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Everything posted by warellis

  1. Cool. Are you going to post the chapters that you've completed and had beta'd? Because that could show people following the story that you haven't abandoned it or anything. Just to tide them over I mean
  2. So uh does anyone know what Ichasennin is doing?
  3. Just found some art of the new Berserker, Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Specifically her final ascension art:
  4. True. I just want the Hassan Assassin to die off quick so the better, hotter Assassins come out. That or get Assassins like Shuten Douji, Jack, and other fun female Assassins out for fun. Shuten Douji is one I especially would love seeing. Also Tamamo pushing Kiyohime along with her:
  5. That's the issue. I wish Ichasennin didn't have Sola's Assassin get killed. Hm maybe he could have Zouken summon a Hassan first before Sola summons her own Assassin?
  6. Would Semiramis be more an Assassin or more a Caster you'd say Kodos? Wait maybe Shuten-Douji would be a better pick for another Assassin?
  7. Hm considering the women here who will be domming Shirou, like Saber Alter & Mordred & Morgana for example, how might they deal with Shirou's obsession of his dream to become an Ally of Justice? Also regarding Lancer Arturia Alter & Saber Alter, would they be the type to share Shirou?
  8. He had me beta what I think was Chapter 3. I thought he was going to have me look at another Chapter the day after but I never got it. I beta'd what he sent me like 2 days ago. Were his updates for his Rin fic this sporadic or seemingly haphazard?
  9. So Nezha is female correct?
  10. Me too since I'll be editing for grammar!
  11. I think it'll be updated next week. He's been working on several chapters so it looks like there'll be a multi-chapter update?
  12. It's back! Yes!
  13. So has Nezha's profile and art come out yet?
  14. Thanks. Regarding your idea with Shirou running into various Servants here: I could imagine Shuten offering Shirou a drink :
  15. Xuanzang has been portrayed a lot in fiction as genderbent so in her case it isn't that weird. Also the event is the Journey to the West event.
  16. Does anyone know where Ichasennin is? I don't think he's been here for over a week. Kodos, what is Jeanne Alter like?
  17. Well in Saber's case, she does remember stuff because she sort of really wasn't a Heroic Spirit, as in not being fully dead and all that. But yeah you're right. Heh for that Children's Grail War idea of yours, all that trap-dom and femdom could possibly help Shirou sort of NTR them & break their curse.
  18. Wow. You know what I wonder? If one somehow NTRs Rama & Sita, will their curse be broken?
  19. Yeah I suspected that. Regarding Shuten, how playful is she with sex you imagine?
  20. Kodos how similar are Saber Alter & Arturia Lancer Alter in personality and such?
  21. Hm thinking on Servants, might a possible Caster for Shirou here be Semiramis? She can be summoned, in a Double class, as a Caster-Assassin hybrid. Is it possible for Atalanta to be summoned in a Double class? Also she's a fun choice since she is noted to be a friend to all children.
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