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Everything posted by warellis

  1. Are all the Servants, and all the Masters with the exception of Shirou, female here?
  2. Heh maybe Shirou's Servant here is Nero Bride from FGO? Since she hasn't been summoned before, or at least her FGO backstory claims, she'll put all her love on her Master: Hm another female, from both FGO & Fate/Zero, might be Irisviel von Einzbern. She looks really good in that Halloween Princess CE outfit and it makes me wonder if here, she might be more than just an incredible homunculus... We do know that succubi do exist in the Nasuverse... Who knows what fun things a succubus Iri could do with shota Shirou here! Kiara Sessyouin, Anderson's Master from CCC. Oh yes, Kiara Sessyouin would be great! She is so very lewd She is the head of a sect of Buddhism that believes people will gain enlightenment through wild orgies of sex. Also her back story is kind of similar to EMIYA's, like being betrayed by people around her and wanting to save others. She also likes to interpret situations in a lewd manner. She could easily be someone who has a follower kidnap Shirou and take him to her for some spiritual counselling.
  3. "Outside of FSN canon", does that mean we can propose females from other Fate titles like Fate/Extra or Fate/Grand Order, or even Apocryoha for example? Or do you mean entirely out of the Fate series in general? Also is it like we propose so-and-so for the characters and you write?
  4. Matthew do you still come here?

  5. Kodos here is some character material stuff from Fate/Apocrypha: http://www.mediafire.com/view/vtsbbql98dysjvw/apocrypha_material_%28English%29.pdf
  6. So...no one is interested eh?
  7. 1. Heh with Rin & Luvia, it makes me imagine after a spar where Rin is having Shirou lick and suck the sweat off of her midriff and while that's happening, Shirou suddenly feels Luvia's breasts pressing firmly into his back since Luvia has decided to wrap an arm around him and give him a bit of a handjob. Rin, seeing that Shirou has stopped his cleaning sees that Luvia is pressing herself, practically flattening her assets against Shirou, and jacking him off so she suddenly joins Luvia in doing so, to show that no way is Luvia just allowed to start touching Shirou like that.Then maybe Rin stuffs Shirou into her mouth and starts sucking him off while Luvia is hugging Shirou to her even more so he can feel her breasts in their full glory or something, while at the same time is pulling Shirou into a makeout session as well. Like lifting his head up and making out with him from above. Course then it makes me wonder what other sandwiches Rin & Luvia could do with Shirou? 1b. I could imagine after sparring, or any exercise with Rin or Luvia, that the slime maid volunteers to clean Shirou up. Cue her sticking Shirou in a bathtub full of her own slime so that she, and any other copies of herself, can have fun licking and sucking all the sweat off of Shirou, along with any other fluids they might desire from Shirou as well. It probably helps that Shirou is probably horny after any private practice sessions with Rin, Luvia, or both. 1c. Hm regarding that slime maid we'd discussed before, the one Rin summons as a domestic helper and sex partner with her and Shirou, considering how she and Shirou are possibly equals since both are servants, though it might be in practice that the slime maid is also above Shirou in the household hierarchy, how might she greet Shirou in the morning or whenever he comes home from school or errands for Rin? Pulling him into makeout sessions with her? 1d. I remember you mentioning the possibility of Shirou running into Erubetie, since she's the slime queen, if he was taken to that slime maid's home dimension. What differences physically might Shirou notice between the slime maid & Erubetie you think? Like would Erubetie have bigger breasts for example or something? And sexually, what differences might he notice between Erubetie and the slime maid as well? 1e. Considering Shirou here would have already been dommed by both Rin & the slime maid, thus being pretty sub, how fast would it be fbefore Erubetie is doing this to him (Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, & Image 6)? 2. For this War, it makes me wonder what Shirou's pet/fuck buddly life with Rin would be like if instead of Saber, he somehow got Nero while Rin still got Archerko/Kuro. Would Nero & Rin work together a lot on domming Shirou together or something you think? Or would Nero feel that no, Shirou is HER servant so the one he should focus on worshipping is herself (Nero)? 