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Everything posted by warellis

  1. Okay wow! That analysis is really good. I put in him producing Holy Milk as a reason for and justifying a place at the Vance Estate, borrowed the Holy Milk production concept from Wandering Pilot, but what do you think would be a better reason for such an adoption? Them finding out he can produce blades magically? Yeah I would say he's still have magic. In fact he might pick up on Projection faster, or perhaps any magic teachers the Vance might hire might be able to open up his circuits at a young age so he doesn't keep on trying to create a new circuit all the time. I like what you said about him being a ward. Since I presumed Shirou would still have been adopted by Kiritsugu before getting taken in by the Vance Estate, do you think he'd keep the Emiya name? I'd sorta presumed it's be like he gets adopted by Kiritsugu, Kiritsugu dies when Shirou is 8 already having told him his dream, and he somehow lands in the QB universe and then somehow gets adopted as a ward of the Vance family. Hm considering what you said about how Elina would treat him, would we see her be groping him, among other things, by Elina like she does with Leina? I can't remember what Elina does with Claudette though I do know she's as obsessed with her as Leina IIRC. Heck considering how she is toward him, how do you imagine Shirou & Elina's first meeting would be when she & Claudette find him again? Would Elina's first action be like to shove her tongue down his throat? Also I'm wondering how might Shirou react to Leina & Elina's travel outfits. Considering Claudette seems to have worn her signature outfit longer than the other two, I'm assuming he's be more used to her battle bikini outfit. Though maybe Elina's tiger outfit is her bodyguard uniform when she became Captain of Count Vance's Royal Guard so perhaps he's be used to the skimpy clothing there as well though he might be popping erections. Considering what you said about how Elina acts nicer when Shirou is around, what do you think the servants would think of him? Sorta resentful, due to Elina only acting nice when he's around, or might they like him? Do you think Shirou would be allowed to see stuff like this from the girls? Since he'd be considered sorta family by them? Also good call with Nyx. I'm wondering if Shirou could possibly get rid of Funikura or whatever that evil staff's name is to get her away from it? And I'm wondering what the cat fight between Nyx and Elina would be like?
  2. It's FF.net. They're stupid like that. Heck you can barely get actual reviews there.
  3. This feels amost rude after reading VotrdForKodos's idea, because his is sweet and WAFFy, but I was thinking of crossover sex pairings for Shirou: A threesome/foursome I could see: Shirou, at a young age and maybe in this story Kiritsugu's passes on his dream to Shirou and dies when Shirou is 8 so Shirou is 8 when this occurs, gets adopted or hired by Count Vance (due to finding out from someone Shirou has the Healing Milk in him), much like Claudette except Shirou isn't related by blood or a Vance bastard like Claudette, and is employed as a servant at the Vance estate. He's of high enough rank that he does to get to play with Claudette, Leina, and Elina when they're all younger, I'm presuming he would maybe be the same age as Leina, so he's considered part of the family as far as they're concerned. Anyways Shirou's heroing dream kicks in and he decides to leave when he's 17 or 18 or whatever and this inspires Leina on her own dream to adventure and win the Queen's Blade tournament so she leaves a few months after he does. Naturally this pisses off Count Vance so he has Elina go out to not only search for Leina and bring her back but also find out where Shirou is a dragoon/convince him into helping her and Claudette find Leina as well. Elina is very happy to find both Shirou and Claudette because here she also considers Shirou family she wants to fuck, like she does with both Claudette and Elina, and Shirou certainly noticed the beauty of all 3 as they grew up and played together back at the estate so he could definitely say he's also somewhat attracted to all 3 Vance sisters and they to him as well. Well Elina pulls Shirou into a threesome with Claudette and herself and soon both Elina and Claudette are intimately showing him how much they've grown. Not that he couldn't tell visually but he gets a firsthand feel for their growth And if you want to include Leina well maybe they find her and the threesome turns into a foursome. Also yes Elina does have sorta the same personality in OTL Queen's Blade as in she's be nice to Shirou because he's considered part of her family but is much less nice to those outside her family. Maybe Shirou's presence has made her slightly, I say slightly, better about it but not much.
