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Everything posted by warellis

  1. How is Chapter 2 coming along?
  2. No problem. And thanks for the updated version. Oh hey you're back!
  3. Is there a link to this manga?
  4. Yeah. Like are there level caps? I kind of imagine Kiara and Fem-Gil would still probably out level Shirou in Charisma. Like he has a level cap of say 100 and they have level caps of like 9000 or something like that. Something like this for example: Like even though is at his peak or whatever, he might still find Fem-Gil or Kiara more powerful than him in some areas.
  5. Heh would Shirou's charisma be enough to purge the Grail of Angra Mainyu?
  6. They'd probably stick to their original plan with modifications. The Einzbern are isolationest so they won't be going to the Association, and I can't imagine them attempting to help the Second Owner. They'll probably try to turn it to their advantage.
  7. Oh yes! I wonder how that might change things will Illya and her maids?
  8. No idea on why that occurred but yeah I read about his (well "her" here) knight robot. Pretty cool. Hm the Einzbern were noted as having spied on Shirou for some time. I wonder if they might notice his ability to attract others or his charisma and such?
  9. Well, merely someone else who dommes Shirou then and keeps him for herself in some sort of ending. False bodies, you mean like it can make itself look like someone until it gets close and sheds its disguise? Hm do you imagine the forms the shadow/Grail mud monsters might take are like voluptuous female women or something? What happens if the monster(s) possibly pull you into their bodies? Very interesting. Considering Da Vinci is Crafter type, might she also be known for alchemy or homunculi, much like the Einzbern?
  10. Well, considering most of the Masters, and Servants, will be more fighting over Shirou than the Grail, maybe it doesn't really matter if Scathach is "broken" or not. Hm any ideas on how to make the Shadow monsters from the Grail lustful or sexy here considering Dark Iri is a "Servant" here and all that? Or whatever things might spawn from/be created by Kiara?
  11. Regarding Da Vinci, what kind of inventions can she make?Also regarding Scathach,one cool thing about her is that she can summon Servants as well. She's like Medea in that she can get around some of the Grail War rules.
  12. No problem. I hope your complications get better.
  13. Yeah. Kiara, in her demon form, is essentially an Angra Mainyu of all the world's lust instead of all the world's evil.Her NP is even called Angra Mainyu/CCC . She orgasms during the attack.
  14. Hm I just wondered something: considering Kiara is essentially a Lust equivalent of Angra Mainyu, can she make living shadows/curses like Angra Mainyu/FHA Avenger can? Actually would Dark Iri here be making those living curse beings? I'm trying to figure out how to make them more sensual/lustful things.
  15. No need as a Master. She could easily just be wandering in, since she does wander about. Will we get to see Luvia & Rin in these outfits at some point?: And Rin & Sakura in these?:
  16. Will Aoko be in this? She has the magic, large chest, red hair, large chest, shotacon tendencies, and large chest, to fit here.
  17. Mostly we throw out stuff and see what sticks. It helps in Morrigan's case there isn't a big backstory for her. Allows more room for interpretation.
  18. Aoi & Rin... http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2037142 http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2058835 http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2117864 Might prove useful for Ichasennin. Hm might Illya in this timeline actually look her age? Look older?: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1919296 And how will Sella & Leysritt enjoy Shirou? I know Sella is sort of tsundere toward Shirou in Prisma Illya. And of course I'm sure Leysritt will be dutiful toward her master's new interest, helping him wake up and explode all over her chest.
  19. As for Mordred and Arturia, how bitter will their fights be over Shirou? Also may Scathach be a possible Servant here?
  20. Well in Kirei's case, he wouldn't care. He doesn't really have any "loved ones" for Shirou to NTR. FemGil I can't imagine getting NTR'd. More like she NTRs the others by stealing Shirou for herself as another treasure. Remember she too, like Kiara I imagine, will probably have even more Charisma than Shirou does.
  21. Considering how crazy this War will be, I could imagine the Church sending over Caren with Jeanne to help arbitrate and police the 5th War better. Maybe in this TL, Kirei is already dead, perhaps having died in the 4th War and FemGil was out traveling around the world in the years between the 4th & 5th Wars?
  22. He is. He's working on Saeko currently.
  23. Is the Artuia Alter you're suggesting Lancer Artoria Alter? As for Gray vs Luvia, well I think Luvia would be more interesting. Mary Read & Anne Bonny would be great for the Gunner class, especially aince they can offer threesomes once they fall in love with you. Since you mentioned Caren Kodos, I presume Kotomine Kirei died in the 4th War and Caren is presiding as the Church representative for this Fifth War? Would FemGil accept her you imagine? Caren I mean. Sion would probably be a good Master for Scathach. As for Medb hmm, I don't know unfortunately? Maybe some nameless male Master who gets ditched early on by Medb so she can be with Shirou? Or are there any female characters that might be useful as a Master for her? Hm maybe Reika for Medb considering Reika's profession? Atilla & Manaka may work. Or maybe instead of Minaka, it's Reiroukan Misaya ?
  24. Probably should ask Kodos for help there then. As for a Master for Kiara to break, maybe just some nameless magus? It's not like we'll really need to know their name or anything.
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