3. As for Semiramis since you mentioned kissing would be low-tier for her, would she be kissing Shirou a lot, like making out with him and such? You think she's the type to tongue rape Shirou during kissing? Makes me wonder if she could play little games with shota Shirou while making out with him. How long do you imagine Shirou & Semiramis's make out sessions would last? What kind of body do you imagine Semiramis having? Like how would you describe it in your mind's eye and what do you imagine her clothes feeling like from the images shown here: Image 1 & Image 2 & Image 3? Like how might Semiramis describe the feeling of her clothes you think? Regarding Semiramis's outfit, do you think it's a tight one from what images of her in it have shown? Like what might Shirou notice about Semiramis's outfit when she's wearing it? Would he think it almost skintight or that it is very tight or something on her chest and torso area? And how might Semiramis's outfit feel to Shirou if she was hugging him or if his dick was rubbing against her clothes you think? 4. For Fiore, what sexual positions or techniques could she perform on Shirou you think, considering her issues with her legs? Would paizuri, under Semiramis's tutelage or working directly together with Semiramis on paizuri, be something she could do you think? You mention Shirou would be so sub for Fiore that he accidentally doms her. What's the reason for that and would that mean Semiramis would be the real "master" in this threeway relationship? And how might Shirou & Fiore's relationship look like? Like he orders and she obeys or more like he requests some sexual position or whatever and she's eager to grant that request? 5. Thinking back to Scathach & Bazett, if they get Shirou, what techniques might Scathach teach him? And how might Scathach get Bazett, who's probably be 18-19 years old here, to join her & Shirou? Considering Lancer's bodysuit in FSN was meant to represent the body paint used in the original myths, since IIRC he fought sorta naked, how do you imagine Scathach's bodysuit would feel to Shirou like if she was hugging him or giving him say a titjob in it? What do you think the material of it is, considering how skintight it is? Heh makes me wonder if Scathach was giving Shirou an under-bodysuit titjob, would her bodysuit be able to keep any cum from leaking out once she seals it up again? How much would Scathach enjoy Shirou considering how he's been taught to be sorta submissive?
  8. I was wondering where Aphrodite/Venue's thing about changing her looks in God Slaying Blade Works was from. Didn't know that was from Percy Jackson. Would Aphrodite here be the type to be on top in bed? And considering how she can change depending on Godou's thoughts, it makes me wonder how she might use that bit of shapeshifting in bed.
  9. Considering Shirou here would be like 13 or 14, how tall would you say he is here? Like would he be around the same height as Rin (159 cm), or Luvia (160 cm) here since he's several years younger than his OTL counterpart? Or closer to his 167cm 17/18-year old self? As for Semiramis what might start her getting to like Shirou you'd say? And since you mention she probably wouldn't do blowjobs or titjob or full fucking until she started to like him or realized he's a tougher nut to crack than she thought, when do you think she'd start kissing or making out with him? Like would Semiramis have no problem kissing him early on? Kissing on the lips & with tongue I mean. As for Saber/Saber Alter & Mordred, considering both are gunning for Shirou to be their pet slave, might they both at some point just decide to both sleep in the same bed with him as a means to keep an eye on him and each other, along with competing on domming him in bed? Finally with Rin & Luvia, how long would it take before they're competing for Shirou as a fuck pet/Servant in these outfits during the War you think? Or is it more like they have him watch them fight in their little improptou match with him as the prize?
  10. Hm with this Goddess of Love/Lust, like Aphrodite/Venus, how would you describe her? Like in your mind what description or idea of her features would you imagine her to have? Would she have a connection with Athena considering both goddesses were Greek gods?