  4. Hm regarding the Bad End scene stuff I mentioned with Miyuverse Shirou & Angelica & Lancelot! Sakura, I'm wondering if Sakura's outfit when she has fun with Miyuverse Shirou with Angelica would be this one: Or maybe it'd be some mixture of her Lancelot! costume and this? I imagine it would definitely draw attention to her from Shirou: the leather and latex tightly clinging to her body and displaying her curves, the light in the room gleaming off of the tight, black leather & latex, the clacking of the high heels as she and Angelica walk around chained up Shirou, the hungry look on her face along with Angelica's desire to wring & break Shirou (though she would do it more to establish superiority and to show Shirou how powerless he is)... Then combine Sakura & Angelica with mind-controlled maid Rin & Luvia, well the dominating of Shirou and the powerlessness he feels as he gets expunged of information through session after session would become even more fun. If you must know, that leather & latex dominatrix-style outfit is the one Caster put Sakura into in the DEEN FSN anime when she got mind-controlled for no reason. While that bit was stupid, I do really like the outfit and its dominatrix look. That's why I think it's look good on Miyuverse Sakura when she & Angelica start dominating Shirou in a Prisma bad end lemon scenario.
  5. That would be a beautiful comfort fic to see. WAFF fics are always lovely. Yes for Shirou, Rin is far more than just her beautiful legs. If she would need a wheelchair, would other students, like say Ayako for example, possibly find out or something? And what about Sakura? Would Saber be there as well to help comfort Rin with Shirou? Also you say Mind of Steel Shirou x Ayako fic, do you mean All From A Hospital Bed?
  6. Might be the case? Or perhaps the admin just doesn't want to go through every story with a fine toothed comb to figure out what to ban.
  7. warellis

    Hetero Nanoha idea

    Here's one I thought I had after thinking about both Fate & Material-L in StrikerS/Force: both start getting attracted to Yuuno & start wondering between the two who would he think better? So perhaps they knock him out to take him to some place that is secure from prying eyes. I'm imagining for the comparison it involves Fate & Material-L in their barrier jackets pinning him between their bodies so he gets to feel first hand the "differences" between their bodies. Material-L's adult form looks exactly like that of Fate's. Here is Material-L's adult form:
  8. So does anyone have anything to say to what I wrote above?
  9. For your FF.net portion, someone said this in a review:
  10. Huzzah it's here!
  11. What sexual things might Dark Iri, assuming she constructed herself a new body, & Saber Alter do with shota & highschool Shirou? Would they be draining him dry or something through lots of sex? I could imagine Saber Alter doing this with either version of Shirou. Maybe her normal dress (her civilian clothes) would be this. The idea of Jeanne getting blackened sounds lovely! I could imagine Jeanne joining Saber Alter & Dark Iri in femdomming Shirou in various ways, especially with her and Dark Iri's breasts. Also after seeing this lovely image of Caster: It got me wondering, might Caster decide to have fun with both Shirou & Saber when they're both mindbroken & under her control? Like in this doujin: http://g.e-hentai.org/g/184764/1631d78d4d/
  12. You know what I'm thinking of for a femdom bad end lemon for Shirou? One involving Saber Alter, & Dark Irisviel, or perhaps just Dark Irisviel herself. Maybe Shirou is already partially sexually mind broken by Ilya or something and I don't know somehow falls into the Grail & somehow meets Dark Irisviel, who due to her beauty and body and similarity in looks to Ilya arouses Shirou very quickly, who then femdoms him some more herself. Heck perhaps she uses the Grail to form bindings to bind him with or rub him with in addition to her own beautiful self. I don't know how it'd occur, just that I want something where Shirou gets his brains fucked out by Dark Iri. Paizuri, blowjobs, handjobs, bindings, etc. Maybe he falls in the mud and wakes up in a bedroom there, and he finds he is tied to the bed with bindings that feel good enough to start arousing him and that's when Dark Iri appears in her dress. Maybe he notes her appearance and recognizes her from Ilya's descriptions of Iri and of course she recognizes who he is and is very interested in him.
  13. Well with what Angelica says in in Chapter 30 of 3rei, how does that change any bad end ideas involving her?
  14. Think Mordred might enjoy fucking Shirou or helping him thrust his dick between Leysritt's breasts, presumably by stuffing him with her own dick and thrusting?I certainly imagine Mordred would be pretty arousing to Shirou considering her clothing. She'd probably enjoy threesomes with Shirou and Saber here.
