4. I can. You just want to check for grammer right?
  5. Cool. Will we see characters like Chloe from Fate/Kaleid? Will Irisviel make an appearance?
  6. So uh how is Chapter 2 coming along? Is each chapter a sexual encounter? Also, some slime girls you might like: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=chikokuma+goo_girl Or maybe Shirou could run into this trio:
  7. Been thinking for Morrigan: I could imagine her having her juices or pheremones or seduction deliberately having a delayed effect, making Shirou think she really didn't do anything only for them to really affect him once he's in bed. And that's when Morrigan comes, maybe in his dreams or maybe he hears her seductive voice echo from the thin air after he starts moaning her name or something before she rises out from a portal that forms at the foot of his futon like as shown in her intro: https://youtu.be/Kr7bJJYgjS0?t=17s Probably has one of her bats track Shirou back to his home or something. As for Nyo, would fight harder once the fake tengu disguise is ruined or something? And here is a tengu she could pretend to be or look like. Funnily enough, she can wear a tengu mask for that leather outfit image I posted.
  8. Cool. I think she would be a fun encounter for Shirou. Nyotengu I mean. Considering Nyo has multiple costumes, how would you handle that with her?
  9. Ichasennin, would someone like Nyotengu fit okay as a monstergirl/quest enemy or someone to fuck? She can hide her wings and here is an image of her: She also has a leather outfit as well: Here is an image gallery and here are some costumes she can wear.
  10. I imagine monster girl types could possibly equal or exceed him. Kind of like he has a level cap of level 99 and they have level caps of like level 300. That kind of thing.As for complaining, while I sort of agree, I kind of imagine even if he's younger here, the pleasure he might receive from some of the things he encounters may be too much for him to form coherent thoughts or responses too. Like sensory overload.
  11. Frankly I could possibly imagine Shirou surrendering to pleasure easily. Just because one can shrug off and fight theough pain doesn't mean they're experienced enough, or even really interested in, to fight through pleasure. I kind of wonder here but will Ilya be allowed to grow up here? Like when she runs into Shirou, will she actually look 18+?
  12. Sweet. Regarding characters from other settings showing up in the story, will they have the same personalities as they did in their original settings? Like if a character is a tsundere in her original story, she's a tsundere in this story as well? Hm these quest areas are essentially in alternate dimension or something right? Like you get transported somewhere else essentially? I could imagine this possibly happening to Shirou somewhere: Image has a Pharaoh, Sphinx, Anubis, Mummies, Khepri, Girtablilu, & Sandworm. Liliraune would be another fun monstergirl for him to run into on a quest: Hm regarding his Projection abilities here, any swords outside of Ea or Excalibur might Shirou jot be able to Project here? And would Gil here be FemGil?
  13. Would most of the monster girls be like quest enemies?
  14. There's Kenkou Cross's stuff
  15. For monster girl characters, any specific sources you plan to use for them or would these be more like OCs or something? As for Morrigan, I have a feeling she'll be one of the toughest enemies Shirou may face considering her sheer power and strength (she's a Class S demon IIRC) and the fact she's an incredibly arousing and seductive person. Not only is she incredibly powerful compared to any normal human or even a magus like Shirou, she herself is also royalty and she has powers like being able to duplicate herself for attacks, or turning her wings into jets to move incredibly fast. Actually for her ability to (Darkness Illusion) herself, I can imagine that being useful for tricking Shirou or bedroom stuff.An interesting thing about Morrigan is that while other demons require the use of a special Gate in order to reach the human world from Makai, Morrigan doesn't have to use that since she has the ability to teleport herself to places and thus she can simply translocate herself from Makai to Earth with no need for pesky gates. She could possibly take Shirou with her back to her dungeons or wherever.
  16. Wait is Shirou 5 years older than canon or 5 years younger? Cause I'm a little confused on what you said about his age in the author notes. How old is he in Chapter 1? I thought he was 10 (in canon he'd be 12 since in the OTL, Kiritsugu dies when Shirou is 12). Also regarding bad ends, do we get to choose them or is it determined by you if we get them or not? As for Morrigan, maybe this is a possible outfit she might show up in if she captures Shirou in a bad end? Though I think I'd lose the eyepatch.
  17. What Kodos said.
  18. For Servants is this like FGO where any Servant can be summoned?
  19. So is this story going to be like a CYOA?
  20. In addition to the various outsider females the guest mentioned one possible outsider female I think may be fun is Morrigan Aensland (image) (and her sister Lilith (image) considering Lilith can sort of stay in side Morrigan until she needs to come out). Seeing her in any hetero lemons is very rare and we do know succubi do exist in the Nasuverse. This provides a little more info on Morrigan and Lilith: Morrigan, Lilith
  21. How the heck does Funny Vamp get localized to "Temptress?" But the class name does sound intriguing. I could imagine Semiramis being a great temptress. Even Arcueid herself assuming she learned how to sexually tempt people somewhere, or was pretty sexually lustful here for whatever reason. She is beautiful in both her short-haired self & long-haired self. Just realized something: Ichasennin mentioned Kiara as a possible Servant. Maybe here, the Angra Mainyu/Avenger equivalent is Kiara instead of Avenger/whatever his actual name is from the OTL 3rd Grail War? Kiara possibly summoned in her Demon form? But I also enjoy the idea of Kiara being one of the Masters here. Well whatever the case with Kiara I hope we get to see her Demon form.
  22. What thread would you move it too if it was him writing a story with input?
  23. IIRC wasn't there something from Nasu for the Fuyuki Grail War, that it should've switched classes for every War? Or maybe it was some sort of early concept thing. As for Arcueid and the Temptress class, how did that work? Also I just realized something: might we get to see Fem-Gil as a Servant here?
  24. For the classes pass the standard 7 we see, I imagine Ruler & Shielder may also be possible classes so that brings it up to 8 or 9. I'm trying to think of other classes.
  25. http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/62497-fate-gamer-night-shota-edition/ Ichasennin just created a new topic you might find interesting. He's asking for help for ideas and such with it.
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