  11. Interesting. 1. For Kuro what do you imagine her older self to look like? Like how do you imagine her body being like? I know I presented the Archerko images as a possible look for her older body but do you have anything in mind yourself? With Kuro what kind of stuff might she have done to sexually tease or play with Shirou before she can fully try him out? And how well would Rin be able to deal with Kuro's advances here considering Rin has some experience teasing/domming and fucking shota Shirou here? What would Shirou here think of Kuro you think, if he was staying in Rin's home as her ally (since he already is her servant/sex pet) 2. For Shirou, do you think Semiramis's looks and clothes and such would attract him to her even if he distrusts her? Like would just hearing her speak to him, or looking at him, possibly cause him to get aroused when near her? Heck would just seeing her in her outfit cause Shirou to get hard you think? It does seem pretty tight and formfitting from what the images of her have shown. For sexual release do you think Semiramis would be the type to do that herself directly? Like she would be the one directly sucking Shirou off or giving him a titjob for example? And if so any techniques you could see her doing? Might she also have Fiore work together with her (Semiramis) on Shirou at the same time? 3. With Jeanne what would be some signs she's getting corrupted? Like for example as she turns into Jeanne Alter would she start teasing Shirou in ways like stretching out her chest in her tight outfit for example? Or possibly play with him some? How much would Caren enjoy Shirou?
  12. Hm what would grown up Kuro look like? Similar to Archerko in looks and body, just with tanned skin? As for Semiramis, how would she seduce Shirou in your opinion? And considering Scathach's outfit would it be relatively easy for her to seduce Shirou?
  13. Well I was just thinking the Grail War here would just be a background d thing. Like you use it to explain like why such and such needs a prana transfer or something. With Fiore could Avalon possibly heal her legs? And how might Jeanne & Fiore wind up in the same bed with Shirou in your mind? Hm for the other Masters and Servants here would you use their OTL counterparts from Apocrypha or would you use other Masters & Servants in their place? Well maybe Atalanta, Semiramis, and Jack would stay for this but who else for Servants, and Masters, might you have participating in this War? Hm how might say Semiramis interact with Shirou here? Might she possibly get interested in him if her Master here was someone sorta crappy? As for Atalanta might she get interested in Shirou due to his archery? Heh part of me is wondering with Jack if Shirou might get attracted at first due to her outfit, and her ass. Maybe she gets summoned by Semiramis or something?
  14. Been thinking, in one of your earlier Rin/Sakura femdom shota Shirou scenarios, you mentioned the possibility of Shirou summoning Saber. I'm wondering what if, in that timeline you had where Kirei, Shinji, and Zouken are already dead, that what if somehow a Grail War does break out and Shirou and co do summon Servants. However since this a femdom idea, that means that there is only 1 male in this war, Shirou. Yes all the other participants, both Servant & Master are female with Caren being the Church mediator here and possibly Gilgamesh-ko being here? So it makes me wonder about some of the other possible Masters. Hm Rin, Sakura, and Ilya are obvious but then who else might join? Luvia I could see being a Master, and Bazett of course, so maybe Fiore? As for Servants, maybe shota Shirou would get Nero, while Rin would get Archerko, Sakura gets Rider (as in Medusa), Ilya, who looks older here, gets Mordred, maybe Luvia gets Tamamo or Semiramis, Bazett perhaps gets Scathach, and Fiore gets Jeanne? But then how do we get the various other Master & Servant pairs to femdom shota Shirou here? By which I mean the Master & Servant pairs outside of Rin & Archerko or Sakura & Rider or Ilya & Mordred. Hm do you think if Shirou was staying with Rin here, that we'd see Nero, Rin, Archerko, and that slime maid we discussed earlier all possibly femdomming shota Shirou together a lot? What do you imagine Ilya, Mordred, Leysritt, and Sella might do to femdom shots Shirou here? I'm also wondering do you think Sakura, I'm assuming here she might be dressed like this to add some sex appeal for shota Shirou when femdomming him, would work together with Rider, or Stheno, & Nero to femdom Shirou as well? I could see one way Rider could femdom shota Shirou in the Grail War scenario is possibly seducing him by sneaking into his room, if he's staying with Sakura. LIke maybe wearing her iconic outfit and sneaking in between shota Shirou's legs under the futon covers and reaching his penis and deciding to give him a fun wakeup call. Maybe she starts out by rubbing his dick against the material of her dress and as