  15. For even more guilt, what if both Rin and Saber are enjoying it because they're too mind broken to object and part of them knows it's Shirou's dick they're feeling stuffed into their throats? Like Illyasviel shows Shirou they're mind broken and Shirou still has enough sense to feel guilt over what has happened. Hm what if Berserker for this scene isn't Heracles but is Mordred instead? Maybe she could possibly enjoy Shirou along with fucking Rin and Saber into mind brokenness? Like enjoy Shirou when Ilya let's her have fun with him both as a conquest and to fuck over Saber even more. If you're wondering, just assume Ilya and Sella gave her a magic dick so maybe she can stuff Shirou with it as well or have him suck on it. Heck maybe as she pounds away at Shirou's ass, Mordred is helping Shirou thrust his dick into Leysritt's cleavage, with Leysritt tightly squeezing her boobs and licking and sucking at Shirou's cock whenever it pushes up through her boobs. Also maybe Ilya should be older looking, like this or this or this for the scene. Heck maybe Ilya will look like this.
  16. Angelica is lovely and Lancelot Sakura is hot! Yes I could imagine Angelica in her Gilgamesh outfit continuously squeezing and stroking everything out of Miyuverse Shirou with her breasts. The best part, the Gilgamesh outfit allows her to give clothes paizuri to Shirou & the bra/bikini could make the paizuri feel extra tight, wince it's squeezing her breasts together and such. And what do you think of what I said about Rin & Saber? The kiss thing and the throat fucking I mean.
  17. Lancelot Sakura! This is connected with the post above. Now I'm imagining Rin & Saber trying to get that little bit closer so they can at least kiss him. Like maybe it's something brief but maybe they can get some pleasure from that or possibly just gain some momentary pleasure to ease what they're going through right then.
  18. You know with Leysritt, I could imagine Ilya, possibly to break and punish Shirou, casting some sort of spell on Shirou's dick to keep him from cumming for a while, feeling the orgasms build up, while Leysritt is sucking and stroking his dick with her breasts again and again and again. So like at the end he's agreeing to anything Ilya has to say just so he can cum. And when she finally does let him cum by releasing the spell, and with the help of one last set of strokes from Leysritt's boobs, Shirou is just blasting a, from his POV, seemingly unending load of cum splattering Leysritt's breasts and face, kinda like this just with Leysritt: An opposite sort of thing that could be done to toy with Shirou I learned from discussing with VotedForKodos is where Ilya could have Leysritt drain Shirou dry through her mouth and breasts and then Ilya puts a magic cock ring on Shirou that will force him to have an erection. This allows for endless fucking because the ring won't let him come down until he cums except Leysritt already drained him dry. That reminds me of Chaos Theory where Shirou's kindness to Ilya at the beginning of the War changes things significantly. As for Ilya toying with Saber & Rin, maybe she could have Shirou throat fuck them? So they can see he's now truly in her grasp? Just have him thrusting deep into Rin & Saber's throats. Heck maybe since they'd probably be broken at that point, they'd be eagerly sucking on Shirou as he throat fucks them. Another fun thing I remember from talking with VotedForKodos deals with a possible Prisma Ilya 3rei bad end. This would have spoilers so be warned:
  19. Hm do you think Luvia and Leysritt are the same in breast size?Ooh you know what would be fun? Shirou, Rin, and Saber getting to watch each other up close as they're all being fucked/raped. Like both sides get to watch the other get cheated away. Like Shirou gets to watch Saber and Rin fall into getting mind broken from Berserker's dick and they get to watch Shirou fall into getting mind broken from Ilya and her maids. Or maybe Ilya does something like have Shirou rape Saber in like a Berserker state and at the end she takes off the madness to let him see who he'd raped.
  20. Heh with Leysritt and Sella attending to Shirou, I hope Leysritt sucks or wrings Shirou dry through her the use of her breasts and mouth. She has a 92cm bust, the largest bust in FSN, so we need to see lots of lovely paizuri from Leysritt!
  21. Hm one issue regarding Berserkers is their whole "lack of personality" while under Mad Enhancement. Would Caster find some way to get Mordred here out of her berserker mindstate so she could be properly broken in by Shirou? Also I hope Caster would allow Mordred to still dress like this.
  22. This is very good! Will you be putting it up as an actual story in the FSN section in AFF?
  23. Well I was intending the idea to just be porn without plot. As in Shirou somehow runs into BB and gets captured by her and she wants to turn him into their pleasure slave for whatever reason. Also they wouldn't have been summoned by Shirou or anything. There really isn't meant to be any attempt at explaining how they're there, just that they're there and they want to break Shirou through pleasure. No explanation, just porn and the porn is sorta bad-endish because in the end, Shirou breaks and becomes their sex slave. Also I felt adding Sakura or Rin would only drag things because I felt the idea was good enough with just Shirou, BB, Meltlilith, and Passionlip. Three breakers, one to be broken.
