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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Sorry it took so long to post, I finished last night but got side tracked. So, excuses aside, 19 GITG is up.
  2. I used it more for the quote, "My name is Legion for we are many." ut no, no casting out of nanites into any sort of cattle, sorry.
  3. The .380's were their handguns, 9mm were their sub machine guns. I chose the .380 because the weapon is usually a backup and much smaller than a standard 9mm plus they are very small girls so small weapons a must
  4. Anybody can be charming if they don't mind faking it, saying all the stupid, obvious, nauseating things that a conscience keeps most people saying. Happily, I don't have a conscience. I say the other things.
  5. Believe it or not, 19 is almost done, should be up by morning. not much happens except I tie off a few loose ends.
  6. Oops, didn't see that 'not the trigger' part...oh well, be back later, I have to go buy a new TV....
  7. Ohhhh, spiders malfunction and go on a killing spree...I gotta stop watching Dexter!
  8. Probably a browser error if it corrected it self with a refresh.
  9. I think some got a hold of some bad hooch !
  10. So Max as a robotic Dexter? Kill everyone off and write more Northstar?
  11. Man you guys are hard asses! I've been pumping a chapter out every couple of days, I'm not sure I can go any faster. I worry about you when I get another contract, you guys'll go into withdrawl; best if I just stop writing all together... I know, here's how it ends: Max gets frostbite of the brain, turns into a serial killer, kills everyone in the sub and throws their bodies overboard! Can you tell I've been watching reruns of Dexter?
  12. So not a real cliffhanger, thought I'd give you a break. Started writing chapter 3 of Going Home and ended up with chapter 18 of GITG - go figure?
  13. remember the range on their built in com gear is only a couple hundred yards, when he sent the spider away he lost long range communication. I know it was ill advised, but I needed to mess him up a little so we can take him to the next level. Someone figured out the underlying theme of the story in BITG, see if anyone else can pick it up after the next few chapters.
  14. gives the girls something to do
  15. That's blasphemy, you are excomunicated! There's a reason football is played on sunday...and monday...and thursday...and friday...and saturday...with an odd wednesday thrown in...hey what happened to tuesday? Just sayin...
  16. I tend to use similar names because I have no imagination.... Actually, I just use names I like Anyway GITG 17 is up, lots of bang bang shoot em up in this one, sorry, no sex But it does have six year olds with machine guns, that's gotta be a plus
  17. So I got two things to say: #1: I want to give a shout out to jennatalia for pointing out a mistake I made Max took a deep breathe to collect himself before continuing, "We'll ride the spiders in and hit the complex just before daybreak, the flyers and stealth drones will proceed us by five minutes: Amy and Nadi, you'll position yourselves here as over-watch; Alice and Amy will be here and make their way to the garage to steal the snow cats Did you by any chance mean Becca and Nadi take the over watch position? She(?) is correct and I have fixed it in my saved copy and I'll edit the posted copy when I get a chance. I really appreciate when people point out things like this, it's hard for authors to catch these kind of mistakes because we know what we wanted to write and that's what we see when we give the chapter a quick read over. So I really do appreciate the help, and don't worry about my feelings, I'm married so you can't hurt me #2 I got a PM about a plot twist I used, specifically having May and Rick get together. I did that because I think I'm gonna have May be more of a mother to Max and sort of step back from being another lover. The author of the PM then finished the note by saying they didn't know why they had bothered because I never listen to those sort of comments any way. Well that's not true, there have been many plot twist that either came about because of reader comments or were abandoned. Remember when the tied Becca up and every one got together, I had initially planned a free for all but when I hinted at it the response was so universally negative I made it a bet between Amy and Emma and it never became a true orgy. And when hungry ins was upset because I hinted the mothers would both get with rick; well my plan was for Rick to have his own Haden, sort of an older version of Max. But Hindu was right I had large and max's relationship too set at that point for her to jump ship. I had May do it for a specific reason, mainly I think she is going to be more of a mother to him and not just another girl in his bed which is sorta what has happened. So don't hesitate to point out it twists you do t like because if I'm on the fence about something I let the readers comments decide which way I'll go. Now don't get too crazy, it is a sci fi story and I'm keeping Alice as is, I happen to think a lesbian robot is just too cool. So I'd like to thank everyone for there comment, because even when you don't like what I've done with the story it does help me plan out or even abandon of lines. I really think a lot of the comments that some people would say are negative have actually helped make the story as fun as it is.
  18. So was thinking about writing another going home chapter and was wondering if the sex free thing is off putting to anyone, seems to be detrimental on the site that shall not be named
  19. You guys will have to forgive me - no thought of the day because I'm still too depressed I'm a raiders fan, need I say more? This just about sums it up...
  20. No, all that gets explained after they get home and everyone starts grilling them, but there will be one hell of a twist. Mwahahaha, and a truly nasty cliffhanger. And then a three month hiatus...nah, I like writing too much
  21. You asked and you shall recieve, twins in Kevlar! Chapter 16 GITG is up
  22. No, I think they like when I hurt myself, then they can say they told me so!
  23. I was rebuilding a law mower engine, that's right, I'm multiple talented...of course it's still not running <sigh>
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