it gets harder she keeps on brushing and rubbing it against her dress along with giving it a handjob before wrapping her tits around it. So she wakes him up by giving his dick a nice long sucking and stroking with her breasts and of course he blows his load several times and they fuck and fuck, with Rider being naked except for her thighhigh boots and she's riding him and bending over to squish her boobs against his chest and pin him to the bed while making out. Anyways he gets exhausted and faints away, thinking that he may get some rest because it's not like Rider can do much now that he's exhausted. Except Rider is able to follow him into his dreams and control them. So she first changes the setting of the dream to her original home island and then adds two other figures to the dream. Yes I'm imagining the kind of femdom that will occur with shota Shirou possibly pinned down to a bed in the dream and all 3 Gorgon sisters there. They could work together to give him blowjobs or kissing or any of the three could also pleasure him through drinking some of his blood. I could imagine either sister's mouths or pussies to feel even tighter than Rider's, possibly equal to her in skill in sex and such. So they all suck him dry of both blood and semen in the dream. Another cool thing about the dream is that since Rider can control it, it means she can use positions in the dream that would be sorta difficult to do in reality. For example, using her tight Servant outfit, I could imagine her having herself and Shirou float in a void somewhere and she creates two Riders. One Rider is floating downward toward Shirou and starts giving him paizuri by having his dick enter her breasts from the top/cleavage. So like she's using the dream to giving him paizuri from above, letting his dick get sqeezed by her breasts along with rubbing against the inside of her dress. And since her head is now between his legs, maybe she could start licking and sucking on his balls while she's having his dick get squeezed between her breasts. The other Rider could possibly start kissing Shirou or perhaps sticking a boob in his mouth. To use a bit of a visual aid, the Rider giving Shirou paizuri in the dream would be perpendicular to him. So like he'd be floating horizontal in the void and she'd be floating vertical in the void, giving Shirou perpendicular paizuri where her breasts from above slip over his pointing upward cock and allow her to stroke him off easily and let him rub against the inside of her dress. Essentially imagine this: _l The _ is Shirou and the l is the first Rider. Do you think my Rider femdom shota Shirou idea could work & do you have any ideas or thoughts about what I wrote in regards to the Grail War scenario, like the idea of Nero, Archerko, Rin, & that slime maid all possibly femdomming Shirou together?
  15. http://exhentai.org/g/832405/5a47d84fb2/ You can find them on Exhentai. Do you have an E-hentai account and either a Chrome or Firefox Exhentai plugin to allow you to view Exhentai stuff?
  16. 1. Been thinking of another possible pairing for Shirou, this time from Fate/Apocrypha, borrowed from YeOfLittleFaith from Beast's Lair. Thinking possibly if Shirou, Fiore, & Jeanne could somehow get into a relationship/threesome pairing. Maybe a post-FSN Shirou, possibly UBW-ish or Fate-ish who knows, on an on-and-off visit to Rin at the Clock Tower, bumps into the wheelchair bound girl with the contagious smile of a person who's enjoying her simple days and can't help but be reminded of Illya despite their completely different looks and personalities. They end up hanging out sporadically after that, bonding over the fact that both are magi who really don't fit the magus mold, with Shirou wanting to be able to do something for her, given how her talents actually limit her. Yes, I'm wondering if Shirou here may become friends, and possibly more, with Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia. And as they spend time together, naturally it attracts interest from certain quarters, such as Darnic who would certainly be wondering about that boy who his darling heir has been spending so much time with, especially since Shirou is the winner of the Fifth Holy Grail War while Darnic barely survived the Third Grail War. And well if he does learn about Shirou's unique abilities, well the Yggdmillennia are always recruiting... Thinking possibly as Shirou and Fiore start to fall for each other that they get pulled into the Apocrypha Grail War somehow and Shirou summons a Servant, specifically Jeanne, and Fiore maybe summons Mordred In truth the Grail War is little more than a means for Jeanne, and possibly Mordred, to be summoned and get into threesomes or foursomes with Shirou & Fiore. Fiore and Jeanne certainly do have lovely bodies and Mordred is definitely attractive as well, especially if she still ends up in this outfit. Heck you never know if Shirou and Mordred might fight together well. Fun fact about Fiore & Jeanne, Jeanne is the same in bust size as Sakura and Fiore is 1 centimeter smaller in bust than Jeanne. Do you think this might work for Shirou & Fiore & Jeanne? Do you have your own ideas of what they might do? 2. Among the QB scenarios we discussed, whether Shirou is wandering around, or still part of the Vance Estate, or been captured by the Swamp Witch and her main trio of servants, in each scenario whom might Shirou lose his virginity to in your opinion? 