  24. It's a repost but here is a possible bad-end lemon I've thought of: You know I'm thinking of possible foursome with Shirou, this with femdom on the part of the females. Specifically with BB, Passion Lip and Meltlilith: BB: Passionlip: Meltlilith: Fusion (Meltlilith & Passionlip together): Yes I'm imagining that what if BB from Fate/Extra CCC somehow captures Shirou and perhaps has Passionlip give Shirou paizuri marathons with Meltlilith and Passionlip sucking on his dick. And maybe Meltlilith would also give Shirou lots of footjobs, since I'd presume the steel needle legs are just essentially shoes she puts her feet in. Maybe in this timeline he doesn't know Sakura or Rin so perhaps for him the first time he'd be seeing a beautiful purple-haired girl would be with BB, Passionlip, and Meltlilith. BB would have this impish attitude toward him but Shirou can definitely see a lot of hunger from her and Passionlip and Meltlilith toward him. Now before you go and say "but that all takes place in the Moon Cell", well perhaps for this story it doesn't matter. Like it could take place on Earth and all 3 are real people or whatever instead of being something that only exists in the Moon Cell. Maybe BB and Passionlip and Meltlilith just want him to be theirs so they capture him and BB has Passionlip and Meltlilith break down his resistance about getting kidnapped and such by having them give lots of paizuri and footjobs. And Meltlilith and Passionlip are both most definitely interested in doing such things to Shirou, enjoying it. As for Meltlilith's attitude toward Passionlip and BB, well just ignore that and have her have no problem with working with Passionlip and BB. It's essentially pure porn without plot, complete smut but it's something I've always liked regarding ideas with Passionlilp and Meltlilith. Maybe it starts out with Shirou running into BB late at night and, since here he wouldn't know Sakura or Rin, being surprised at seeing this beautiful purple-haired lady, who most definitely fills out her outfit nicely in his opinion especially around the chest. Maybe she says she is looking for help about something and when he leans in more toward her to hear what she wants, she hypnotizes him and takes him to some abandoned warehouse or perhaps some isolated magic location only she and her minions would know to be alone with him. Shirou wakes up chained to a bed, and BB says she is going to make him hers and her minions, and that's when she introduces Passionlip and Meltlilith. So while Shirou is taking in their appearances, and definitely harder than he's ever been due to both Passionlip and Meltlilith's appearance, BB says she's going to have both of them break down any resistance Shirou has toward them through lots of paizuri and footjobs and such, and that's when the threesome, at first, then foursome later on takes place. Pretty much I just want something with only Shirou, BB, Passionlip, and Meltlilith. No one else interferes or intervenes or anything else, just those four. For Lip I can imagine after she has sucked and stroked out multiple orgasms from Shirou, possibly with Melilith's help as well, and he's shivering as his now wet, but still hard, dick is released from her cleavage, due to the air just feeling much colder in comparison to her tightly squeezed cleavage, that she moves behind him to press her breasts and self into his back while Melty crawls between Shirou's legs and, shortly after his dick is released from Lip's cleavage, just stuffs his dick down her throat and starts trying to suck and deepthroat him while he's still sensitive, to heighten the pleasure and make him cum faster. So Shirou is feeling Passionlip's breasts pressing and rubbing against his back, which would make him feel even harder than before while possibly Lip is kissing his neck or whispering lewd stuff into his ear and Melty is seemingly, from Shirou's POV, trying to suck everything out of him through his penis with her mouth and throat, and that's when BB joins in and starts Frenching him and possibly getting on top of him so that Shirou is sandwiched between Passionlip and BB, and engaged in tongue wrestling with BB, while Melt is sucking him to another incredible set of orgasms. I can imagine Shirou would enjoy feeling both BB and Passionlip's breasts pressing themselves into him from front and back, as they tightly sandwich him, while feeling Meltlilith suck him dry again and again.
  25. I wouldn't know I'm sorry to say. It makes me unhappy because while I admittedly am not the most interested in your Dark Rin lemon idea, looking at it it is still worthy of writing I say. It looks like it'd be fun for someone who was into that to write. What's even more annoying is that people here won't even tell you even if you do ask for feedback like whether the idea is too big or something.
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