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Everything posted by warellis

  1. What's a medjed? As for Nitocris's personality, tv tropes says she is "fairly good-natured (if haughty)." Maybe she's like Nero or Luvia?
  2. I've heard King Hassan has the MEoDP (Mystic Eyes of Death Perception). Is that true? And is there any idea of what Nitocris's personality is like and such?
  3. Oh Jesus! So Lancer Arturia is the crazy one obsessed with purity. How ironic. I wonder who is considered "worthy" of living in that Camelot?
  4. So wait which Arturia is completely crazy about killing those who are "unworthy" of living in Camelot?
  5. How much enmity, or maybe rivalry ( ), would there be between both Arturia Lancers you think?
  6. Makes me kinda imagine Lancer Arturia & Lancer Arturia Alter fighting over something. Struggling as their powerful, delicious bodies heave and move. Evenly matched. Makes me kinda imagine either fighting over something sexually.
  7. Bedivere is male correct? Because I can't remember if Bedivere is supposed to be male or female. Also Kodos how do you like Lancer Artoria in looks? I remember you saying you'd enjoyed Lancer Artoria Alter's looks.
  8. Is it just me or do Arturia Lancer's breasts look not as big as Arturia Lancer Alter? As for Nitocris, her breasts seem tonget bigger in her 3rd ascension artwork.
  9. I can understand that. Any images of Nitocris out yet? Like ascension images and such? Hm would an oni like Shuten be the type to try to steal away Shirou since IIRC they were often noted in legend as stealing away victims?
  10. I've read some of those doujins. They're great. She could be like Sasaki in the sense of being someone that didn't exist I guess?
  11. Yorimitsu has an incredible body, combined with that tight bodysuit of hers. Kind of makes me imagine her bending over you in that tight bodysuit of hers, her breasts hanging just inches/centimeters over your face.
  12. Ahh Well Yorimitsu's Mad Enhancement description has been translated. Pretty interesting:
  13. I forget, did Medb ever have relations with Diarmuid? As for Artoria Alter Lancer, I get the feeling if Shirou ever ran into her here, he'd be experiencing "punishment" via her chest at some point. Or pretty fast.
  14. I always felt Kiara, maybe Medb as well, is the type to show Shirou that he may be the one that has to watch out. He might sort of become overconfident before realizing that either one, or Morgana or Dark irisviel or whoever else, can possibly overpower him in the lust department and make him their fucktoy.
  15. Hm considering Kiara's Master gets mindbroken from pleasure, I kind of wonder what Kiara uses those mindbroken by herself for. Are they used as materials for things? As mindless servants/familiars? Are they nothing more than sustenance for Kiara to drain dry? For Medb, would Shirou earn her loyalty considering her super lust for him?
  16. But do we really have enough info on those Masters to write anything about them?
  17. I haven't unfortunately.
  18. Hm regarding Phantom Jack do you think she'd enjoy her outfit more than Assassin Jack? You know that outfit she appears in. Also a cool thing about Yorimitsu is apparently she can make clones of herself for one of her Noble Phantasms. Makes me wonder if they could be used for sex as well? Hm if Miyu is there, might Kuro/Chloe be there as well somehow?
  19. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=57732333 Shuten-doujin will appear. What would Manaka do with Shirou once her goal of just him, her, her Servant Atilla, and a few other people surviving came to pass? Regarding Phantom Jack, in your mind would Jack as a Phantom/Wraith have different abilities or capabilities compared to her being summoned as an Assassin? Part of me is wondering if she could use said abilities for fun with Shirou. Sucking or fucking him while invisible? As for Sita, would she fall under Shirou's spell possibly like Miyu would? And would Miyu be like the same age as Shirou in your mind? Another fun Servant for Shirou to run into is Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Her motherly love turns into yanderic romantic love!
  20. Maybe Shirou's kindness and charisma get to her? He sort of takes her home accidentally? As for Shuten, I could honestly imagine her possibly taking Shirou home! And just ram his cock into her.
  21. What class would Shuten be?
  22. Ichasennin, have you thought of using some of the Servants who're monster girl types, like Kiyohime or Shuten Douji or Tamamo for example, as possible monster girls Shirou may run into prior to the Grail War? Like as part of Quest encounters or whatever?
  23. So is that list that you originally made still valid?
  24. How can Ilya's Herakles be a Berserker when you've mentioned in your list he'll be an Archer class? Edit: Saber: Arthuria Pendragon - Master: Emiya Shirou Caster: Morgan le Fay - Master: Kaynet El-Melloi Berserker: Mordred - Master: Tohasaka Rin Archer: Herakles - Master: Ilyasviel Von Einzbern Lancer: Chu Culainn - Master: Bazett Fraga McRemitz/Kotomine Kirei Assassin: ???? - Master: Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri/Matou Zouken Avenger: Angra Mainyu!Irisviel - Master: Grail-kun Archer: Fem!Gilgamesh - Master: none Rider: Medusa - Master: Matou Sakura/Matou Shinji Temptress: Kiara Sesshoin - Master: ????
  25. Sounds like something Medb would probably try? A sex challenge?
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