2a. In the scenario where Shirou gets captured by the Swamp Witch trio, and then dominated/sorta mind broken by the Swamp Witch, how might Airi, Melona, Menace, & Liliana's attitudes toward Shirou change the longer he is with them? Because from what you said, it sounds like Airi, and possibly Menace, might start falling in love with him. Would Airi be sorta tsundere toward Shirou? And how might Liliana like Shirou? 2b. Where might Shirou run into Melona, Menace, and Airi? Would he be running into them in the Amaran desert? 2c. During the time they have Shirou, but prior to reaching the Swamp Witch, or even after reaching the Swamp Witch, would Menace, Melona, and Airi all be sleeping in the same bed with Shirou or would it be like he'd have his own bed and they'd be sleeping in the room with him but not in the same bed? 3. For Shirou, how might sex with the Swamp Witch be "super dommy" in your opinion? Any scenarios with her you imagine? 4. How do you think Tiina from Queen's Blade Grimoire might like Shirou? And do you think Shirou might like her back, assuming they somehow met if he fell into Mel Fair Land?
  17. https://imgur.com/a/0xc8T Well after seeing this: It got me wondering about the possibility of shota Shirou summoning Mordred & Matou Sakura summoning Saber Lily, especially when Matou Sakura is looking like this: Heh I wonder how a teamup of shota Shirou & Sakura would go with the Sakura from that image. And yes that Sakura is "Matou Sakura". Course perhaps Rin gets Archerko & maybe every Servant & Master, with the exception of Shirou, is female, so in place of Kirei we have Caren instead. Heck maybe there isn't a Grail War yet somehow female Servants are just summoned. But in truth I'm more interested in the femdom possibilities from them with Shirou. Because that Sakura is really rocking that miniskirt x thighhigh combo along with the shirt showing off her midriff. Really shows off those superior Tohsaka genes! Much, much better than her frumpy dress from FSN. And her personality seems more haughty/femdom-ish if that expression in her face is anything to go by. EDIT: Hm maybe Luvia would be one of the Masters in this pseudo-war perhaps? But then who'd be her lovely female Servant? What Servant would you like with Luvia you think?
  18. Wait who would do the "rescuing"? Are you talking about the Swamp Witch or Melona when saying that? Since you mentioned Shirou would both be the closest to the Swamp Witch and the lowest on the totem pole, how might the Swamp Witch show her servants, the ones that still have will of their own at least, how close Shirou's position to her really is? Like would there be actions she performs, when around Shirou that would show he's the closest of her servants? Considering you mentioned sex with the Swamp Witch would be "super dommy" what do you imagine sex with her would be like for Shirou? Would she actually be pleasuring him a lot? Would she be possibly using her magic to also femdom Shirou in his dreams or reinforce the sexual and loving relationship between herself & Shirou? From what you mentioned about Airi, it sounds like she would be quite tsundere toward Shirou. XD Do you think she and Menace would possibly start to fall for Shirou? In fact considering Airi would be allowed to fuck Shirou whenever, would sessions with the Swamp Witch for Shirou swiftly turn into threesomes when Airi is around? For Shirou what would be the difference in his attraction for the Swamp Witch & each main servant of hers like Melona, Menace, Airi, & Liliana? Like what might attract him to each one, both before & after the Swamp Witch has him? As for Melona, considering her ability to squirt acid that only eats clothes from her boobs, how might she use such abilities like that in more erotic moments? Like perhaps when she first encounters Shirou her acid milk is like a mixture of the acid that dissolves clothes along with possibly being an aphrodisiac that when it touches your skin makes you super horny & sensitive to touch at the same time? Or how might she use her fluids during sex to make things more erotic/fun for herself, and possibly Shirou as well? EDIT: Just thought of something, if Shirou would become the Swamp Witch's closest servant, might someone like Airi possibly get jealous about that? I wonder if she might, sexually, take out her frustration on Shirou then. Hm considering how Claudette becomes the new queen after she wins the Queen's Blade, how might she employ Shirou considering how she appoints