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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. Have the sister and brother confront each other then try and wrestle control from the other. It can culminate with the brother finally gaining the upper hand and tricking the sister into taking the harem programming; he then completely takes over or you an actually have the sister eventually turn the tables on him, feminize the brother right along with the father and daughter and mother take over...maybe turn dom and use the two new sissy's
  2. oops, last two post should have been in my other thread...damn alzhiemers!
  3. Nice to see he has his priorities straight
  4. Yeah, but when I started that wasn't the plan, but by the third chapter or so I started having all these ideas for plot lines, so I opened my big mouth and stepped right in it
  5. I'll probably try and finish the first book of Northstar (It's sort of planned as a two book series) Course BITG wasn't supposed to be a trilogy (And who know, maybe I'll just keep going) and Going Home was supposed to be a stand alone short story. But I would like to get at least one of the books finished, I have three windows open right now and every now and then I'm mixing up names and even writing the wrong story in the wrong window. Plus I have an idea for a pirate story (Mainly because I want to use the line "He ripped her bodice from her heaving breasts!")
  6. Yeah, I really like the feedback, I have saved the comments and plan to use them if I ever get around to editing this monster. My plan is to edit out a lot of the hardcore sex, not all but some. BITG especially was written with the audience in mind and when I didn't have sex in a chapter everyone went nuts; I really like that at this site sexless chapters don't get me flamed quite as much. Who knows, maybe when it's cleaned up a bit I'll shop it around, all I've ever had published before were textbooks and training manuals ( not a lot of fun to write or read) so this should be something different. But as you can tell by my plethora of mistakes, I'm not much on editting; it's not as fun as letting my imagination run wild. Oh, and I assure you, the third book isn't about the DOD, that would be way to predictable...I've got something cominig from WAAAYYYY out in left field And I know I push the realm of belivability sometimes, well a lot of the time, but that's the fun of writing sci-fi; include some realistic themes right along side things that are just plain crazy! I mean is it any worse than boy wizards that need corrective lenses? I mean if you can re-grow bones why can't you cure a little myopia?
  7. Ok, have a few questions to answer. No, never touched on blowing up the underground complex, honestly I never even thought about it I use the desriptives to address who I'm talking about so I don't write the names like five times in the same sentence. Since there are a lot of scenes between to girls just using pronouns can get confusing Had some comments about Jeeves and the profesor, I thought it was a natural progression; they were built together, have been basically coinhabitants of the houses systems since they were built, they became self aware together, and since they are machines normal ideas that humans have about sexuality don't really apply to them. Call it a friendship that evolved into something else I tend to agree about naming Tess's baby after Cat's sister rather than Cat, but didn't think of it (really wish I had too, that would have been a fun little tangent) As for the twins acting like adults one minute and kids the next, well believe it or not it happens; I have seen girls that young or just a bit older act so mich more mature than their years after deep trauma like the twins; they ussually aren't as happy or recover so quickly but I didn't want them completely messed up, I think the story is more fun this way - call it artistic licence. and the last question: I am planning another book with new bad guys, it'll be something that evolves out of something Max did in the first book. But the third book will probably end the story.
  8. Uh oh, I think someone is on to something...
  9. Not sure what you mean, but if your asking if the priest starts banging people in the family then no, I have other less pleasant plans for him.
  10. Ok, ask and...well you know the rest GITG 22 is up
  11. Wow, there seems to be a lot of Harry Potter stories in here...just sayin...
  12. Oh. yeah, I think you have to reg here to jump back and forth.
  13. symantics = the study of the meaning of word while drinking baby formula (symilac)
  14. That is sooo wrong, then why am I laughing so hard?
  15. You need me to email you some chapters?
  16. I have to go to church after all
  17. You're not gonna shoot me are ya? about half done with 22, football slowing me down
  18. And a few holes in the hull!
  19. I do try and fix stuff here, edits are easy. I tend to let them ride at the other site because it's a long drawn out procedure to fix a problem and I'm kinda lazy
  20. OK, went back and I think I have the timeline fixed in GITG 21. Just a question and I don't want anyone to think I'm bitching about people pointing out mistakes, I truly apriciate the help because I just don't see these things while i'm writing. Now the question is do the rather high number of rrors really bother anyone a lot, because I can do a proper edit and while that probably won't fix them all it would greatly reduce them. However that would slow my postings down a fair amount... I kinda like you the readers finding my mistakes, makes me feel like microsoft, and then going back and fixing them; but if its really bothering those of you who like reading my little tale, I would gladly take some more time between posts.
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