Elina as the new head of the Assassins of the Fang? And how might both Elina & Claudette, and anyone else on the Queen's side in Rebellion such as Ymir & Eilin , might use Shirou for more sexual purposes? Also that makes me wonder how might Irma interact with Shirou considering he'd have gained the attention/interest of her former master Echidna? How might Melpha like Shirou? Do you think she'd possibly fall for him? For the Shirou under the Swamp Witch, how might Liliana like him? Would she be wanting to get into his pants soon or use him a lot like Airi? As for the Rebellion army, if Shirou did decide to join them early on for whatever reason, how would the main figures of the rebellion like Annelotte like him? Hm might Sainyang & Tarnyang possibly fall for Shirou if he saves them, possibly several times? I could see them becoming inadvertent (from his POV) followers of himself if he's saved them several times. How might both girls like Shirou? Also I've thought of someone that might enjoy Shirou even though she is admittedly from another Queen's Blade continuity, specifically Queen's Blade Grimoire: Tiina How do you think she might like Shirou? And how do you think Shirou might like Tiina? It also makes me wonder how might Kaguya like Shirou due to his ability to copy weapons, and his personality, and how might Zara & possibly Alicia like him for his personality and such. Hm you think Shirou might like any of them back? Kaguya: Zara Alicia
  19. Maybe. The issue is that Momo really doesn't like Nemesis. I could see Nemesis's perversions being some sort of problem or issue that Momo's perverted plans hadn't thought of in regards to Riko. Essentially Nemesis is a wildcard.
  20. Hm with Riko, I could see Nemesis working her shapeshifted ability to please her both as a man and a woman. Remember, she can shapeshifted her entire body and I presume she's just as good or even better than Yami or Mea with shapeshifting her hair.
  21. What do you imagine the sex with Menace, Melona, & Airi would be like for Shirou? Like what kind of sex might occur with them or how would the sex feel? Like would Menace, Melona, and Airi have differences in blowjobs or fucking? How do you imagine their bodies would feel to Shirou? And any particular types of sex any of the three might do with Shirou if/when femdoming him? Like might paizuri be something they do? Would we be seeing a lot of paizuri from Menace & Melona? Would either also kiss him a lot? And how often might they fuck Shirou? Would they enjoy sex with him? Hm how do you imagine Melona, Menace, or Airi would wake up Shirou if/when he faints from sex with them? You mention how Airi would realize Shirou is a great source for topping off and how much she enjoyed doing so. Would Shirou enjoy Airi's kissing and fucking and sucking and so on? Would we be seeing a lot of paizuri from Airi as well? As for the Swamp Witch what might sex with her be like for Shirou, considering you mention she would be "super dommy"? What kind of stuff would she do to him? Might she do paizuri with him? How do you imagine Shirou's sex with her might start out? Like the sex where she slowly converts Shirou to her 1984-style. How often might the Swamp Witch fuck Shirou? Would she enjoy her sex with Shirou? For rewards or punishment, possibly sexual in nature for both, what might they be or how might the Swamp Witch do either with Shirou? Would the Swamp Witch sorta keep Shirou in her bed or would she be the type to let her servants use him as well as long as they know not to use him too much, and that he is hers? Hm after sex, how might the Swamp Witch wake up Shirou if/when he faints from exhaustion from the sex? Would he wake up to Airi bent over, in her maid outfit or possibly naked except for her stockings, seemingly trying to suck his balls dry through blowjobs and titjob? Or would the Swamp Witch want to wake him up through her own methods? In regards to using Shirou as a sorta corruptor, I could imagine Shirou, mindbroken by her like how was discussed about Caster in that lemon bad ends thread, having the women he rescues like say Nowa or Alleyne or whoever and thus turning them over to the Swamp Witch's side because in doing so they get to stay with Shirou. As for Ymir, I think she might find Shirou interesting not only for the weapon copying but also because since his magic is so intertwined with swords and their forging so-to-speak in his RM, that he would intimately know blacksmithing despite not having actually physically done it. IIRC Emiya is described as a blacksmith hero sometimes. Cool thing about her, if she wants to learn more erotic information about Shirou, she has an ability called Giant Growth. I could see that having uses for learning more dirty stuff about him. Considering what you said about the possibility of the Swamp Witch using Shirou to bring Annelotte and Aldra to her side, and four a reunion/foursome, how would either Aldra or Annelotte like Shirou?
  22. What game is this?
  23. Hm what might Echidna do with Shirou when she runs into him you think considering you said she'd be all over messing with Shirou? Might Echidna tease Shirou like this? As for Alleyne, I could imagine her starting to fall in love with Shirou if he does spend some time with her in the Elves' Forest before leaving. Heck he might rescue her from Funikura at some point. Do you think either Alleyne or Echidna's clothing and appearance/looks might arouse Shirou? Hm do you think Ymir might get interested in Shirou considering his Projection ability? What about Nanael considering how she wants all men to her servants/slaves? Also might Tomoe & Shizuka get interested in him? Thinking on Elina, I bet all of her hand-to-hand and martial arts training with Shirou would be also a way she could grope him, or play with him, but in a way that makes it look like they're just grappling or whatever. In fact part of me wonders how long it takes before Shirou starts masturbating about any of the three Vance sisters or any of the other women he'll run into on his travels. As for Izumi & Shirou I was thinking of the fact she was also a very good swordsman who is really good at archery. Similar to Shirou in that regard. EDIT: How might Risty & Shirou react to each other? Might she show some interest in him after their encounter? I had borrowed the "Holy Milk" idea from a fanfic called "Wandering Pilot". Considering you mentioned the possibility of Shirou running into the Swamp Witch trio: I'm thinking what if Shirou gets captured by Airi, Melona, and Menace. Who knows what pleasures they might force on him to break him and make him their sex pet? Like maybe they capture Shirou because Melona pretends to be Leina or something and knocks him out before he can react, and maybe Melona or Airi finds out he has "Holy Milk" in him so all 3 decide to drain him again & again until they're content and he's drained dry. I could imagine Melona's, or Airi's or Menace's, sucking to be incredible and I could imagine all 3 working together in their titjob on Shirou. I could imagine Shirou enjoying Airi's hungry kisses, and blowjobs and pussy, when she finds out how tasty his life force is and, to handwave a use of Avalon's healing power because in canon it does require Saber to be there and here she wouldn't be there, that there's no danger of his life force running out due to Avalon always replenishing it. And I could imagine Menace enjoying having fun with Shirou as well. I'm imagining Shirou is taken to some secret place the three know, with beds and such, so he wakes up from getting knocked out during the capture to find he's been tied to a bed and naked. He tried to get out of the ropes tying him to the bed but can't and after exhausting himself he hears Melona comment on how seeing him struggle was both cute and hot and she forms in between his legs, from a puddle of herself he didn't quite think of at first due to thinking the pink liquid was something else. Seeing her curvaceous body forming from the puddle, watching her rise in between his legs, gets him hard and aching which she is happy about and she decides to suck and stroke him off with her mouth and boobs multiple times. He cums in her a bunch of times, enough to be a little white instead of pink, and since she now has all this magical energy in her due to Shirou's "Holy Milk" she now has enough power to split into two Melona's and both have fun with Shirou. Then after that Airi and Menace come in to see more of this handsome prisoner they caught and together with Melona start sucking him dry again and again. Finally at the end Shirou is about to faint from the exhaustion and pleasure and all 3 women are cuddling up with him on the bed. Thinking in it some more, I could imagine after Shirou faints the second time from all the femdommy sex he has with the trio, they take him to the Swamp Witch herself and she starts enjoying Shirou as well. I could imagine the Swamp Witch standing over Shirou's body before taking him to her bed chambers, with Airi, and possibly Mime & Meena as well, and proceeding to have a long, slow session with him because she wants especially wants control of the Holy Milk. As for why Airi is there, well Airi is her most trusted servant IIRC and maybe she has no problem with her joining in. And yes this would be femdommy as well because the Swamp Witch is THE Big Bad here. I don't think any heroics or escapes are going to work here, at the heart, and bedchamber, of the Swamp Witch's place of power. The sex with the Swamp Witch would be three things: a means to power up from the Holy Milk, sex and mental interrogation. Shirou is already sorta weak against mental intrusion so imagine how much weaker would he be when pleasure is flooding his system and ruining any attempts to counter against the Swamp Witch's mental intrusions. So it serves not only as some fun for the Swamp Witch, it also is a means to more easily find out Shirou's secrets. For example the Swamp Witch is riding Shirou, bending over and kissing him along with pressing her body and chest into his front, and while Shirou is moaning at the pleasure the Swamp Witch is using her much closer proximity to Shirou to start charming and hypnotizing him with her eyes in order to get into his head easier. And him shooting Holy Milk into her would give her a boost of power or energy. I can imagine Shirou fainting, again, from all the sex and mental intrusions and waking up chained to the floor with the Swamp Witch sitting in a throne much like this in front of him, letting Shirou know he is subservient to her. Like the lowest on the totem pole, there to be used by her subordinates and herself obviously, for pleasure or other purposes. Airi: Melona: Menace: The Swamp Witch:
  24. Thank you, and yes I do feel it would be great! Hell just having a double Morrigan titjob with twin Morrigans would be incredible! Both of them in perfect synchronization because they are the same Morrigan. Hm maybe it starts out with the young man sleeping, partially uncovered from his bedsheets and Morrigan somehow slips under his bed sheets in between his legs? Or maybe it starts out with Morrigan slipping into his room while he's sleeping and splitting into two. One Morrigan slips in under his bedsheets and the other wakes him up with a kiss or something? So he wakes up to both a makeout and the start of this before the other Morrigan joins her doppelganger in sandwiching his penis.
  25. Nice. And your idea on Count Vance taking in Shirou as a way of repaying a debt the Count owes to Kiritsugu is definitely good. Yeah I do remember that from ASOIAF. As for your idea with Nyx possibly coming back to the Vance Estate as a servant to stay close to Shirou, I bet Elina would do something cruel like force her to be left behind if/when she goes out with Shirou to search for Leina again. Hm you said "some kissing" as part of what he'd be trained to accept. What kind of kissing do you imagine Elina & Shirou would be doing? And if either got to fuck Shirou at some point what do you imagine Elina or Claudette's fellatio and paizuri and sex be like? Also since you mentioned "encounters with any of the elves", how might Alleyne or Echidna like Shirou? What kind of things might either do with him? I could possibly see Echidna attempting to seduce or make Shirou less uptight, maybe? Maybe she'd kiss him or tease him or something? I could certainly see her flustering Shirou. Well I know Alleyne is the Thousand-Year-Old Virgin, and is pretty serious, so I don't think she'd be trying to seduce Shirou or anything but even then how might she like Shirou? EDIT: I'm wondering how Tomoe & Shizuka may react to Shirou especially since his name, and presumably some customs or behavior he might have picked up from Kiritsugu like maybe moon watching, may remind them of Hinomoto. Since Hinomoto is QB's equivalent to Japan, albeit fantasy medieval Japan. Also I just thought of something, considering Shirou here will probably be practicing his ability, I'm wondering if he'll be a super archer here like he is in the OTL? As for sword skills eh maybe someone could handwave him using twin blades? Or perhaps he gets taught it here still? Heh I wonder if Izumi might learn about Shirou and start pestering him or following him?
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